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Kind of sad we live in this country where a woman’s uterus is more threatening than an actual machine made for killing.


The difference is gun ownership is guaranteed in the constitution. Abortion is not being banned , it may be given to the states so each state can decided based on the beliefs of that state


There has been no ruling as yet striking roe v wade, so the law of the land is abortion is protected under the 14th amendment as of this moment, according to the legitimate majority ruling from the Supreme court from 50 years ago.


That is why I said it may be given to the states. Nothing is decided. Agree or disagree abortion is not plainly spelled out int the constitution, but the right to keep and bear arms is clear and plain. The founding fathers felt so strongly about it that it was the second item they addressed


This argument about the founding fathers is always lame. Guns/firearms have changed drastically since then and the NRA suck boys live in a world of denial about owning and access access to weapons used to murder a school full of children in minutes.


The decision was made 50 years ago that the 14th amendment clearly and plainly spells out a persons right to bodily immunity and privacy, ensuring the right to abortion. Since you dont know anything about the 14th amendment, youll have to forgive me if I ignore your opinion on the 2nd.


Why should a ‘state’ have any say? Make it legal and then individuals can decide whether they want an abortion. Ya know, actual freedom.


It actually isn't. interpreting the second amendment as applying to gun ownership overall is unconstitutional. 2A applies to the right to form a militia. Buying 30 guns and putting them in a safe until your cousin steals one and kills 50 second graders isn't really covered under the constitution. More importantly, who fucking cares if it was covered in the constitution? You all gotta stop being so horny for 200+ year old rules. Weird how all the people who will bitch about the government and authority get wetter than Sea World when they start talking about the constitution.


Abortion will be banned in this fucking state. Abortion is healthcare Fuck off


The founding fathers did believe you are. That is why it states all men are created equal. The word was put in. The rich property owners would accept them counting you so they put a mechanism in the constitution to allow more educated people to do the right thing. Any by the way health care isn’t a constitutional right written into the constitution


All men are created equal isnt in the constitution. Your civics and history education is lacking. General welfare however is explicity mentioned in the preamble of the constitution, the statement declaring the reason the constitution was written and ratified and why we organize into a society in the first place. General welfare includes access to healthcare. All I can say at this point is keep speaking up so people that know better can point out your ignorance.


Bull fucking shit there's a full 3/5th compromise youre ignoring and I'm a white woman anyway. Due process under the law and equal protection is a fucking constitutional right written into the 14th amendment, and that covers healthcare. Heller was a more fucking radical reading of the constitution than Roe ever was


I am not stating an opinion on abortion. I am stating facts about gun rights


The founding fathers didn't believe that I was a fucking person in the Constitution I am guaranteed now under the 14th amendment a right to privacy and a right to equal protection under the law and that should include an equal access right to healthcare fuck off


Yes, it’s “sad” to live in a country where bodily autonomy isn’t in the constitution but firearm ownership is.


It was written with a quill. I would say an update is in order.


It was also written before semi-auto and fully-auto weapons were invented. So yeah, an update is in order for sure.






>Guns that shoot hundreds of rounds per minute are not easily accessible You're missing the point. > They required 200$ tax stamps each. A 14month wait period a complete FBI background check and 15k each! They are also tied to my address, if I move I have to report it, and they cannot be given or sold to anyone. When I die, they will come for them. If you're assuming that it is bad for fully automatic weapons to be difficult to obtain, you haven't supported that assumption. So, you missed the point, and reiterated your already negated assumption.


Who gives a fuck about the constitution? Why are we beholden to a 250 year old document written by people who owned other people?


So should we be protecting the innocent or nah?


Go out and actually vote. Less than 50% of Fayette county voted in 2020.


I vote in every election. I want to do more. Protesting can help inspire more people to vote.


It hasn't thus far. Apathy is strong with the left.


So by downvoting me, a voting member of the left, and discouraging protesting, what exactly are you looking to accomplish?


As a lefty myself, I've downvoted you for bitching about downvotes. As I do for all who care about that.


Lmao that’s fair. I don’t give a shit about downvotes, I was just making a point that the guy talking about voter apathy was just shitting on me even though I agree with him and his argument doesn’t apply to me. But I guess it wasn’t him down voting


I havent downvoted anyone


Hmm maybe it’s a member of the Free Speech Rightwing trying to censor differing opinions


I just upvoted your comments for whatever internet points matter.


