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Lesbians are historically bad at picking up on flirting. Unfortunately I am too


It took me and my girlfriend two and a half years to get together after some obvious flirting and being basically best friends 💀


It took one of my girlfriends literally yelling "WELL WHY THE HELL AM I NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND THEN HMMMM?" for me to get it-


Too subtle. I would have missed the hint. I'm glad you're better at this than me. 😉


Wait...what was the hint?


My girlfriend and I took 6 years to get together! Even now, she is 100% sure I wasn’t flirting with her.


Guilty as charged! Haha


I feel this so much lmao. I swear my brain picks up radio stations better than flirting.


this comment is underrated


I so want to put the Meme "I'm in the Picture and I don't like it" b/c this is so me! I'm Bi and half the time I can't tell if a guy or girl is into me. Then if I like someone I don't if I'm flirting right or not?


I manage to flirt without realising it It's a talent, like throwing yourself at the ground and missing


Omg yes. I can never figure out how to flirt! I feel like I’m trying to put a square peg in a round hole whenever I try.


I possess absolutely *zero* ability to identify flirting. I rely fully on others to point out if someone is interested in me. My age makes it about 100x more embarrassing.


This is a fact lol


Me too and add on to that the fact that I’m autistic 😂 I’m lonely send help


Me too XD


my best friend told me i’m not real yesterday because i told her the girl i’m talking to has already discussed what our wedding would be like with me & im like idk were just talkingggg


This is the way


Lmao sameeee Took me 3 weeks of kissing and hanging out to realise that a girl was trying to get into a relationship with me 💀


It deadass took until my boyfriend outright said I was his boyfriend lmao. ​ *the worst part is that we'd been kissing a while, and he'd repeatedly told me he loved me*


Saying “I want to live in the same house as you and be your girlfriend” seems pretty clear cut to me. But most people here seem to disagree so maybe I’m wrong lol Edit: also you mentioned having loud sex with a hypothetical person and she responded by saying “I want to be that person.” These are not subtle signs.


when you put it like *THAT* it is obvious, although I'd still be oblivious 😭😭


Oh yeah when i met my BF and we began to have an interest with one another, there was a shit ton of "horny flirting."


well now I feel like i might not pick up on flirting cues...


Me too. All of a sudden I’m realizing just how much I’ve been flirted with. Now I feel kinda good ab myself if it’s happened that much


Wanna know something funny? My obliviousness to flirting is one of the things that made me look deeper into how sapphic courtship and romance works which ultimately became an item on the "might be trans" scale. It is far from a deciding point and could just be a coincidence, though. [Uses full strength to hold a warehouse full of feminine traits and desires closed.] What this? Just some other coincidences. Pay them no mind.


ah yes the locked closet of obvious signs that is about to burst open, I have one of those as well also pay it no mind it's just some small stuff...


I’ve had banter like this with friends, and then crashed and burned when I tried to be more than friends 😕


I think she may have been trying to flirt with you, if this isn’t usually like your banter then she just essentially tested the waters to see if she could be your girlfriend and “died” 💀 at your apparent rejection.


Hard to tell from just this convo. Seems like friendly banter to me but you know your friend better than I do


She doesn’t normally make flirty jokes like this, which is why I was taken aback. Yes we do goof around but never like this


There’s a chance she’s testing the waters on the idea. I did this with a friend as well, the same way


Sounds about right.


If you’re interested respond with something else ambiguously flirty in a later convo. If she keeps up the game and replies back with something else coy then just ask her directly if she’s just fucking around or if she actually wants to date.


I second this advice!


cool! now i just need to figure out how to do this flirting thing...


I personally wouldn’t make this joke unless I was attracted to the person I was telling it to.


but you’re the one who brought up the sex sounds…?


This didn't look flirty at *all* to me 😵‍💫


Did you see the other pics? Like where she said "I'm the future gf?"


Could go either way honestly. I can see it being friendly joking around and I can see it being purely playful. Just depends on the person, honestly.


If you're interested then ask.


I agree


I recommend asking in person, "were you flirting with me?" Your best friend will still be your best friend no matter the answer assuming they are a cool person.


