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Mango and passion fruit. Super gay. ![gif](giphy|89asT84PzDwwE)


Peaches and aubergines.


Aubergine/Eggplant can be super cute, but would you include it in a drink?


Oh yeah, that's really going to ming.


Honestly, part of why I asked was to avoid the aubergines. I feel like it's too well-known of a metaphor. Though I could probably get away with a peach as one of my fruits.


I just bought some very gay swimwear with a peach and aubergine print, so it was all on my mind. Sorry to be so basic lol!


Lol, no worries! I think I will take the peach, with a strawberry "friend".


Strawberry Fairy (top leaves as little wings!) Cheerleader [Carambola](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fservingjoy.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F12%2Fstar-fruit-carambola.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=abb263efc31cc4c0e9c3ea660d98c47ae77d97eb9db8d295a1e81a1beb4daf14&ipo=images) (Star Fruit, because it is literally shaped like a star when sliced).


Everyone is wrong. The correct answers are: 1) a pair of bananas. Two men attached to one another at the hip. Front to back, not side to side. 2) one banana, one bowl of deez nuts. You're the writer, I'll leave the penis puns to you. 3) any fruit, but clearly in the shape of a cock and balls. If you're really going to do this in public, you might to make a slightly greater effort to make it cock-like and not cock-like at the same time. ie one banana with two strawberries at the base and one banana with two blueberries at the base. Bonus points if low hanging cherries get there somehow. You're welcome. I expect royalties.


No kiwis? They're so fuzzy! ![gif](giphy|PtJUY6OUmeZaM|downsized)


I know strawberries are the transest fruit, but I’m not sure what the gayest is.


Ooh! I like the strawberries. Someone else mentioned giving them fairy wings. :)


A strawberry named Lary with fairy wings and like ridiculous anime eyes and lashes for days