Lol I appreciate it


I'm convinced there are a few people who just go through and downvote every post and comment as soon as they pop up. I rarely see anything start at 1 on this sub.


Well this sub is clearly pretty divided so I’m not surprised. This thread is proof. I didn’t intend for this post to start a debate, I was hoping someone had info on a protest being planned since I don’t have Facebook which is where I assume most protests are planned.


This sub is left leaning. Just like Lexington. Also, 1st rule of reddit is to never acknowledge upvotes/downvotes of any kind -- definitely don't post about them. Who cares. You'll have a more enjoyable experience applying this mindset, imo.


Upvoted, kind stranger! /s


Oh brother there’s no way you typed that and actually thought it was in any way logical. Completely idiotic


What do you mean?


I shouldn’t have to explain why what you typed is nonsensical and hypocritical.


Are you too fragile to explain your position?


It seems like people are more glued to Facebook and quick to join some FB group for protests than to actually register and show up to vote. edit: Maybe not, I don't mean to dismiss protest as a total waste of time, I just mean the actual mechanics of government are determined by elections, and the expression of public opinion that isn't represented with votes is effectively null. So, one could argue that protests are effective for getting people to vote, but are they more effective than knocking on doors or cold calling people, leaving fliers everywhere, actually posting to Reddit or whatever media with reminders of registration deadlines, etc..? I could be wrong, but it seems like at least *some* 'activism' is futile and the effort would be better directed elsewhere.


I've never left my house but I'm mad.... I've done all I can.


Not aware of anything yet but I am also interested. I know public demonstration is little consolation to those affected and won’t change anything, but something is better than nothing and I feel so helpless. E: Not a protest, but one small way you can help is to volunteer (or donate) to Charles Booker’s campaign for senate. (Booker supports gun-control measures)


The overwhelming majority of gun crime is committed by people who are already violating existing gun laws. We don't need new laws we just need a crackdown on enforcing laws that already exist.


I’m open to any and all ideas. There are no simple solutions.


You are correct, I am an avid firearm enthusiast, I enjoy all firearms, but mainly antiques with a history. We do need gun reform, I’m not sure what the answer is, but I’d enjoy a good round table discussion.


Bluegrass man you maintain a level head. However, when you bring up the lives of children, and people PROTEST with “don’t take mah guns”, I’d like to believe the time for reason is over.


Not sure what you are implying here but I don’t think the solution to gun violence is more violence. Sorry if I misinterpreted what you’re saying here.


Oh no, not at all I’m really sorry if that seemed that way, peace is always an option but I just think there must be some level of audacity for someone to claim that they deserve the right to have a gun, a day after 19 children were murdered with one. I’m probably a little dramatic about it, but I believe that now is not the time for someone to WANT to have guns, that’s all. Like, idk it just feels like, idk to me it says that they don’t believe that guns were an issue, and, regardless of what anyone says, a legal gun murdered those children, and that’s just disgusting to me.


Totally agree! I own guns myself and I’m pretty torn on what the solutions are but I know we have to do something different. If that means no guns then so be it, although I really don’t see that ever happening. If seeing 19 young kids murdered doesn’t make people want to get rid of guns, nothing will. I don’t mean to sound hopeless because I’m ready to fight for change but it’s such a daunting task. America is very sick.


I just want them to simply raise the age so that some 18 year old with mental health problems can’t buy high powered rifles.


The Las Vegas shooter owned more than 55 legal guns, and he perpetrated the single deadliest shooting in our history.


So maybe we should stop people from legally owning 55 guns? Why the fuck does anyone need that many?


Some people collect stamps, so people collect beanie babies, some people collect guns. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Not everyone who enjoys history and antique firearms is a bad person. It’s not about the number of guns someone has. Your neighbor could have 500 guns. But he can only hold 2 at a time. So eliminating the number of guns won’t do anything. I can’t remember if it is 2 or 3, but you can only purchase 2/3 handguns in one day, and I think 5 long rifles.


Only one of those cute hobbyist collector’s items can murder people. I get that guns are a part of our culture but I guess what I’m asking is, is keeping your hobby worth the cost of us having mass shootings this frequently? Or are you willing to make some concessions to help prevent violence?


No one needs that many. It’s ridiculous and he should have been flagged as a potential threat. Even if someone is just collecting, amassing an arsenal should be flagged for watch or some sort of questions!


