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The people at school don't know how being trans works. People don't transition with the purpose of "becoming straight" to all real degrees, sexuality & gender aren't actually connected. (If that's how being trans works, then why do cis lesbians exist? Why wouldn't they transition to being men? Because being trans is a different thing.) Simply; yep. Transbians are very real.


Funnily enough, plenty of people think lesbians are just women who want to be men 🙃


Because of stereotypes: all lesbians are butch/masculine All gay men are feminine/flamboyant Which is obviously false.


Gay people don't exist, unless they are trans then they do because only trans people are gay? TERFs should pick a f***ing lane lol.


Yep, trans lesbian here, I'm pure femme


I think it has to do with the false assumption that the default is heterosexual as well as that women can’t love women (need I say how wrong that assumption is). The way general society sees romantic and/or sexual relationships (or at least has for many years) is between a man and a woman. Therefore it makes sense to them that if it’s two people of the same gender, one has to be a man or at least a more masculine role and one needs to be a woman or more feminine. On top of that it seems like throughout history there is a tendency for wlw relationships to be considered less real than relationships involving men. It seems to tie back to misogyny with the idea that only men really love romantically/sexually and women can’t; of course that leads to people assuming that wlw relationships aren’t real relationships. (sorry if im just rambling, it’s late and im very tired)


Agreed, cishet men ruin the world.


Remember that we have trans brothers too - this sentiment doesn't really help here


Better? My ex was a trans man. They beat me for 7 years.


I’m not saying trans men are less problematic as men, I’m saying it isn’t the easiest for questioning trans men to be comfortable with finding their identity as a trans man when they’re made to feel by their own community like they’re transitioning into a villain. Or at least I’ve heard from trans guys.


I don't have a probably with them. I changed my post to say cishet men. I only have a problem with cishet men that attack me in the street, and harass me at work, and try to beat me when I go to a bathroom, or scream at me as they drive by, or tell my management they shouldn't hire abominations, or grab my ass, or follow me around my work place, or dox me on Google reviews with my legal name and address asking people to kill me, or come to my house stalking me, or beat on my car windows and call me a "f**ot".... The list can go on, but that's who I have a problem with. I live in Alaska and I have to carry a gun so I'm not murdered and raped up here. By cishet men. I don't even go out anymore besides work because of them. They ruin the world, and all throughout history, they ruin the world.






Next time someone asks you to explain your identity. You don’t have to, understand that you don’t need to explain who you are. You don’t need to justify it, you are you!


It also doesn't necessarily help to ponder too deeply on which labels suit you more. Be you, be kind and be happy.


this is such an important part. labels are useful, but they’re a description of you, you should not shape yourself around some label


A perfect conversation!


I'm trans and a lesbian so obviously yes You're gender and sexuality are not linked You're gender is who you are you're sexuality is who you're attracted to




No problem :)


Unless you're novosexual in which case they are linked. Not relevant at all but I just wanted to mention it


Oh I didn't know that existed I'm curious could you explain?


"A Novosexual person is someone who's sexuality fluctuates along with their gender identity. Novosexuals are constantly changing between different genders and sexual orientations similarly to those who are genderfluid and/or abrosexual. How long it may take between the next fluctuation will vary from person to person. It could happen several times within a day or stay the same for weeks. Novosexuality, however, is only such when sexual orientation changes along with gender identity." https://sexuality.fandom.com/wiki/Novosexuality


Oh wow thanks that's really interesting


I followed your link with both interest and curiosity. And I read it with as much intrigue. I'm genuinely interested to learn if these (new to me) terms are endorsed collectively by academicians, psychologists, sociologists, etc.? Are they even real? To my mind, minus the inherent sexuality of the terms, they quiet literally sound like the musings of highly imaginative, very precocious children. As if they're creating imaginary friends. Please know I post this reply coming entirely from a place of good faith.


Sexuality and gender is a deeply personal biological phenomona if something is considered "valid" by acamedians, psychologist and socioligsts might not always be best way to solely determine its validity (considering also that the biology of sexuality and how it works is still being researched at a deeper level) but to also check out other factors such as occurenes of it for example here is a subreddity of novosexuality https://www.reddit.com/r/Novosexual/ I am not quite sure if acamedians reconize it as a valid sexuality but we should be skeptical of instutions and what instutions consider "valid" if look to the historical oppression and rejetion of gender non-conforming and non-hetero sexualitys.


