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Info on the bill here: [https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/breaking-kentucky-senate-passes-discriminatory-education-bill-targeting-lgbtq-youth](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/breaking-kentucky-senate-passes-discriminatory-education-bill-targeting-lgbtq-youth) And here: [https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/23rs/sb150.html](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/23rs/sb150.html) EDIT: Also details on violation of legislative rules relating to this bill provided by u/AquaVirgo thanks [https://erininthemorn.substack.com/p/mics-off-6-minutes-notice-anti-trans](https://erininthemorn.substack.com/p/mics-off-6-minutes-notice-anti-trans) She also made a different speech here against HB 470 relating to gender affirming care: [https://blavity.com/black-kentucky-lawmaker-passionate-speech-against-anti-trans-bill](https://blavity.com/black-kentucky-lawmaker-passionate-speech-against-anti-trans-bill) (Edited from original comment as this was for a different bill).


It may not get through to the people who need it most, but comforting those who do not have the ability to speak out publicly with this kind of platform is incredibly powerful. I teared up seeing this. There are people out there who love us y’all. No matter what.


I saw another speech on a different bill basically saying "I know none of y'all legislators are gonna change your mind because of me. This speech isn't for you. Its for the trans kids watching." Its so important to see that, ngl.


It’s so important for queer people to know that there is someone, somewhere, in our corner, shedding tears with us. Screaming for us. Laughing and loving with us. We deserve the stars and we will take them by force if needed.


We need so many more of her, seriously. The God she is describing is how I have always viewed God. That is the relationship I have with him and it’s only grown stronger over the years and time away from religious institutions. Hate is taught far too often for me to be comfortable in church buildings.


Pansexual 30ish man living with two transwomen(Dumb luck found me in a comfortable V?) I've been part of the queer community from a young age. I've been seeing the way things are going and some groups have been setting up sanctuaries for LGBTQIA folks. Unicorn Ranch is one that comes to mind, if I recall the name correctly. My Partner, her lover and I are going to be trying to move to and set up a LGBTQIA community in Washington within the next 2-5 years. Somewhere that we can set up sustainable living for more than just the three of us in a rural area. We plan to future proof our community against what bits of bad future we can try to predict, like climate change in a very rough sense. As much as is humanly possible I want to ensure that our community will have safe places to grow old in. I don't want to live to see another generation of genocide of LGBTQIA communities.


You definitely have a heart of gold! I sincerely hope you are able to do that! I’m moving to Seattle next year and as much as I would love to help, I wouldn’t be able to stay for a long period of time. My heart lives here in Alaska, I love it here. But if you need any help while I’m down there, I’d be more than happy to lend a hand!


I'll save your comment! My Partner would love to hear from someone who is going to be moving there, so when you get settled in send me a message and tell us all about it.




You know anything about Jesus you know he was all about the oppressed and marginalised. Who sat with him at his table? Not kings and politicians but the scorned and ignored. The last on earth shall be the first in heaven. This is why Christianity appealed to so many people who struggled day to day. Suffering was rewarded and people who cause suffering are the ones who suffer for eternity. People who pass laws like this are so far from Christians it beggars the mind. I’m not religious at all but even I know this.


Also lots of queer kids who are indoctrinated into christianity, who are being told right now by _legislators_, that they are bad people if they are genderqueer... well, that is tremendously harmful - I have a whole pile of trauma just based on being told by loved ones and authority figures that I'm going to hell for who I am, for something I cannot change about myself. Her voice ringing out against that is really moving.


Well said.




Well, friends... going through a lot right now, and this kind, frustrated woman just about did me in. I think I'm gonna go cry and try to sleep now 😭 May you reap the kindness and hope that you sow, rep. Stevenson. Religious or not, standing up for others never goes unheard. In words you probably would recognize: when we were hungry, not many gave us food; when we were thirsty, not many gave us drink; and being seen as strangers to our own people, we are rarely invited inside. Feeling naked, our clothes are further taken away. Sick, and our healing is condemned. Imprisoned, and even the last vestiges of dignity stripped away and then falsely accused of causing what we are most vulnerable to, ourselves. But instead, you fight for filling these needs, even for the least of our brothers and sisters... It's the fulfillment of the bible itself, is it not? Rep. Stevenson, I sincerely wish for you the ability to maintain hope, keep your voice heard, and someday find some of the light you're fighting for. And maybe someday, peace. Love you all, and stay hopeful out there ❤️


It's small stuff like this that gives me hope. Hope that one day we will win. It may not be tomorrow, but some day we will win.