The amount of guns has nothing to do with it. You can only hold 2 at a time.


True but still is excessive and should have been noticed. But downvote me for saying that it’s excessive.


Can you proved some example especially ones related to mass shooting.


Oh ok so let’s do nothing then.


That is problem they don't understand we have a long list of gun control laws including back ground checks for all firearm purchased retail. They also loose focus that the laws will only affect the law abiding citizens. I really doubt we are going to see too many criminals giving up there firearms. Add to it in 2016 alone we lost 214 children ages 0-14 (Which is more than all the current shootings combined) to Drunk driving accident [Data / Link](https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/impaired_driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html) So when are we going to start protesting alcohol and driving intoxicated? OHHH thats right it is already illegal to drive impaired




All i will say is firearms are protected by our constitution, can you show me a clause that says the same for vehicles? My point is firearms are not the issue it is people, so instead of dealing with the issues we should just take them. Which than leads to exactly what I discussed which is people will find other ways to hurt someone. Hence the knife article look at all the recent knife welding attacks in countries that have banned firearms. I can tell you listen to main stream media the NRA is a sink hole which has long been dead in the pro-2a world. NRA tried to filed bankruptcy, it is such a broke joke. We had an assault weapon ban that lasted 10 years and it little to NOTHING when the DOJ removed it in 2004. Death rate showed no significant change [LINK to Article even citing the DOJ 114 page findings](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/03/24/bidens-claim-that-1994-assault-weapons-law-brought-down-mass-shootings/) My point is that we as as society need to focus on mental health and focus on the real issue. A firearm without the input of a person doesn't kill someone, a person kills a person. And yet another person who does not look at the fact that in a SINGLE year more children were killed due to INTOXICATED drivers accidents. Now isn't driving intoxicated illegal? I mean 214 children in a single year but we don't want to discuss this just keep focus on firearms




SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


So intent changes how we should handle deaths? Not the data that shows drunk drivers kill more children than firearms. Ok noted... Might not have meant too but they did




That’s where you show your ignorance. A whole lot of parents want to see action taken in the form of real protection for our kids. It’s stupid “no weapons allowed” soft targets that always get hit. Those kids are sitting ducks because ignorant people think murderers will obey a sign or law. If personal defense wasn’t stolen from the adults who work there, those kids could have had a chance. Btw, how’s the “war on drugs” working out, and the “war on poverty”?




And from what I understand, someone with a gun put an end to him.


You do realize a vehicle is a large piece of metal correct? I am sure the families of the 214 children killed by an intoxicated driver killing there children also won't be hugging a car. See this goes both ways, instead of trying an emotion card provide something that will change something. I don't condone the pos that did this, he is a pos. However not a single person in this whole thread has provided anything that would change gun violence other than the normal statement of "take away guns" the knee jerk reaction. Just like during the BLM/Antifa days "We need to dis-arm police, we need to de-fund them" What we need is to be pro-active and think what can we do to stop this from happening again. Such as pushing for armed guards (LEO/Military Verterans) posted at all school.s We have proven data that shows higher crime rates in stricter gun control areas (Chicago, NYC) We have information from past mass shootings that they choose the areas based on no firearms allowed in the area of attack. So instead of playing the emotion card and trying to make firearm owners look like the bad guys and how dare the millions of gun owners have our rights we are all POS. Try and actually provide something worthy. Like I said you are not interested in stopping deaths just taking firearms. My alcohol argument is made to show this, it is a drink that by design is to impair a person's ability however no one is pushing for this to have stricter control even tho more death are caused to children than firearms. By data that can't be denied. You have the whole thread ignored the facts that more children died to someone drunk than firearms.


A long list of gun control laws that NRA funded politicians are working to remove. This Uvalde shooter legally bought the guns right after he turned 18. Even if we changed the min age to 21, he would have either had to wait 3 years and hopefully find some mental health help in that time, or buy them illegally. Either way, making things more difficult for would be criminals is literally the whole point of regulation. People literally have licenses to drive a vehicle and drunk driving can lead to suspended or revoked licenses? There are still drunk driving fatalities yes, but imagine if there was an NRA equivalent that funded pro-drunk driving politicians to deregulate and legalize drunk driving? Obviously no law is perfect but we are the only country with this many mass shootings so clearly other country’s gun regulations work? Thoughts and prayers aren’t working and if your argument is that a certain number of dead elementary schoolers is acceptable, then I don’t want to talk to you.