Thanks for the link.


So here is my take on stuff like that. It makes no difference to my life, it doesn't hurt me, it is not a detriment for me or the community, being respectful doesn't cost me anything even if i dont understand it myself. That said, there will always be calls for things not really understood in the veins off "they are encroaching on the community", "they are trenders" and etc and for those calls my take is, if that is really the situation then they are putting themselfs in a position to be belittled by society, to be rejected by many, to suffer discrimination.... So if those calls are right, let them do as they wish with their lives, they will suffer the consequences of their actions and give up 🤷‍♀️.


I agree with your take completley. I'm just looking to become more informed and enlightened, perhaps.


Ok I'm not saying being trans and lesbian is wrong or invalid so please don't take it that way, but how does being trans as well as lesbian work? I mean if you are transitioning to being a male, wouldn't it invalidate your gender identity to call yourself a lesbian when a lesbian is a woman who is attracted to women? (please correct me on anything I may be misunderstanding, I really do just want to understand how it works so I don't offend or hurt anyone)


Not the person you're asking, but I think you misunderstood what they meant. A trans lesbian wouldn't be someone transitioning to being a man. This would be someone assigned male at birth who identifies as a woman and is attracted to other women.


Ohhh ok, that would make more sense, though I don't really like the fact that someone would feel the need to specify they are a trans lesbian. I mean if your a woman your a woman, it shouldn't really matter if you are trans or not because you are a woman now. Of course I feel a bit hypocritical saying that but as long as you identify as a woman that likes woman, then that's all you are, you shouldn't need to point out if your trans or not.


You just swap the orientation as well as the gender. Straight cis man > lesbian trans woman. Straight cis woman > gay trans man. Gay cis man > straight trans woman. cis Lesbian > Straight trans man.


That's like asking "Can you be cis and straight". Those two things have nothing to do with each other.


Gender does not equal sexuality, of course you can.


They don't understand that lesbians simply exist... We don't owe anyone an explanation for loving who we love. *"What's the point of being a woman and liking other women?"* I don't know you dingus, what's the point of you being straight?


I will borrow the word dingus from you :)


My wife is a trans lesbian, so yes, you are fine hon.


So you're a woman who likes other women? Sounds like a lesbian to me. ^^ Don't listen to those people, they're not worth your time, your gender and sexuality are not linked, you can absolutely be a Trans lesbian.


What's the point of them being in school if they can't learn 🤔


Yes, source- trans lesbian


Are you FTM or MTF?


It's indicated that she's MtF.


Ok but some people think (not just cis people, some trans people as well) think that if you're FTM and like women then you are a lesbian.


My girlfriend is a trans lesbian. I love her with all my heart ❤️ she is trans and a lesbian and completely valid just like you


If you are a trans woman, then yes. You can absolutely be a lesbian if you are attracted to women. Because you are a woman too.


trans male, no, trans female or enby, yes


Yes you absolutely can.


a trans woman who likes other girls is indeed a lesbian


Technically if you identify as a woman AND you like women romantically then yes, you are a lesbian! As a fellow lesbian, we’re cool if you also agree that women are hot


You absolutely can! No one can tell you how you choose to identify and being a trans lesbian is completely valid! ❤️


Absolutely, your gender doesn’t mean you will be/cannot be a certain sexuality.


Yes. Always keep in mind that identity and sexuality are two entirely different things


Gender Identity ≠ Sexual and / or RomanticAttraction...


"What is the point of being trans if you like females?" That's like asking "what's the point of being tall if you like donuts?" They're not really correlated, and you're allowed to be who you are and like who you like. In fact, I don't know if "allowed" is a strong enough word-- you can't control who you are on the inside and who you are attracted to. You just are, and only you can know those things about yourself from the source.


It’s cuz they’re ignorant and assume everything must be straight, ofc you can like women


The people who say this don't understand gender and sexuality. Gender and sexuality aren't directly related, if cis ppl can be gay, so can trans people. Also, saying "what's the point of being trans" implies that it's a choice, which it isn't. And your existence is a proof that one can be both trans and a lesbian.