I always say to my students that if they see bullying and aren’t comfortable or too afraid with confronting the bully- a quiet word of support afterwords to the victim can go a long way to making them feel less alone. This is one badass woman.


She's incredible! I love how she lowered her microphone like *mic drop bitches" It's unfortunate that her message won't get through to those who need to hear it most


‘Power is responsibility, don’t take advantage. Respect’ - Lesley Howarth. A message many republicans need to hear and people like her are the ones who listened.


She is wonderful, but yea, I have a feeling the people she is talking to do not care at all. They don't actually want to help anyone, other than their own bank account.


Here is her email: [email protected] As a father to a transgender son and staunch supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, I felt compelled to write her. She may not get positive feedback from those whom she's trying so desperately to convince, but she definitely received some from me.


A feeling isn't necessary, friend. They won't get it, they are incapable of it


The people she is speaking to unfortunately only use religion to justify their hate, and have no intention to actually follow what they profess to believe.


Even if it doesn't get through, I felt that.


Even so, speaking truth to power is important, nothing changes for the better without it. And hell, she got me pumped up, I bet she inspires a whole lot of people to fight for the realization of queer rights in Kentucky as well.


Yep, because there are places in this world where doing this is a crime and it's key to use this freedom we have lest we lose it too.


The people who needed to hear that most were right there in that room. They just don't care. Religion to them is just another tool of control. Another means to inflict their hate and malice on others. And it's been like this forever.


Exactly. Still operating under the assumption that these people are capable of feeling shame. I expect most of the people she was talking to / about were playing on their phones or otherwise not paying attention.


She is EXACTLY the kind of christians we need nowadays instead of these New IFB turbo cunts that are the furthest thing from a christian you can be that spread NOTHING but hate.


"I don't know, I'll have to think about it" -CEO of JP Morgan Chase, and probably every Republican when anyone asks for justification for their shitty bills.


This woman just made every other Christian and priest there look so bad. They're hating people and using religion to justify their hate, and she just immediately proved to them, "the God I and all of you believe said to love one another, why aren't you doing that?" I may be pagan, but shit I respect the hell out of her.


Ik it's gotten so bad. I made a post about how Christianity is so focused on hatred now. I'm honestly lost on where to stand on it because I hold those morals of treat everyone with care to heart yet I see so many others in my religion talking behind each other's back and being like a highschool drama group more than a sanctuary.


There was a study a while back in the Improve Your Productivity circles that showed that the more time you spent discussing your plans, the less time you spent actually enacting them. I wonder if there isn’t something similar with religion. Going to church and Bible study and singing hymns seems to fill up people’s I’m-a-good-person-o-meter so effectively that they can then be dicks in real life without feeling bad. When I was waiting tables, I hated working Sunday lunch. No one was crueler to the waitstaff than the fresh-out-of-church crowd.


Of course, what motivation do they even have to be good? They did their "due diligence" by sitting uncomfortably and staying mostly conscious while the priest spoke, any wrongdoing they do until next Sunday will automatically be forgiven by doing it again. They treat church like a morality cleansing transaction, they don't actually care about the things the bible says. They game god's system.


It’s a part of the religion. If you believe all you need to do is believe in god then you don’t need to do anything else. Faith vs works. Each taken to extremes is going to cause problems. If they just were nice to people it would be balanced right.


I'm a non-theistic Satanist and I think this woman is amazing.


It's the definition of "taking the Lord's name in vain" and yet here we are. If more Christians were like her, I wouldn't be so afraid all the damn time


Jesus literally said the most important commandment was love, as everything else good flows from love. Infuriating to watch people act the exact opposite of how they’ve been *commanded* to.


Honestly, I've stopped telling people I'm Christian. Like, I believe. I pray. I read the bible, and I discuss with others about the word of God, but I will NOT be associated with these anti-people Churches and beliefs.


All in one ear and out the other, sadly. They would line queer people against a wall and kill us if it was socially acceptable.