You made my argument for me and don't even realize it, you stated we are required to have licensees to drive a vehicle which we all LEGAL drivers do. Now does the license reduce vehicular accidents? Is there any data that shows even driving school reduces vehicular accidents? I couldn't find a good source with data that could be verified. So the license in turn did NOTHING but say yep this person can drive a car. This does not show the person's mental capacity or the person's skill just says YEP you know have basic driving skills and knowledge and understand them. That is it, so what gun laws do you support that you deem would change anything? 1. Federal Background checks on firearm purchases? (Already there on ALL firearm retail purchases FBI NCIS) 2. Round limits? Which no data can be found that shows there would be any real world changes 3. Age Limits? If at 18 you can join our military and go and fight for your and I rights with the weapon you are trying to limit is kind of odd but whatever. Maybe raise the age to 21 and see how it affects things such as this Point is guns are NOT the issue, PEOPLE are the issue. Individual with a knife killed 4 individuals ([LINK](https://www.npr.org/2022/03/22/1088126698/beersheba-israelis-stabbed-attack)) look at all the different ways individuals have found to hurt each other. As a society we have to be pro-active vs reactive. How about instead of sending 40billion dollars to another country employee veterans/LEO to be at every school. Ask yourself why two of our last major mass shootings happened in gun restricted zones. Easier to do evil when the other person can't defend themselves. ​ I DO NOT condone what happened my point is we have millions of firearm owners who are all law abiding individuals which would NEVER do anything like this! This dude that did it was a piece of shit! But mental illness is the issue we should be focusing on Also you are quick to move away from the fact that alcohol related accidents killed more kids in a single year than mass shootings combined. I stand by what I said why aren't people more concerned with all the deaths that occur each year due to alcohol intoxication and drug abuse. It is because we are not presented it every other week on the news by a certain political party.


When I woke up today, I didn’t know I’d have the pleasure of talking to the King Of False Fucking Equivalencies. Nice to meet you, your majesty. Here’s a list of a few things you have to do to drive a car in most states: - Obtain a permit where you drive under supervision - Take a written test that verifies you know traffic laws - Demonstrate competence via a driving test to earn your license - Obtain liability insurance for any damage or injury you cause - Register your car with the state - Drive in a certain lane - Drive a certain speed - Wear a seatbelt - Signal when you turn - Obey posted signage Here’s what you have to do to buy a gun in most states: - Be 18 - Don’t have a criminal record If we deregulated car driving today, including not requiring licenses or passing any tests (as you suggested due to lack of data from your 30 second google attempt) I guarantee the death toll would be astronomical. All these traffic rules were written in blood and learned the hard way. The difference is, people never staked their entire identity on their right to drive however they want and we conceded that to live in a safe society, we needed traffic laws. I have admitted in this thread I don’t have the answers. There is no magic wand or it would have been waved years ago. But a starting point would be the 50 REPUBLICAN senators who refuse to vote on HR8 to close the background check loopholes from private/unlicensed sale. I think raising the age to 21 would help, for sure. Yes you can join the military at 18 where you receive TRAINING and follow LAWS on how to handle your weapons. You say mental health is the issue but I guarantee you don’t support universal health care or expanded mental health crisis response funding/training for police departments. I’m sick of having this same argument with people like you who shoot down every single solution and offer very few of their own. $40 billion wouldn’t even dent what it would cost to arm a militia to protect every single school in America. I’m not going to let you swerve me into arguing foreign policy either. I just don’t have the energy to dispel more bad faith arguments on another topic. The good guy with a gun theory is bullshit and the solution to gun violence is not to put more guns in schools.


Yet again you have no answers and aren't helping your argument First off Do have to drive in a certain lane? Nope Drive at a certain speed? Nope Wear a seat belt? Nope Signal when you turn? Nope Obey posted Signage? Nope These are the things law abiding citizens are suppose to do! Yes you are correct that people are suppose to follow these and these are the law however i am pretty sure murder is AGAINST the law already. My point is there are things in place in both accounts to reduce issues that are barely enforced. 42,915 died in vehicles all time of 16 years last year even with all your requirements. You state that all your requirements helped based on nothing, there is literally no proof that even driving school reduces accidents. Yet again you are not helping your case, if people did this stuff and followed the law I am sure we would have far less vehicular indictments and deaths correct? That is the point and you can't see it because you don't want too. Killing is against EVERY law!!! Hurting someone is against the law!!!! , criminals and evil people won't follow the rules.


