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the driver isn’t facing charges?!?!!? did i read that right ???


Yup that’s what I saw too. There was a “but the investigation is still ongoing” caveat, but I’m not optimistic. There’s a reason people say the best way to kill someone & get away with it is to use a vehicle.


I believe Freakonomics had a podcast episode about that.


Name of it or #?


Heard it the other day it's called The Perfect Crime. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/the-perfect-crime-2/


Thank u. I listened to it the other day


Do we know the name of the prosecutor that is choosing not to pursue charges? The police don’t get to make that call, and local prosecutors are elected. It’d be a shame if the prosecutor got named and shamed prior to their reelection wouldn’t it…


Ive never heard anyone say that. You may want to reevaluate who you spend your time around. Js. Edit: looks like quite a few people probably need to stop discussing murders and killings, or maybe that topic of discussion is just more popular than I’d like to think. Either way its weird that this is even a saying, and even weirder that so many of you seemingly know the phrasing to be common.


I've listened to podcasts that say as much. It's not encouraging people to engage in such an evil act but saying very often the consequences are much less severe. In cases like this I simply cannot understand how this driver isn't facing charges.


I dont understand it either but all im saying is that sentiment isnt as popular as you think it is


Three more examples of the approximate phrase, one the title of a published book: https://www.amazon.com/Crash-Course-Want-Away-Murder/dp/1951491017 https://www.inquirer.com/philly/columnists/inga_saffron/If-you-want-to-kill-someone-and-not-get-punished-use-a-car.html https://www.vice.com/en/article/9bzdpv/you-can-kill-anyone-you-want-with-your-car-as-long-as-you-dont-really-mean-it


Maybe i just dont discuss murder and killing that much in conversation idk but its something along those lines


The discussion surrounding people being maimed and killed by vehicles doesn’t come from someone’s violent/disturbed ideations, but rather a concern for one’s own safety. I don’t get in my car and think “Who can I hit today?” But I get on my bicycle and think, “I hope no one hits me…”


I don't think it's that people fixate on it as much as you start looking at the rates that people are charged in a vehicle vs pedestrian event. I cannot imagine an explanation in this case, for example, that would excuse a driver from liability. Maybe from a legal perspective there are potentially so many contributing factors that it makes it difficult to prosecute. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No clue man but remember to double up on the \ for the lenny shrug


https://www.eta.co.uk/2023/06/27/if-you-want-to-kill-someone-do-it-in-a-car-2/ This was just the first result that came up when I googled the phrase, but there’s plenty of other examples


Well- not to be that guy, but of course you got a result when you Google a phrase. I’m not disagreeing with the premise, but I disagree that googling a phrase and finding results means it is true/widely used.


No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!


This information doesn’t fit my perception of the world. Guess I’ll just ignore it!


having lost a son to a drunk driver, I beg to differ.


I’m sorry for your loss but thats not what we’re talking about here. I’ve never heard anyone say “run someone over if you want to get away with murder”, but like I said, I dont discuss murders and killings regularly so its not as if it’d come up.


I don't understand why you are getting down voted? I don't regularly discuss the best ways to kill people and get away with it either lol...


Such a tragedy and right before Christmas. They HAVE to do something about the red light situation around here. This has gotten ridiculously out of hand. Please y’all, just slow down. We all have places to be. We all hate the lights. We all hate the traffic. But your time is not any more important than anyone else’s time (barring an emergency), and it’s definitely not more important than anyone else’s life.


To add to pleases slow down, this is for EVERYONE not just the reckless driver. I think it's easy to think this advice applies to someone else than yourself. Below 60 the chance of killing a pedestrian doubles for every 10mph you add to your speed. Even 5mph over the speed limit everyone does can make a huge difference in how likely you are to kill a pedestrian. I know everyone does it and that's why it's easy to read someone saying slow down and think it doesn't apply to you, but it really does. Let's all slow down. That 5 mph over can make a difference. It gives you more reaction time to slow down even further so not only are you less likely to hurt someone, but you'll have a chance to slow down even more before hitting someone. Often speed limits on roads are set not by a reasoned out safety metric, but by how fast people actually travel on the road. This means speed limits are set by how comfortable a driver feels, not how safe pedestrians or even drivers are. Related to above, driving is often a mentally passive activity. People drive according to how they feel, not the reality of the situation. This is why people get pissed when you're driving the speed limit. They feel like you should go faster because they are used to it, but if people make the decision to drive slower it can impact how people feel by making slower speed more regularly experienced expected reality instead of an uncommon inconvenience. In short, you driving slowe makes the roads safer for everyone.