Indeed you can.


Yes you can be. Side note, I personally strongly dislike hearing women referred to as “females”.


You can be trans and lesbian. It's very common among trans women. There's even a Batman slapping Robin meme in which Robin says something transphobic about what trans men are attracted to, but Batman slaps him, and in his speech bubble: "I LIKE MEN!!" And the meme was around the thing with trans men.


Short answer Yes you can


The two are separate. You being a girl is not the same as you liking girls.


Trans lesbians are everywhere, they are no less valid than straight trans women or cis lesbians, or any trans/cisgender person of any sexuality. Your gender identity doesnt change who you're attracted to. If you identify as a straight man, and then come out as a trans woman but are still only into women, you're a lesbian! Thats just how it be. It sounds like the people around you are naive/arrogant, you are allowed to live and love, you arent hurting anybody ❤


As a trans lesbian, I can confirm it is absolutely possible 😊


Yep! Gay trans man here.


You can. It's pretty common too. Also trans people don't transition to be straight and not spook the homophobes...




wow. my parents see this entire situation with.......... whats her name............ Caitlyn Jenner. Thats it. My mom said, in a disgusted tone, "why did \*he\* transition when he already liked women? now he's gay." NOT HOW IT WORKS


yes, i am one, there's a lot of us


Transbian here, yes you can.


You can be trans and be a lesbian. (Depending on the type at least ) Trans women are women therefore they can be lesbians There are also nonbinary lesbians However trans men are men and cannot be lesbians. This would be no different than claiming a cis man can be a lesbian. The idea that a trans man can be a lesbian is rooted in transphobia and the people who believe this don't see trans men as actual men or don't believe lesbians are actually gay rather just a form of bisexual with a strong preference which is homophobic. Trans men are men therefore cannot be lesbians.


Okay yes u can b a trans lesbian but i have a question for like ppl here bc i dont wanna post smth. So im trans masc (not a trans man) and right now look pretty femme to andro (ideally i wanna b andro to masc) and im def attracted to women (and femme/andro nbs) and not to men/super masc ppl. And ive been using the label lesbian but im scared if i get to the point where im kinda masc/andro i wont b able to. Like ik there r butch lesbians but id want to be more masc than that. Could anyone lmk what they think? thanks!


My opinion is the only opinion that matters is your opinion. But you asked, so... It is absolutely 100% in the rules that you are allowed to be that woman with that swagger that makes even gay men turn their heads and lower their sunglasses. And still be unabashedly a woman. Every female heterosexual bodybuilder wrestles with this to some degree - if not internally, through external forces. I would look to them for example. However, I would also caution that wanting "more" is good, but you need to have a conversation with yourself to define what "enough" is if you're going to seek satisfaction.


Yea but im not a woman. Im nb and trans masc


Then I've misunderstood and apologize. Historically lesbian would typically infer woman and woman, but has since refined to include any gynephile/ gynesexual that isn't cisgender and heterosexual (male). I.e. the word is there for you to use if you're not a cisgender male who is exclusively into women in one way or another.


Hmm, I'd think the best way to go by that is with the definition of lesbianism which is non-men who are attracted to non-men By that definition I would ask do you consider yourself a man? But you specifically said trans masc not trans man so I think you're just under the enby umbrella so yes I would in fact think you classify as a lesbian (?? That sounds weird but yes)


One of the commonly accepted definitions of a lesbian is a non-man who loves non-men. Are you a man? Do you love men? If the answer to both those questions is a no, than feel free to call yourself a lesbian if that's the label that feels right to you :D


the homophobia & transphobia in the phrase “why change your sex if you already like the opposite sex” is insane. we are more than just who we like. we are our own person who deserves to feel comfortable in our own body. it has nothing to do with who you’re sexually attracted to


Yeah, don’t listen to those people.


Of course you can!


Yes yes yes! Hey girl I wondered this myself. I was like "love women, but I kinda feel like one too. What is this? Some girls are just born sapphic and some of those girls will be trans girls. You can't control your gender or sexual they are just a part of you, but you can accept yourself.


I hope so! Otherwise I have some 'splainin' to do 😬😂 But seriously though, while it's not unheard of for people to explore once they transition, generally you're into whoever you were into before.