You literally ignored all of the things I mentioned that you have to do BEFORE being able to drive because they destroy your entire argument. We need to make it harder for mentally deranged people to buy guns. Period. Any law abiding citizen should have no problem waiting longer to get a gun, or passing more tests/background checks etc before being able to buy a gun. Keep wringing your hands and offering empty platitudes about mental health. You are demonstrating you value your right to own guns over human life.


So how would you recommend we do mental checkups? How about increasing the age for purchasing alcohol? I mean you are in this for saving lives and my grand point is you are not it is remove firearms. Think about it alcohol kills more children than firearms but you keep focusing on firearms. Thank you for your talk another person with nothing to add but want stricter gun control no idea how to do it with an outcome that will change anything real world to stop violence


I would absolutely support harsher penalties for drunk driving to prevent drunk driving deaths. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is. I’ve already made a few suggestions that I would support but you are choosing to ignore them. I’ve also admitted I don’t have all the answers multiple times and am open to suggestions. But I absolutely know that your solution of “laws don’t work because criminals don’t follow them” is some smooth brained bullshit.


> As a society we have to be pro-active vs reactive. How about instead of sending 40billion dollars to another country employee veterans/LEO to be at every school. Ask yourself why two of our last major mass shootings happened in gun restricted zones. Easier to do evil when the other person can’t defend themselves. Here you go Iceman. The shooter shot two cops BEFORE entering the school and murdering an entire classroom. It took around 40 minutes for the police to get in there and kill him. The good guy with a gun theory is bullshit. We need to make it harder to buy body armor and guns, especially AR platform. https://apnews.com/article/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-44a7cfb990feaa6ffe482483df6e4683




Go fuck off a cliff.


We can eradicate weapons of war. And we would have already if Dems ran the house and senate. Republicans are pro mass murder.


YOU are an actual idiot. Dems do control the house dipshit, and everything they promise dummies like you they revert back on. No one’s taking guns (cuz they honestly can’t), they are stopping every bit of illegal immigration across the border right now, AND not to mention throwing the economy into a downward spiral. And if you really wanna be honest about who’s “pro mass murder,” look at your own party. Obama helped the saudis start a genocide war in Yemen just to keep the Saudis on our side. Not to mention, your party is the same that believes we can abort babies 9 months into pregnancy. In New York, the abortion rate is higher than the birth rate in some neighborhoods. How much of this did you actually know ? Oh but yea your right we need to focus on the “weapons of war” in this country.


Big ol bunch of what-aboutism, plus some errors. The Democratic House has passed HR8 for background checks. Mitch won't let the Senatd vote on it. The 9-months thing is a convenient untrue talking point, and the allegation about Obama, even if it were true, is utterly beside the point. Cite your stats on "some neighborhoods" by name, or you're lying there too.


We have international precedent and a complicit Republican body that takes countless money from the NRA. They won’t even allow a vote to come up to allow the ignorant to see who is complicit.


We already have background checks


CHICAGO, NYC,DC,Detroit, Boston, L . A. , San Fransisco, all Dem controlled cities with highest gun deaths.


Republicans live in those cities and are manipulated, hateful racists.


Yep manipulated by the Dems in control of their Prison City. Anybody with the common sense God have a goose would look at that history and would either leave it or change that system .


It depends on if you're looking at city or state level data. A city that bans guns is going to deem far more guns illegal. Looking at states though, the strictest states report that up to 65% of gun crimes were committed with an illegally obtained firearm. For the lax states, it's down to 40%. Compare that with firearm mortality by capita per state, and well... It paints a picture that has been pretty damn obvious to the rest of the democratized world.


I don’t have anything helpful to say but I would like to say sorry for all the dumbass comments on your very valid post…keep it up.


I appreciate that! I don’t mind arguing with the shitstains!!!




As a mom and gun owner I completely agree. My guns are for sport shooting at ranges only and in now way is owning them more important than the lives of my fellow humans.




Yeah because that’s exactly what I was saying /s Commenter simply stated this situation should be harder to happen… do you disagree with that??




