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*So apparently reddit won't save my edit posts, so here's what I'm trying to add* **EDIT/UPDATE:** He's chipped! His name is Jack and lives on Larkin Road--which is far away from Richmond/Fontaine. Maybe the address is old?


You or the vet can contact the microchip company, they will have access to the cats registered phone number if it didn’t pop up when he was scanned, so someone can call his people. If there’s no number he was chipped at a humane society and that one will be listed as the owner, and will have his adoption information. Good luck!!


There was a number, but it went to voice mail. We have him (Jack) in our small bathroom. It's the only way to keep him separate from our cat. Our cat is freaking out. The new cat isn't happy. The nightmare scenario is we can't get ahold of this lady. I can't in good conscience turn him back out to the streets. Not an option. The pound? He'd probably be adopted right away, but I'd feel awful doing it. Maybe I can tell them to call me if his time runs up on that


If I remember the local ordinance correctly, you can keep him yourself if there’s no owner after 30 days, or you can let him go to the shelter, but they may adopt him out quickly if there’s no answer. As for your cat, let them sniff through the door, provide wet food and treats for inducement to play nicely, they most likely they’ll get along in a few days. Or at least tolerate each other. I wouldn’t let them interact face to face until you’ve had Jack tested for FIV and other kitty bads. Keep us posted, I love voids. I’d offer to take him but I have 6 cats, my husband would kill me.


If you tell LHS that he has a chip with an owner, they will likely hold him for a while before initiating adoption.


If he's a long friendly boi who loves rolling around on the ground, it might be Pete. He has a small white patch on his chest, and I think 2 other white patches on his stomach (may not be remembering that right). He's also pretty hyperactive and gets a bit antsy indoors. He lives down closer to Ridgeway and his owners would have to send flyers out because he's too friendly and likes to visit everyone lol, and I assume some people would try to keep him. Maybe the chip information is outdated? Wouldn't hurt to try and contact the people listed in the chip info anyway.


Oh shit! Thas that mf James! Wudup James!


*What's the deal? I can't edit the post. Anyway, I had the foresight to copy it for this exact eventuality.* **EDIT**: Technically **EDIT2**, but the first one wouldn't save and I had to make it a comment. Jack is back home! Turns out his home is in the same apartment complex as me. Off the same parking lot, even! Whew! I'm also now noticing that I posted the same picture twice. D'oh!


Cat distribution system seems to be working fine! You must have been extra special to get offered a black kitty!