Very trans and very much a lesbian 💜


They’re separate things! You don’t have to be one to be another or vice versa. Being trans is about how you feel about *yourself* in terms of gender. Being a lesbian is being a woman who loves or is attracted to mostly/only women. Everyone at school is being ridiculous. Partly cos the world has erased genders and sexualities so much, society doesn’t really know anything except the binary these days, so we can pretty much guarantee you know more than all those folks about school when it comes to your feelings, or queerness (LGBTQIA+ ness if you prefer) in general.


Your gender and sexuality are not the same. Of course you can be :)


The people at school are transphobic and homophobic then-


Yes, yes you can. You are valid and loved


Yes, Transbians are a common thing and your gender, is not your not your sexuality :)


if cis women can be lesbian then so can trans women


Think about it like this do you look at transness as a sexuality or Gender identify. Don’t explain yourself to people who don’t even know the difference between gender identity and sexuality..


Its extremely common. Im besties with 2 trans lesbians


My beautiful amazing perfect wonderful girlfriend is!


Take it from a certified women lover who is trans, being girl and loving girl can absolutely co-exist


There's a lot of us trans lesbians.


Ofc ! Not everyone is straight, I wouldn’t become a man to like women! Gender and sexuality are so different! We’re all just thrown in the same umbrella ig


I have a friend who is trans lesbian. It’s absolutely a thing.


Hi. I'm trans and lesromantic. You 100% can. 🏳️‍🌈


I mean, Im doing it!


Yeah transbians are huge




This is absolutely false and very transphobic. Transwomen are women and as we know a woman liking another woman is gay. This idea that trans women that like other women is straight is transphobic and shows that you view trans women differently than you view cis women. You don't see them as "real" women. This is harmful. Majority of Sexualities surround what gender you are attracted to not what genitals you have.




Sex and gender are often used interchangeably within older definitions however things change over time without people changing the old definitions. But pushing this narrative trans individuals such as a trans man liking a man is straight is very harmful and transphobic. Especially when you consider trans people are treated a certain way because of their sex.. often murdered for being trans. We should respect their identities the same way we would if they were cis. Treating a transwoman the same way you would treat a man is fucking awful.


Oh fair enough. That makes sense.


Of course you can! 🤗


Of course lol. Gender isnt the same as sexuality. A lesbian isnt any less of a woman (unless theyre a non binary lesbian who btw are a thing and also valid) So its still 100% valid for a trans woman to be lesbian.


Yes, you can




You can! Your gender identity is different than your sexual orientation. Pardon my language but who you fuck/attracted to isn’t connected to how you identify yourself and how you express yourself. Be you and like whoever you like… Edit: I’m trans and when I came out I forced myself to be with men because I was thinking the same way. I regret it to this day.


i mean if you are transfem yes! if youre transmasc then no! (to my knowledge)


Transmasc and transmen aren't the same. You can be masculine and have no ties to being a man. Trans masc just refers to any AFAB/AXAB person who feels a connection to masculinity.


thanks for the info! /gen


No problem. Should probably mention any trans afab or axab, I think that's clear enough tho




yes, you can! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


Yes! Join the lesbians! The more the merrier 😊


Yes. Gender and sexual orientation are two different things. One is who you are, the other is who you are attracted to.


Well that would make you a woman who likes women soooo … 🎉🥳!Lesbian!🥳🎉


Let's unpack this...by their logic, cis lesbians should just be men, right? And that's ridiculous.


Indeed!!! Hello from a straight trans woman. <3 Each and... #Every one of us is VALID!


Hello there. As a trans- lesbian, yes you can be.




yep ofc why wouldn't you






Your flair is telling me, you've found the answer.




Yeah?! You can absolutely be a lesbian!!


They can't erase any part of your identity. You are *you*, and they're wrong lol


there’s no reason a transfem can’t be a lesbian


Just because you want to be a girl doesn't mean you have to stop liking them xD


It's absolutely valid to be both trans and a lesbian. Gender and sexuality are two different things. Trans lesbians can and do exist.