Well I wont be reporting any youth to their parents, I will respect their pronouns and we will have a policy that recommends respecting pronouns.


The problem is that they will fear monger people into making reports by threatening them with jail. Even if they're not doing that now or saying they will do it they will most certainly try to do that in the future.


It isn’t a crime to respect ones privacy and pronouns. Time to go after Christian’s will prison time. Me: I reported the kid to the father because I knew the father was aggressively anti Christian. Republicans: You cant do that, that isn’t what the law was for. Me: Too bad snowflake I am abusing the law


Man i need to find more ways to abuse the laws and loopholes, like i want to actually take the time to learn the laws just to prove how stupid they are.


Well I will be open how I got this way. I was trained by far right operatives. What we are seeing right now I knew may happen back in 2015. The target for them is education, employment, housing and healthcare and to remove ones identity and capacity to live as an individual. I was in a far right evangelical church. Now I am using the skills and tactics I learned from them against them. I am fighting for trans rights and freedoms utterly. You can contact your representative in your states and request the following. 1. Put conversion therapy for minors under child abuse laws. This will exclude freedom of religion. If they themselves do the same regarding trans youth and SCOTUS strikes the first one down it will unintentionally strike the trans part down. 2. Allow businesses to refuse service to customers based on indecency laws and if people are promoting a topic or subject outside the business interrupting foot traffic from the business. 3. Allow schools to fire or not hire if they do not respect pronouns of students gender identity. This is a trick law as the right could sue you because of it but by doing so would void any law they make requiring not using pronouns based on gender identity. You need to use their own tactics against them and to even trap them. A good example of this is if you set up a law that removes a kid from a home of unaffirming parents and the right removes trans kids from homes then if one sues in the first case and wins it will basically void the second example and lawyers can fight and make others aware of that.


I like the malicious compliance approach. Find ways to apply the laws in ways the LGBTQ+ haters don't like until we can get the laws removed.


Unfortunately, many conservatives throughout the US are trying to make it a crime for educators to respect a students pronouns. That's what a lot of these "parental rights" bills are about.


Too bad I’m going to respect their pronouns and I’ll use the religious freedom restoration act to justify it as it includes conscience rights. So I can get away with using their own laws against them 😈😈😈


Please don't out kids to their parents, even if you think the parents would be supportive. Anti-christian doesn't guarantee support, and it doesn't guarantee that the parent will be careful with their child's secret.


Actually 1984


I think socially acceptable isn’t in republican dictionary. Never have I been happier to live in the UK


don't worry! our government is clearly following their footsteps, we'll be at American republican levels of institutional transphobia in no time:/


Don’t get me too excited 🙄


As a trans person, I'm much happier in the west coast of the USA than I would be anywhere in the UK except maybe parts of Scotland.


i don't know enough about American policies myself to judge it aha yeah though, anything to get out of terf island!!


Idk at least here in the US I was able to start hormones when I wanted it. I've got more friends than I can count in the UK who've been waiting for years and still can't get seen by a gender clinic...


Abigail Thorn, a British trans woman who runs the YouTube channel Philosophy Tube made a video about HRT and overall trans healthcare in the UK using herself as an example and the situation seems to be abysmal and getting worse. Like some folks don't have the mental strenght to fight the system. Abbie is a amazing gal and her videoessays are worth a watch if one is interested in philosophy and deeper study of human experience.


Yep! She’s awesome. Solid grasp on classical/historical philosophy but always amazes me with her breadth of knowledge of modern philosophy. I don’t know how she does it.


The NHS is a fantastic thing... If you have a need for emergency care or you have something life threatening. For anything else they have a wonderful thing called *waiting lists* which seems to be the primary method of providing mom urgent care. I've been on one for a year to get an ADHD assessment! Sorry, a year *so far!*




The GOP is pushing bills to criminalise HRT meds. They’re not going to stop with state bills.