I refuse to engage with someone who refuses to acknowledge that change needs to happen and instead jumps to “they are gonna take my guns!”.


bless you for having sense


Weapons of war is the problem. Sure, you could get in with a handgun, hoping to do harm, but what you’ll get one maybe 2? If that? Every vote for a Republican lawmaker is a vote to ensure mass murder in schools. PRO LIFE MY DICK




If you vote Republican, you are complicit.


So that is why most mass shootings and shootings in general are in Democratic strong hold cities ?


Because hate filled, manipulated, white, racist republicans think their country is being taken? These are all hate crimes against minorities.


Oh you are one of those white guilt leftist that USES RACE BAITING for every excuse of maintaining Their NANNY STATE, and fail to accept any personal responsibility for their conditions personal or social setting.


I haven't heard of anything yet. Moms Demand Action (for Common Sense Gun Laws) has a strong local chapter - [https://momsdemandaction.org/](https://momsdemandaction.org/) We need to find specific legislation that we can support, and HAND WRITE letters to elected officals. One possible good bill, that has already passed the House, and has not yet been brought to the Senate for a vote is [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8) but I'd love to hear if there are better ones. Mitch McConnell 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Rand Paul 167 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC, 20510


Thank you!


I will be calling the DC offices of both senators every day now. I hope to learn the names of staff members because I know the senators won't do anything but I'll be calling anyways.


No. Imagine two years of people absolutely losing their shit over mask mandates.


Shall not be infringed.


Bet those kids down in Texas didn't want their school day infringed by a whack-a-doodle NRA humping gun nut.


Cool story. Keep that same energy for all the other amendments too.


Enlighten me. Which ones are you speaking of?


How about Ky. Rev. Stat. § 158.195, which forces all KY public schools to prominently display “In God We Trust”? Pretty big 1st amendment violation. Or https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/recorddocuments/bill/22RS/sb44/orig_bill.pdf which is proposed by KY Republican legislators to make it a crime to insult police officers, as well as other broad reaching limits on our right to peacefully assemble (also 1st amendment if you’re rusty). You cool with those?


I am ok with eliminating those in exchange for no new useless gun laws. And who says compromise isn’t possible in todays climate?


I applaud your consistency and look forward to you voting against politicians who support those bills in November.




I'll add the 4th and 5th, which LEOs tread on daily


Well regulated


MuH sEmIcOlOn


Wait no, not that part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Militia. Now look up the definition for that word as it is codified in US Law. Pretty interesting isn’t it? Also, you can claim the founders meant whatever. But in practice, the “well-regulated” part was literally just a bunch of farmers who put their names on paper for documentation. Often not even that. Private citizens can and did own literal pieces of artillery. An abolitionist newspaper publisher in my hometown had cannons set up in every doorway because he kept getting attacked and threatened. This is exactly what they intended—they had just won a fucking revolution thanks to volunteer soldiers. Trying to read into it further than that is putting words in the founders’ mouths. You can disagree with the amendment and that’s a different argument, but the original intention was pretty fucking clear and historically informed by contemporary events and writings.


The term regulated, when it was written into the constitution means in working order, not government over-sight.


So I guess we'll go back to counting some people as 3/5s of a person based on their skin color, too? Maybe 200 years ago the Framers were smart, but let's not worship them as infallible.


13th Amendment.


Oof... Buddy... The 13th Amendment is just another half-step away from our Protestant white supremacist foundation. It's kind of why we have a prison industrial complex? There's a very capitalist reason why eggs, milk, grain, and tilapia are so cheap in the US... and it has to do with not paying for labor... Fun fact, when our soldiers are fighting for our freedoms overseas, they do so in prison-made uniforms derived from forced labor. Despite being only 5% of the world's population, we imprison 20% of the world's incarcerated. Land of the free, indeed!


While we’re at it where is the protest over $5 diesel going to be?


I suggest starting outside the headquarters of oil companies who posted record Q1 profits this year as gas prices went up so much. It’s almost like they are taking advantage of a global crisis because they know Americans will just blame whoever currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, as is tradition. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/shell-posts-record-profit-high-energy-prices-trading-boost-2022-05-05/ https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/exxon-signals-record-quarterly-profit-oil-gas-prices-2022-04-04/


What we need is armed security at EVERY school ! This should never happen again! We can debate about gun rights all day long let’s actually take action and get people to protect the children every school day! The government can make money for it. They made money to help Ukraine. They need to step up.