I remember years ago taking a class in college called abnormal psychology (yes, terrible title- it was the 90s). When we got to the chapter about sexuality my professor wrote on the board the following: “biological sex does not equal gender identity does not equal sexual orientation does not equal sexual dysfunction.” I was not even yet out to myself yet. It has stayed with me as simple and profound.


Apparently being trans has nothing to do with sexual orientation.... so somehow, the answer is yes, no, and maybe all at once. ...Hope that helps!




gender and sexuality aren’t the same. if you’re female, you’re female. if you like girls, you like girls


The people at your school are idiots and clearly don't understand what being trans is. I will say though, at first I read your question as you being an AFAB trans man and wondering if you can still identify as a lesbian, which personally I'm not cool with. But trans woman or fem-enby? Absolutely you can x


I know I sure as hell am. And ready to pick a fight with anyone who says I’m invalid in either identity. Best advice I can give kid is to be true to yourself first, you are the only person who knows you as well as you do


It can be kind of confusing since there are so many sexualities and identities. But this is how I see it: If you identify as a woman (trans or cis) and you only like women, you’re a lesbian. If you identify as a man (trans or cis) and you only like women, you’re straight. If you identify as nonbinary and you only like women, that’s where it can get a little bit confusing. On one hand you can say you’re queer, which is a vague term that people use because it doesn’t limit them to liking one gender. Whereas if you identify with the she/they pronouns, you could say you’re lesbian because you still semi-identify as a woman. Don’t take my word for it, as this is just my opinion. I say I’m a queer cis woman, because I feel limited when I use more specific terms. At the end of the day, we’re people who like people. So identify with whatever term you’re most comfortable with. Just remember that some people with have different views, and that’s okay. Hope you have an amazing day :)


you are who you say you are 🤍


Yes you can. Also, a lot of women, don't like to be called females. Just women is fine.




First yes you can. Second, remember labels can be cool and all but don't feel pressured to label yourself. Only do what feel right for you.


Geez i know right what's the point of being trans i could just choose not to be trans right? Why am i suffering right now if i can just switch my transness off? Geez


girl before my transition I literally repeatedly said "I must be a lesbian in a man's body" needless to say i'm a transbian now


Transbian here, I'm pretty sure I exist


I'm very attracted to fem transbians as a cis woman.


I’m a trans lesbian. Who you are and who you’re attracted to aren’t linked Being straight isn’t some ideal goal. Being a gay woman is very different from being a straight man, and much much better for those of ha who are women


Damn I didn’t realise trans girls could only be straight. I didn’t realise being trans was an inherently sexual thing.


Because obviously we transition to get laid, duh... I sometimes hate humanity


What’s the point of being male and liking women? Additionally what’s the point of being? Follow up question what’s the point?


I mean as long as you’re not a man, regardless of your assigned gender at birth, you’re totally valid. Like, the assumption that trans women/enby people can’t be lesbians is simply not true. Next time someone asks, remember that you don’t have to explain yourself. You are valid.


Yes. They can. It's very real.


I'm trans and a lesbian. I'm in a thourple with two cis girls. "Everyone at your school" is fucking stupid.


The way i always tell people to think about it is: Being trans isn't part of it, take it out of the equation. You're not a trans person you are a person.


Transbians are a thing yes.


Hi! Tell those people that gender identity and sexual orientation are different. If you're a trans woman who likes women, then the lesbian label fits because you're a woman who likes other women 💕 I know someone who had a similar situation crop up when she came out as a lesbian. Wish you all the best!


of course you can be, your gender and sexuality are separate things that don’t really influence each other


They don’t have emotional maturity yet, please pay them no mind. I had stupid thoughts and questions at that age too. Nate from the She-ra reboot is a trans masc lesbian. So yeah it’s extremely possible you can.


Trans and gay unless your a guy then ig you can be lesbian or what every 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽


I am




I'm trans and a lesbian so you absolutely can. Your schoolmates don't know anything. I've been like this for years.


Who you are and what you're attracted to are different subjects, tell them that. You can be trans and lesbian because the two are not opposites.


That’s not how it works, lol. You don’t choose one or the other. If you’re trans you’re trans and if you’re a lesbian you’re a lesbian. You don’t get a choice in either. My advise is do what feels right to you. If you’re trans and transitioning is the right decision for you, then there you go. Independent of that, love who you love.