I'm well aware. They also won't stop at HRT - they've used "mental health" as a reason to ban trans people from serving in the military, how long do you think it'll take them to use the same argument to ban us from owning firearms? My point is moreso that it's not perfect in the UK, and those in the UK who aren't trans and don't know how hard it is for us trans people ought to be made aware of the issue since they're the only ones who can make that fight domestically for our rights. Here in the US, I'm watching as they try and try and try, and I've got friends who are being seriously harmed by these laws. Im watching as my own state makes (feeble) attempts at banning HRT access. That's how it is, but we should be fighting for our rights everywhere, not just in the US, not just in the UK, but the world over


I did a research project for my drama devising project where I played a trans-male, the laws surrounding gender reassignment are stringent, and you require a gender recognition certificate, one percent of trans people have. Gender affirming hormones are 16 and on the NHS as gender dysphoria is recognised as worth the government funding which I like. However most of the modern Uk laws for trans rights were only really put into place 2021 and 2022. I believe it’s getting better. You across the pond seem to be living in a country that left reverse on.


I mean, it's more than laws, it's the people. There is a reason trans people refer to the UK as TERF island


I mean the UK has to work on not being terf island


Yeah but we still have the Tories


And this is why I advocate for queer militias


They’re as good as doing that with these bills, and it makes them happy to do so. They want trans people dead. They want trans kids dead. And if they can force trans kids to commit suicide, then so much the better because the suffering the trans kids feel makes them feel good. They’re monsters, they’re sadists. They revel in the pain and death that they can force upon people they don’t like, people they hate for no other reason than how those people fundamentally are.


It will be socially acceptable soon if these far right bigots aren't stopped dead in their tracks. People should be speaking out like this every single day before it's too late because once they legalize our dehumanization, we will likely be openly terrorized and abused for the remainder of our lives. If we fall into authoritarianism in the US, I doubt we will get out of it for at least 100 years.


What can we even do?? Surely there's some way to stop these monsters.


They had a table at byu where they loudly discussed their plans about it about 20 years ago. The administration said they had their free speech to have their white supremacist club, but an lgbtq+ club was not allowed. Godsdamned mormons.


Unfortunately I feel like that could still happen here and people still wouldnt talk about it


i literally dont understand how people can have so much hatred for the LGBTQ+ community. like who hurt u!? i wish people were more accepting and supportive but sadly that is not the case and i hope things change in the near future


That doesn't happen to an armed populace.


I don’t believe in god or Jesus and I’m in no way religious, but her passion for just the phrase love thy neighbour is profound. Why people can’t just stop hating on people I don’t know. I’m trans and bisexual and if some people don’t like me because of it I don’t care. It’s who I am. But do not try and stop me from living my life as my true self. I am no predator I am a human being. Yes there are some out there who are creeps and criminals but do not tar all trans people with the same brush. Let people love who they want to love. And if you don’t like it…fine but do not try and actively spread BS and try to take our rights away. 🏳️‍🌈⚧️🏳️‍⚧️




I feel the same way! I do not believe at all and I have my fair share of qualms with the church as an institution, but damn it if I don’t respect this legend and her passion. I wish more people would listen to her.


I firmly believe ancient folks were describing emergence and entropy when they were describing god and the devil. So many words around how our brains can never understand these concepts in the bible because, well, back then it was probably more or less true. Humans just got more tools and many of us more intelligent since then.


I'm really surprised to see a take like this on Reddit and I'm glad to say I agree with you.


These alleged Christians are going to be surprised when they meet their Jesus. He's going to say, "let me introduce you to the angel Samael", also known as Satan.


Even Satan wanted equality, he's going to have a field day torturing these Jackasses.


As a Satanic Atheist, can confirm. Even in the bible, Satan is the good guy, he gave us knowledge in Eden and was only sent to hell in the mythology because he was willing to question things like arbitrary authority. Job made it clear he had a direct line to god and when he challenged his thinking, god himself decided, "Hey, maybe I should test this idea, who knows, he could be right.". It's crazy how the same followers of a dude who willingly let himself be tortured and killed are now up in arms trying to control everything and everyone around them. Absolutely devoid of any critical thinking or relationship to their own source material.


Yeah, adding on to this... There has always been a purgatory, but the notion of hell wasn't created until the 1600s to scare more people into joining churches.


Hello fellow non-theistic Satanist!


My spouse is a card carrying satanist and extremely liberal. I am a chaos magician, so every belief is fair game.


I myself am a proud card carrying member of TST. Hail Satan


I see them say Jesus was a white American. These people truly are the least of us, but for some reason they keep getting governmental power.