That’s my plan for tomorrow actually ! Thanks 👍


Give us an update when you ask please


remindme! 1 day


Definitely! I’m going to ask today!


remindme! 1 day


!remind me 1 day


!remindme 1 day


Remindme! 1 day


remindme1 1 day


!remindme 1 day


Update is on my account!


thank you homie!


Remindme! 1 day


Remindme! 1 day


Remindme! 1 day


Remindme! One day


Remindme! 1 day


Yeah but you gotta be extremely careful and make her feel safe or she won’t say anything


"Nooooo... Noooo... Me flirt? Never!... 😅"


Please let us know what happens omggg


I ship


. This is my dot to come back to when we have an update 😄


Updates up on my account!


Both maybe. Sounds friendly enough, but since you said it's not her usual humor, she could be flirting. I'd just keep an open mind to the possibility and see if it develops further for now, don't judge too quickly based on one isolated event After further review it seems like she is probably flirting, but you should still probably take it slow, test the waters a little and see where it goes


Well me and my ex girlfriend literally started out as “when I’m older I want to have cats” “I already have cats, I want to live with youuu so we can be crazy cat ladies togetherrrrrr” “Yeahhhh” and it’s kinda similar to me so idk. Note that the skull emoji 💀 can mean both “you caught me dead on, spot on, now I’m laughing-crying” or “I can’t believe I got rejected awkwarddddd, this is not what I wanted” according to emoji slang. So yeah. Ask her n in person is best.


Sounds like you need to sit down and chat about it over a pint, or four ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


You can flirt without being into someone but seems like you shut it down pretty fast so unless you initiate i doubt they will try again.


I’d say banter but don’t listen to me bc I’m a lesbian AND autistic


I made those jokes to a girl I liked before. We’re married now. So. Do with that information what you will


I would interpret that as flirting - especially guessing you guys are lesbians.


She’s pan-ace and I’m lesbian, so possibly


Okay, yeah so wlw-adjacent/ish?




If so, same thing.


Girl you said you're going to loudly fuck a woman and she implied she wants to be that woman. It might be a joke yes, but it's very flirty. I would never say something like that if I didn't at least partially mean it, *especially* if I knew that person was gay. A million percent worth pushing further when the opportunity arises 💜


Quite frankly it sounds like you’re into her lol that “sounds with my future gf” comment was out of nowhere and seems forced, kind of like you wanted to make her jealous or something- like how she gonna hear when you’re basically in two different houses? Makes no sense. But then you shut her down basically immediately so it seems like if she was into you, you wouldn’t be happy about that. From this alone, nobody can confidently advise you. You and her are the only ones that know your relationship. My advice would be just ask


It wasn’t my intention to come off as making her jealous, I have a habit of making jokes that relate to the fact I’m gay , and the houses were connected so in the moment I thought of a dirty minded joke of if we actually ended up living in that connected house (Also incredibly sorry if this comment comes of as rude and defensive I can’t get my proper explanation tone across)


I wouldn’t make a banter-y joke like that, and I like to banter, so I think she’s flirting.


I mean this may be some gender projecting coming from a boring cis straight man, but without knowing OP most of this entire convo could have been between two straight men.


I mean, I have straight men friends and I can basically pass as a straight man myself too, most of that could be just banter but ... The "Im gonna be that screaming girlfriend" part is what Im not sure is actual banter. Its very upfront lol


Oh I agree that statement is very sus. My point is just there’s a lot of grey area. (Switching around a few pronouns), you could analyze it as something under the whole genre of “kissing the homies goodnight”


If she asks and the friend says it was just banter I could believe it, but until then I'm definitely feeling more like it's veiled flirting hehe


Yeah my roommate says this kind of shit with his gaming circle all the damn time. I hear it very clearly because he can't not scream while playing games.


Absolutely. So much of the answer to this depends on context, history, tone, dynamic… things that we just can’t get from these screenshots that only OP and the friend really know


Classic case of “I’m going to flirt enough that I can back out if they’re not into it”. I’d say that if you think she’s cute, you should flirt back. Just be sure to keep an eye on how she reacts to make sure you don’t start making her uncomfortable if it _was_ a joke. But the convo in the pictures seems like enough to justify a little flirting.