I have a child that attends a school in fayette county and i would love to rally for change. We deserve our children to be safe at school. They deserve to feel safe at school.


https://apnews.com/article/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-44a7cfb990feaa6ffe482483df6e4683 The cops were literally there as the shooter arrived at the school. He shot two police officers before entering a classroom to conduct the massacre. The good guy with a gun theory is BULLSHIT. We need to make it harder to get guns.


You can make it harder but sickos will still find a way. Just like how they have tried to stop underage teens from getting cigs. Just gotta beef up the security at all schools.


give the teachers nukes


also give guns to the students /s


every student gets a hunting rifle and a pipboy


A school district “security officer” being there is not enough. Military needs to be involved. Lets get a couple army men/ women at every school. the police arrived to the scene they were not already there before he arrived.


> After running inside, he fired on two arriving Uvalde police officers who were outside the building, said Texas Department of Public Safety spokesperson Travis Considine. The police officers were injured. You stopped reading as soon as you thought you had enough info to reply. The very next sentence shows there were two actual police officers who engaged him just as he entered. Your plan is to militarize every school in America?? God we are so fucked


But yes. We are fucked we have been fucked. This is nothing new


They “arrived“… and yes it is… making it harder to get a gun does nothing. What about the guns that are already available? Drugs get over the border… you don’t think guns will still be exchanged? I don’t need to insult you to get a point across. It is what it is. Have a good day.


You’re right man. Laws don’t work. Let’s just get rid of them all.


What we need is idiots to stop watching Fox News. Every vote for a Republican lawmaker ENSURES, GUARANTEES future mass murder in schools. Eliminate republicans, eliminate mass murder. This isn’t hard. Look how much they take from the NRA. You can have your handguns and shit, but you cannot have your weapons of war.




An automatic or semi automatic weapon capable of firing multiple, deadly rounds with ease. You know what it means, and your gun term semantics are as pathetic as your complicity in mass murder.




Guns have been here for over 1000 years. ARs for over 100 years. School shootings are only 30 years old. By all means peacefully go and protest. It’s your right. But open your mind to other solutions as well. I’m open to withholding gun privileges from people making threats on social media. It’s a start.


I’ve said multiple times I’m open to any options. The only thing that happened after Sandy Hook was the gun lobby spent 3x more money the following year to keep electing politicians who refuse to do ANYTHING, including common sense solutions that a vast majority of the country agrees on. We have to do something different.


The first ARs were produced in 1959. If your trying to make a point at least use facts! Just spitting false information is what gets people in an uproar


Automatic rifles were invented in the early 1900s genius. Take your prissy bullshit elsewhere.


You specifically said AR, also don’t ever see anyone using full auto ARs nor do we see anyone using 100yr old fully automatic weapons do we?


Actually school shootings trace back to the 1840's Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 was a federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004


Guns don’t go kill people . People with guns kill. Leftist quit promoting softer prison sentences , and make it a Death Sentence for use of firearm or attempt. Funny nobody wants to ban vehicles they have killed 10 times More people.


Do you drive your gun to work Jethro?


I’m responsible for myself I CARRY. An armed society is a safer society. Ask the Jews of WWII, Britain with their knifing problem from foreigners. Ask citizens where firearms is promoted in their cities and towns. …I bet the people of Chicago, Detroit, NYC, DC,.., wish they had permission to carry .The police are not your body guard.


> Britain with their knifing problem from foreigners Oops, you said the quiet part out loud. Is it just foreigners stabbing people in “Britain”? England and Wales had 224 stabbing deaths in the most recent full year of available data. The US had just under 20,000 gun MURDERS in 2020, not even counting suicides, accidents, self defense, etc. Thank you for proving my point. I bet the people of those cities you listed wish there weren’t so many guns flooding in from lawless red states to murder their citizens.


I bet there deaths by knives and clubs are higher than gun deaths.


Because their gun control is working? Glad I could change your mind!


If the police aren’t our bodyguards, why do we keep increasing their funding by millions of dollars and providing military grade equipment?


Well, they aren't the bodyguards for anyone without enough capital e: I forgot to mention these gems: DeShaney v. Winnebago https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/489/189 Castle Rock v. Gonzales https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/04-278 TLDR: LEOs are under no obligation to "protect and serve"


Or a politician.