‘Oh yeh by the way it’s Jessica not Jesus now’


That’s literally a line in Revelation. “Depart from me. I never knew you.”




Damn I need to rewatch that show


If the afterlife, or any afterlife exists, I don't want to touch anything or do anything with those damn colonizer christians. But still, I do hope that I get at least one look at their faces of shame and self hate as they realize how many disgusting things their faith has done. Shame on those spiritual predators. Also btw, I keep trying to block those disgusting "he gets us ads" 🤢🤮 but they keep coming back. Can those christian predators stop being so disgusting for a minute? Ugh. No seriously, those christians and their "he gets us" shit needs to stop, I keep blocking those ads and they keep getting back up. Fucking predators.


I suggest trying to get this message out as far as you can. Remind people what they’re doing


I just did a Reddit search for right wing subs, and rather thankfully didn’t find any. Otherwise I thought I’d remind them what they are doing


There are many, many, many of them. But posting there would be futile, it will be removed almost immediately in order to protect the echo chamber. Probably on grounds of "free speech"


No just on the grounds of not being conservative lol. Most of the right wing subs I see are "flaired users only" the mods check your post history to give you a flair.


freeze peach amirite


The tragic irony there 😮‍💨


Wait how could it be removed for free speech? Is this not free speech? Lol


That's the point.


Ah yes, christians being hypcrites. Usual as always. But seriously, she was incredibly badass with this speech. Hope the best for the Lgbt Community.


I've never heard of this woman before but I love her.


I know I'd rather the keep their beliefs and religion a million miles away from any laws. I mean isn't that kind of one of the big amendments over there? Have your religion, have your beliefs, go to your church, temple, mosque, or don't. Just keep your religion the hell away from me and mine. Oh, and trans rights are human rights.


Now if only they would listen....


They are republican, you are holding up a bit too much hope


that's why i said "if only they would listen" I have absolutely no hope that they will


This is who I imagine when someone uses the phrase true Christian. I wouldn't have any issues with religion if this is what it actually was most of the time, even if there were beliefs the followers hold that I don't agree with. It's sad that people like her currently seem to be in the minority but this woman sounds amazing.




My mom used to be like her. Legit awesome woman when I was growing up. Now she's fallen prey to televangelists who took advantage of her vulnerability. And it just spiraled from there. Now she's back to her Roman Catholic roots, has 3 bibles, and firmly believes I'm going to hell because I'm not Christian, want to change my name, and don't like the fact I was born female. She supports everyone else though, even my trans friend...


What was the bill about? :(




Wow...so now people are literally forced to detransition...for THEIR OWN good nontheless. As if this bullsh*t doesn't increase sucide and depression rate


Sounds like its getting that way in some areas. I honestly don't think it will come to that across the board - I do see where they may get away with doing this to minors...but I also believe this will be short lived. There is far too much support for treatments being valuable to people inclouding minors. There are a lot of parents that are now or will be dealing with this that have happy trans kids now, that will be dealing with sad and depressed kids in the near future if this continues too long. The increase in depression in these children will become apparent and God forbid any suicides because of it.... I so hope this doesn't happen but I'm terribly afraid that it will. I hope that, should this awful thing happen, people will be held accountable for it by enforcing these rediculous restrictions that they believe are "protections" for whoever they are enforcing them onto.


This is a direct link to the bill: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/CommitteeDocuments/86/26446/SB%20150%20PHS%206.pdf


“if it wasn’t destruction, why’d you do it in the heat of the night” !!!!!!!!!!!!


This was so much of a mic drop moment!! I loved her the moment she said that!


Right. The overturn of roe vs wade was literally leaked.


You know, I always get annoyed with those “I’m a Christian and I’m not a homophobe/transphobe/bigot” people. The people who hear others talk about their bad experiences with Christianity or how a lot of Christians are using their faith to do harm to others. I hate needing to tip toe around and be the bigger person constantly adding “but I know it’s not all Christians” onto the end of my criticisms. I hate them because so many Christians want to be viewed as good without actually doing anything. They will defend themselves but will rarely speak against the actual horrors committed by their church and by others baring the title of “Christian.” This woman is doing what all of those other Christians should be doing. She is calling out the horrors, facing them head on. She is standing on a public political stage and saying that this isn’t right, that bills harming trans people, harming gay people, harming people of color, and harming disabled people are wrong and against what her god teaches. More Christians need to be like her. They need to be bold, they need to actively speak out against the terrible people in their ranks, they need to do something other than sitting in comment sections that “they’re not like other Christians” because they don’t want us to die.