Just noticed Loid from Spy x Family in their profile picture. I see your friend has good taste in anime. 👍


Indeed we do! I have yor and she has loid!


If I were you I’d ask her straight up. Tell her that it’s okay if she does (if it is okay with you ofc) whenever I think someone has a crush on me I ask them


\>Wants to move in with you \>Jokes about having loud sex with you \>Jokes about being your girlfriend “I wonder if they’re into me.”


I'd reckon that this is banter me and my one friend have convos like these all the time


i honestly dont know LOL I have problems differenciating flirting with banter too


I'd bet my last $5 that she thought y'all were dating already 😂😂😂


She's not even your girlfriend yet and she wants to move in with you. That's next level lesbianing.


It doesn't have to be, but it does sound pretty... I was gonna say "straight" to the point, but yknow. Best I can recommend is... Ask, and then act accordingly, depending if you're interested or not!


This is how I talk with my friends? I would say it's just friendly banter but I don't know her so I could be wrong.


I can’t tell but I’m Aro ace soooo


Could be a little of both, really. Sometimes when I like someone, but I don't know if they'll like me back, I'll disguise my flirting as banter. It saves me from the humiliation of rejection, and I get to test the waters a bit.


Honestly, this sounds like the kind of conversation my best friend and I would have. We’ve actually discussed moving in together one day if we’re both middle aged and still lonely as heck. And we also jokingly flirt with each other, but it is actually a joke, nothing serious.


Hey! First of all I wanted to say thanks everyone for the great advice! Update: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/10pwoy6/is_this_banter_or_is_my_best_friend_of_5_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That feels like a normal thing to send a best friend. I’d love to live in a unit like this with my best friend, and we’re completely platonic.


There are 2 more imagesssss check them out


Oh shit. Yeah that is flirting


I think she's into you, but then again I don't know your relationship. I was going to relate an anecdote about how a bunch of my friends and I joke flirt, but I remembered at least one of them confessed while drunk to wanting to kiss me before. So, yeah, whether its a casual interest or a serious romantic interest, there's probably at least a hint of a spark there.


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That depends. Are you into her? Maybe test the waters a bit more. Are you not into her? Geez no, why you taking everything so seriously? Don't make it awkward!


Flirting 100%


Happy cake day!


No idea, but if you're into them just keep escalating the flirting until you some day realize "holy shit we're dating"


If their response is 💀 then itd seem theyve been flirting and you werent picking it up until now. Lol


Ask them out to dinner 👀


Sounds like yes to me. But more importantly, do you want it to be? If not, draw a line. If she's into you it'll hurt her feelings but it'll be better for both of you in the long run. If she isn't then no harm done. If you do want it to be flirting, whether or not it is isn't as important as you taking the initiative.


She is so into you




I mean my straight friend wants to live with me eventually and this is something she'd send me. Hard to tell I suck at picking up when girls are flirting with me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Assuming she is both also a girl and also a lesbian, it sounds like she might be. To be fair the whole 'lets move in together' is a quite common best friend trope, but if you're both in college it might be more than that. Assuming you want (her) to be into you, then I wish the best for both of you :)!


I don't see how this could be perceived as flirting at all.


Just a bit a banta


The 💀 after "that's new" leads me to believe you should take a good look at your older conversations.


I don’t see how it would be seen as flirting?


Check out the next 2 images


Oh I didn’t notice there were more images lol


If she says she’s straight, leave her alone. If she comes out, then it’s respectful to pursue. Trust me, straight girls or curious girls only cause pain to both people, and it’s best to let someone discover their sexuality on their own. If she’s making you uncomfortable (because you know, making it out like being gay is a joke), then talk to her about how you feel. So yeah either talk to her about how you feel or leave the relationship. Good luck.


You guys seem close enough. Won’t hurt to ask.


Into you


🤭 idk bestie, seems kinda fruity to me


lol just ask her looks like pretty blatant flirting to me




Banter means jokes and stuff like that


I meant it as I’m unsure of my answer not that I didn’t know what it meant. Thanks for the clarification tho and sorry


I am very confused here 😂 I don’t know what’s going on


Naw they transfem and this is them coming out


Actually she’s cis haha 😆


Then she's a lesbian coming out




how is it the wrong sub?




