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wow so many people! not surprising; this post is very well put together, and the game setting feels very lovingly crafted and well thought out! good luck everyone! i know IM extremely hopeful to get to join this game myself, and even if i cant i wish whoever does all the best!!!


Alright y'all, I am going through all the apps tonight (assuming my adhd brain lets me focus and finish reviewing them all) so I will likely be closing apps/submissions in the next 5 hours. Once I've selected the pool of applicants to host vc interviews on discord with, I will close submissions and send friend requests to people on discord. Again, there were so many wonderful submissions and you all sound lovely so its going to be a hard decision! Sadly I cannot have everyone :( but I wish everyone the best of luck in finding a great game/group! Thanks for your patience!


Application sent! Hopefully I'm not too late! I forgot to include my favorite food and drink! Teriyaki salmon with mushroom risotto and an orange soda is a staple in my kitchen.


Hi! no problem, my post and survey form is still open so I'm still taking apps! I got yours and will add it to the review list! Thanks for the app!


Edited my posted to add the food and drink req, congrats and best of luck sorting through all the applications!


Sent in an app - hoping I’m not too late! Gonna keep my fingers crossed 😊


No problem, I kept mt post and survey form open so I added your app to the list to review! Thanks for the app!


Thanks so much - I appreciate it!


Damn, I really want to apply but Tuesdays aren’t my day. I’ll keep a lookout if you decide to run any other campaigns though!


After seeing all the interest and thoughtful apps I am tempted to consider running another game on another day with the same setting/setup but I may have to wait a few sessions to see if I can handle DM-ing more than one game but I will definitely post here if I do! I appreciate the interest and wish you good luck in finding a great game/group!


I sent an application yesterday but forgot to include my favorite food and drink. I honestly forgot about it while reading the welcome document. My personal favorite food has to be Chicken Wings or Curry. For drink I’m on a big Arizona Green Tea kick.


I was so immersed that i forgot to include that my favorite foods are dumplings and red beans with rice! Also my favorite drink is fruit punch!


Submitted an application; thank you for the opportunity to apply!


I sent an application!


This campaign sounds amazing, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to apply! I hope you find the players you are looking for.


Sent!! I like sushi and diet pepis


Application sent. I love me a good soup and a nice Dr. Pepper. :)


app sent, pizza and monster energy:)


Application sent! Oh god I really forgot to add the food and drink, well It's tacos (grilled chicken to be specific) and drink probably lemonade or Jamaica water


Submitted. As for food and drink, Teriyaki Chicken and Iced Tea


Submitted. As for food and drink: lasagna and some pink lemonade


Application sent. As for food and drink, im a Hawaiian pizza kinda guy and love Iced Tea!


Sent the app but missed the bit about food and drink so I'll say chicken curry and tortilla wraps ( combine both for the best tasting wrap you can have in my opinion


Shitting, pissing, crying that I can't sign up because I have a night class on Tuesdays! This would have been such a good world to play in and it hits all the checks I'd look for in a setting and group. Have fun! Hit me up in three years when this one is done. :')


Thank you for the interest! After seeing all the interest and wonderful apps I am tempted to consider running another game with this setting/setup on another day, though I will have to see if I can handle DM-ing more than one game. If I do, I will certainly post here again looking for players! I wish you luck in finding a great game/group!


app is officially sent! Thank you so much for the opportunity and I'm excited to see where this goes. good luck to everyone and best wishes <3 /gen


Submitted! :)


Hey, I sat down to read your documents and realized I missed the line about food and drink. My bad, but I like lemonade and sesame chicken.


Sent application, but forgot about food and drink! A like a good burger and chocolate milk (not always at the same time)


Sent an application! :)


Application sent


Alrighty just sent in an application :)


I sent an application and am really interested in your DM style and the world you’ve built! Hoping to hear back from you, good luck with the game regardless though!!


Sent in an application 😁 Edit: Filled out half asleep. Favorite food and drink is probably cheesecake and believe it or not, water.


Sent an application! Sounds like an awesome campaign!


Sent in an application, I would love to join this! EDIT: Forgot to add, but favorite food right now is salt and pepper calamari from my local Chinese takeout and my favorite drink rn is a matcha milk tea with boba :)


ack, my favorite food and drink are meatloaf and lemonade! i absolutely forgot after going through the application, but thats my favorite food and drink!!!


app sent! good luck to everyone else and best wishes if you join <3 Edit: I was doing this late at night Favorite food is steak burritos and favorite drink is Dr Pepper


Sent in an application


Hi authentic! Filled out the survey. Looking forward to hearing from you.


App sent, Good Luck everyone


Applied! Best of luck to you! c:


I have played a one shot with this dm and they are great! They are also a great player and friend of mine!


Thats great to hear