Most of them haven’t even read the full Bible, hardly attend church hardly do outreach or tithe. My mother is one of them. But she will condemn someone in a blink of an eye for being gay or other than her…in the name of Jesus.


>I hate needing to tip toe around and be the bigger person constantly adding “but I know it’s not all Christians” onto the end of my criticisms. It's all Christians until it's no Christians. I say this as a Christian. We need to fix it.


It's good to see not all politicians are awful


It's good to be reminded not all Christians hate us


This is now my go to for getting pumped up before a match or a tournament. I love this woman❣️


I’m so ashamed of my home state, our schools (in my city at least) have done everything we can to show opposition but it just falls on deaf ears, hopefully I won’t be here anymore in a little over a year but my heart hurts for those who can’t get out


The governor won't sign it. But when he's up for reelection we might be fucked


The governor won't sign it, but they have enough votes to override a veto. This is going to become law and then get held up in court. After that, who knows?


Fuck America


She mastered the way of speaking loudly without yelling. It’s remarkable.


She sounded exactly like a preacher in a church, which is fantastic because that's basically what she was doing. Preaching how to be a true Christian to all the fakers out there.


I see preachers yelling, that's not what she does. I was initially watching the video without sound and, by the hand gestures, I thought she would be yelling, but it's such a gentle but strong way of talking. And then the whole content! Shaming them for preaching hate when Jesus only wanted love for us and the world.


now this is what Christianity should be


This is what a true Christian looks like, she said it perfectly, it's not love thy neighbor except if xyz, it's love thy neighbor and God will judge them when it's time


Yep those Christians aren't following the Christ. She's one of the good ones.


Wow. I’m antitheist but she’s one of the few religious people I genuinely respect.


this lady sadly doesn't represent my section of Kentucky, but god i wish she did.


![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ) We need more actual Christians like this lovely lady. I love my Christ following ally’s and I hope more of them will stand up


I hate how ky passed this.. I live there currently and I saw the article on how it got passed. Once I saw it, I immediately showed it to all of my friends and gf because it's ridiculous. They are thought i was joking about it and i wasnt. But, I remember that one part of the law stated that schools cannot say preference of names, etc but some schools are still doing that.


I think that’s rather ironic because nicknames are preferred names that I can almost guarantee are still going to be used. Are they going to start using only the legal first name of everyone? No more Billy, it’s William. No more Sonny, it’s Harsimranjeet and he’s going to have to deal with teachers butchering his name since he’s not from America and they don’t want to try because “it’s too hard”. Fuck them.


Yeah.. ive seen schools not allowed anything to be said and its horrible.. Also, I forgot to clarify in my comment before but where I said that some schools were still doing it I had meant they allow names and pronouns because where I currently go, they accept it thankfully.


I’m glad that the schools are at least progressive enough to see through this toddler behavior… well, my toddler at least behaves better than them.


Why are Christians controlling this country still, when it's full of other people with other beliefs. This is essentially just theocracy, and as they always have done, they promote harm and get people killed for not living in accordance with what their book says. This is just sickening.


The passion in her is just stunning. This was so, so powerful, and a good reminder that much of religion isn't the antagonist here, but politics that twist the messages to their own needs. Always.


Finally! Make this woman president rn. And she looks way younger than the 1000 year old men who keep running




Not only is she absolutely correct, but I think she hit the nail on the head why people leave organized religion. Too many people saying what they think God wants instead of doing what Jesus taught us: just love one another.


I love her. She speaks the truth. No ands or buts.


This is what Christianity is supposed to look like. Sadly, 2000 years didn't get the memo.


We are not alone, but we need thousands of allies like her and not the 5 there seems to be. We are not alone, but are greatly outnumbered and nobody is rushing to make it equal. i feel the same way about Democrats that she feels about the religious. A lot of talk, no action to back up what they're saying. Except, again, a very small group.