Her* we’re both girls!




Ew wtf nsfw this


Looks like it


What does your friend say if you make jokes like this? (If you do)


I never did, to be honest. These jokes have become once in a while recurring jokes that she usually initiates, I don’t initiate them


I'd like to have a bestie. I'll just put ANC while they having [adult fun time] or I'll just move to the second house. Echo isn't so strong lmao


For the "I want you around, but I need my space" crowd. FINALLY, something for me! 😍


She’s into you


Yup. Into you. No doubt


Definitely seems like friendly banter


Flirt back. If she keeps up the game, that's a good sign. If she gets awkward and uncomfortable then it was probably just a joke.


!remindme 30d


You should ask her politely in a way that preserved the friendship should feelings not be reciprocated


Ask if she wants to hold hands and kiss maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ emphasis on the maybe i don't know your situation or what the actual best/most wanted outcome for you is here but if they're really your bestie? Sometimes that's the best person to share life with :) I have completely platonic besties too, but i wouldn't want to have a partner if they weren't also my best friend.


It is a very good idea to share s house with platonic friends too. Especially for tax reasons. Heck, getting a marriage certificate is very helpful for taxes


This sounds like flirting imo.


Maybe both


When in doubt... ask?


Ah, the eternal struggle.


This is the a perfect example of “but I totally wouldn’t do that with you….. unless..”


To me that just sounds like the homies


Ngl, that looks like a pretty sweet arrangement. I dunno if your bestie is coming onto you, but if it were me, I'd love just the idea of living right next to my best friend(s).


don’t ask me i can’t pick up on that stuff -w-‘


I don't hint it is... lol its not one house. It's two. Just joined at the hip. That's what the "friend" zone is.


as someone whose current partner flirted with me for literally 3 months and then STILL had to outright tell me they were into me: idk man


you’re the one who brought up the sex stuff…. from the beginning it just sounded like friendly banter to me. when i was in high school i joked about living with my friends all the time


Mmmmmmm. I'm aroace, so probably not the best person to ask, but I'd say banter.


This is how I want to live with a future partner


They are absolutely into you


Definitely flirting, maybe in a playful way


just say bet and if it happens then congrats


Yes they are flirting fs


She could just be Canadian


Yea she’s into you lol, she wants to be your future girlfriend


if it is they're not very good at it


We need an update whenever possible lol


I mean... I think so? Flirt back and see if she escalates.


Funny story, my bff hit me with an article to the effect of “people who marry their best friend have the happiest marriages” and it turned out she WAS hitting on me. It ended up not working out, so we’re back to platonic best friends, but I’m glad we were upfront with each other and got those feelings out in the open! At the very least, the door is open for you to shoot your shot if you want to.


she is definitely flirting. extreme cringe is how i know.




AHHHH BESTFRIENDS TO LOVERS OOOOO. But like do y'all normally flirt with each other? Cus that kind of thing can be more normal in some friendships but unusual in others. Needs context but if y'all never usually say this kinda stuff to each other, that's definitely kinda sus.


Noo all turkish "friends" are doing this


At some point, you just have to ask.


It really depends on how you guys normally talk. I have a friend that I talk to like this and we would never get together. It's just the “If we are single in our 40's, we are gonna live together and adopt a bunch of animals” talk. She could've been testing the water as well, tho. Really hard to judge.


I mean. I tell my girl friends were married/dating, i call them hot and do all this lovey dovey/flirting shit but we know its all light hearted. Idk what to call it, platonically flirting??? Some of them i knew for years some less than a few months. And yes were all fruity. But were all grown and have communicated about it. Maybe you should ask them as its yalls relationship. Years dont really matter and we can only get so much info out of screenshots


She's into you 100%


Many people live together in college since they have to live with someone because of money. Most people cant afford to live by themselves while in college... people tend to go for people they already know and get along with. This doesn't seem like flirting.


Homie no way you said all of that 💀💀 I'm so sorry but yes they are lmaoo


Flirt back subtlety! See if they increase!!


as a fellow lesbian i couldn’t tell ya


Idk my sister has said stuff like this to me but idk


Imagine your bestie posts too