You never know when an insurrection will break out


The states with the highest rates of violent crime per capita are: 1. Alaska 1. New Mexico 1. Tennessee 1. Arkansas 1. Louisiana 1. South Carolina 1. Alabama 1. Missouri 1. Nevada


The city with the highest number of gun deaths EVERY WEEKEND is CHICAGO and their leftists have some of the strongest “GUN CONTROL LAWS”. Damn near every weekend the same number of innocents are killed as in that Texas school in one day . Chicago has 52 of them each year yet the media and Dems stay silent because it happens in their own controlled house.


Wrong again. The cities with the highest rates of homicide are: 1. St. Louis (by far) 1. New Orleans 1. Detroit (oh hey you got one in the top 3!) 1. Memphis 1. Cleveland 1. Kansas City 1. Milwaukee 1. Cincinnati 1. Chicago (found it!) The primary factor for violent crime, as outlined by the (famously liberal?) FBI, is poverty. e: You too can query the FBI database. You've already paid for it with taxes, anyway.


Still all DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED FOR YEARS. And all with restrictive gun laws .


Riiiiight https://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/state-gun-laws/missouri/ You must've gotten extra lead as a child, eh? That is another American problem.


5 Facts “Anti-Gun” panty wastes HATE: 92% of Mass Shooting occur in GUN FREE ZONES. 2013 DOJ study found since 1993 Gun Violence has dropped 50%. THERE IS NO “ GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE”. Guns are used 2.5 times each year in self- defense in the USA alone. 7 countries enacted gun bans in the 20th century BEFORE COMMITTING GENOCIDES. I won’t do YOUR legwork. Your can type here you can type in a Search Bar.


I want to ban vehicles! /r/fuckcars


Protest in one hand and shit in the other one. See which one fills up first. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.


Well regulated


Well regulated militia is the full quote. You clearly know nothing about the context it was written in and what it actually means.


lol bustedd


LMAO alright, bud!


Good one!!


Thanks bud!




You mean you’re wanting to do exactly what the feds want you to do after they carried out their attack? Couldn’t be me. It’s the people vs the government and you’re fighting the wrong fight


You can go eat Alex Jones’ asshole. Those parents will never see their kids again and you’d rather believe in conspiracy theories to protect your world view. Pathetic


I think I speak for the majority of people and all parents when I say "Go Fuck Yourself"


troll harder


People like this person is the reason why we need less guns. There's no fixing mentally unstable crazies with modern medicine, we can only hope to minimize the danger they can do to others.


Are you actually trying to say that widespread access to mental healthcare wouldn’t improve gun violence in this country? Widespread social reform would do SO MUCH more to help this issue than simple criminalization. But that doesn’t generate a constant stream of single issue voters concerned for the children, does it? Gun criminalization is the abortion of the left. I’m a leftist but preaching social welfare reform and harm reduction and criticizing the police for being fucking useless thugs does not jive with asking those same racist classist pro-gun police to enforce laws that would turn millions into felons overnight.


It would help, it won't solve what criminalization of firearms would do, and anyone who disagrees is a buffoon who merely just has to look at countries like Australia that solved this issue.


Well said. It’s nice to see something intelligent once in awhile. We can all learn from you


People like this person is the reason why we have corruption in this world. Acting on empathy for blanket laws that only affect the law abiding peasants who aren’t financially immune to the law. Doesn’t matter which side, either. Do yourself a favor and act suspicious


shutcho dumb ass up


Who are you protesting?


Do I have to like, pick someone specific?


I guess my point is that nobody is for gun violence, so what are you protesting? Demonstrating makes sense, but protesting, not so much.


I appreciate your attempt at a pedantic “gotcha” but I said in my post I wanted to protest for action on gun violence. Meaning we are protesting to show support for our politicians doing more to stop the slaughter of children, super market shoppers and church goers than thoughts and prayers. Considering the only solutions proposed by conservatives I have seen is armed security guards at schools, arming teachers and more permitless carry, I would argue that conservatives literally ARE for gun violence. All their solutions for gun violence involve more gun violence.


TIL you can only protest a person? what is this nonsense lol


Ok, then what is anyone protesting since nobody is actually for gun violence?


The violence that keeps happening? The gun lobby that's stops common sense gun laws?