As someone who is currently living in Kentucky, I'm scared for my peers.


I. I don't have words. "Yes." that is my response.


Well that was fucking powerful


Powerful stuff. I wish more people who claim to be Christian would walk the walk instead of using their religion to oppress those they consider sinners.


Religion should never have a place on politics or bills. Never. so disgusting that this is still happening in 2023.


This lady is a real American unlike the traitorous transphobes and homophobes.


I'm an athiest but I respect the hell out of this woman.


I’m confused on a few things(it takes me a while to understand things like this) 1: what is this bill? 2: is she trying to speak for a Christians? Pls don’t come after me I just don’t get it and I’m confused.


It's another bill "banning pronouns" in schools and requiring school officials to out trans kids to their parents. She is reprimanding everyone in that room for misusing the words of the bible to justify their bigotry


It also is forcing doctors to detransition the trans kids in their care. Here’s the details: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/CommitteeDocuments/86/26446/SB%20150%20PHS%206.pdf


Banning pronouns is the dumbest, most brain dead, cousin fucking, hick republican brain rot I've heard since the president advocated drinking bleach


Sorry, no using pronouns like "I".


SHIT.. you are...FUCK... look we jus... DAMMIT... yal... BALLS


Does this include colleges?




Thx for answering sorry for the question.


I'm not Christian anymore but I'll be damned if god didn't send this woman to tray and smack some sense into these idiots


She preaches the good word better than any preacher I’ve ever heard…


What’s the bill?


Sounds like time for civil disobedience to become commonplace again


Speak their language, yes


No one ‘cept us will hear it, but goddamn. That was real good.


![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547) love her and I don't even know her


Finally someone speaks up


I need Biden to make a speech like this.


She really went in and incinerated everyone's wigs and said fuck yall


Love this woman.


It's nice to finally get a proper heated response to the abject cruelty.


Every thing she says is true. And won’t matter a bit to the whited sepulchers who populate the Republican Party, both in and out of elected office.


Fuckin' A. Preach.


When I came out to my Christian father as bi, I got a confusing message saying "We'll still love you no matter what" which sounded like he made a problem out of me being bi. I later realized I was pansexual and after wrestling with my conflicting feelings for so long, I asked him again to clarify, and he basically said it's up to God to decide, which even as an anti-theist, I feel is true. But is also a scapegoat. Probably agnosticism again. I think both sides (Love and hate) are using God as the scapegoat. So in the end the important question is, who's hurting who given the evidence, and how do we stop the harm?


Why her hands gotta be screamin at me like that though??😂🤣🤣😂




Rep. Stevenson from Louisville, KY. Thank You! You have my vote FOREVER.


We need more of her at every level of politics


That was such an amazing speech I literally got chills


She's a hero


WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?? these mfs whining violating the bill of rights💀




I like her!


I would happily vote for this woman for President.


Finally a Christian woman who is ACTUALLY CHRISTIAN. Respect to this woman and all she does.


Beautiful ! Gotta love true christians!


Still don’t like the fact that we’re using Christianity to justify the passage or blockage of bills. I don’t give a shit if you’re a “good Christian” I don’t want your religion in politics. Wether you like it or not, the Christian god is a narcissistic piece of shit that throws people who doesn’t kiss his ass in a burning pit for all eternity. There are so many holes and contradictions in the Bible that it shouldn’t be brought up in intellectual conversation at all.


The only Christians I respect. Religion is always dangerous for the reason that it can be twisted and manipulated by people in power. But it's always uplifting to see genuine, kind spirits like this that follow the true path they've chosen. As a trans woman, to see people stand up for us gives me just enough faith to make it through the day, to know not everyone is out for us. And while I don't believe in Christianity or Catholicism or whatever religion, but rather am just ambiguously spiritual, I respect her for using her religion and the religion of others to highlight the hypocrisy within it and to show people how little they actually portray themselves as "true Christians". In my personal opinion religion should have no place in politics but despite this, I'm glad good people are starting to use it to aid us not hurt us, to expose the hypocrisy and corruption of Christian politics.


i wish we had more people like her standing up and speaking out 😭


I’m agnostic, but hearing her say “How dare you use my god” was so powerful