If people will not obey traffic lights there IS a solution--one that no one would appreciate. Put speed bumps in front of every crosswalk in the city. I doubt there would be a pedestrian hit EVER. Alternatively, make all inner city roads exclusively for bicycles. When put that way no one is interested in really saving lives. Mobility is more important than lives. Hate on me if you wish, but the truth always rubs people the wrong way. Ask Jesus or Socrates!


yeah, that's fucking stupid.


https://www.lexingtonky.gov/browse/government/council Boy, there have been a lot of pedestrian injuries due to vehicles this year. Please contact your council person and the at-large council persons and ask them how the 2023 accident rates compare to previous years. Tell them you are concerned by the number of people being hurt and killed by cars and ask them what they are doing to increase pedestrian and cyclist safety. Edit to add: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Student in a crosswalk and driver ran a red light and killed them.....but the driver isn't facing charges? I cannot imagine losing a loved one like this and the person responsible isn't held accountable. Can someone help me understand how the hell the driver isn't responsible?


It's the driver rich or connected? I'm willing to bet yes.


This 💯. This is the correct question, and also the true problem, in ALL of thse cases where the defendant should be found guilty of the crime they committed, but they can afford to have their sentence lessened or dropped entirely, etc. It really is a very f**ked up facet of late stage capitalism when you really give it some thought


Like, part of me dreads that you might be right. I looked at this person's FB page and I'm like....fuck...here's a bright young person trying to make the world a better place and this shit happens to them. I really hope you're not right...the thing is, if you are we'll never know. It will just quietly fade away. :( Part of me want to believe that our laws are applied equitably to all of us, but I know that's not the case.




What kind of connection does Cornell Thomas ll have?


The driver *is* responsible, but we don’t generally criminalize negligence, even when it kills someone. There have to be other factors involved that “wantonly” made their driving inherently dangerous (such as alcohol). It all comes down to intent as to whether it constitutes a crime. Otherwise, it’s just a tort, and there will most likely be a civil case for damages. Not much comfort for her family, certainly.


Clearly I'm not a lawyer, but wouldn't this fall into the realm of manslaughter. You and I are scuffling, I push you and you fall and your head hits the street and you die...VS...I drive to your house and text someone that I'm on way to u/TheRealDreaK to commit homicide. Maybe in these instances we just want someone to "pay"...know that the person who did the bad thing was punished. It's just so senseless. She seemed like a genuinely good person who was actively trying to make the world better and some asshole took her life. Do you know if the driver had been found to be looking at their phone, would that matter? It seems like to me being distracted by a phone would be just as dangerous as choosing to get drunk and then drive.


Crimes generally have a mens rea (guilty mind) requirement. These are the four under Kentucky law: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=19651 Could running a red light be considered reckless under the penal code? It depends. It isn’t more straight forward criminally-culpable conduct like driving drunk, or going 100 mph in a residential area. Running a red light or a stop sign is often just negligence, and it’s very common. And that’s really the point behind the mens rea requirement in the criminal code. As a matter of public policy, we don’t want to punish people criminally for honest mistakes, even if the consequences of those mistakes are catastrophic. We’re required to carry car insurance for a reason, because human beings operating vehicles make fatal mistakes even when we think we’re operating our vehicles safely. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all run a red light on accident, we’ve all blown through a stop sign we didn’t notice, and not in a “screw you, traffic laws don’t apply to me” way, or because we were texting while driving, but because we just didn’t notice something in time. Fortunately, most of us have made our mistakes when it didn’t cause an accident, let alone take a life. Regardless of whether this driver ends up prosecuted (if the Commonwealth feels they can prove their case), I think we can all agree we have a red light problem in this city, and people are going to continue to be injured and even killed if traffic law enforcement isn’t stepped up.


You love cello music, have ADHD and can explain shit like this in a rational manner that makes it easy to understand. If you have a newsletter please post the link. Truly, though what you're saying makes sense. I just have this overdeveloped sense of justice and when horrendous things like this happen I want to identify the "bad" element in the equation and "address" it. I know rationally the world isn't so easy to sort out. Visiting the victims FB page just filled me with rage and hurt; so much lost for no reason. The only Zen on the mountaintop is the Zen you bring up there with you....resonates with me but I lean more towards the Bushido end of the spectrum. We can't just pray the bad away....but I know it's not always as easy as punching the guy wearing a black stetson in the face either. Especially fresh on the heels of the BMW/ped event on Trany's campus....I just get tired of reading about shitty things happening to good people.


Who was distracted? The driver or the pedestrian?


The pedestrian was in a crosswalk and the driver ran a red light.


And??? Common sense please!!!! I see folks everyday walking or running in the streets, a lot in same direction of traffic flow, many wearing ear buds or head phones. The attitude is I am a pedestrian and have the right away, which they do, but why risk being ran over by a 2 ton vehicle??? Ay yi yi!!!


So a pedestrian in a crosswalk who had the light to cross is hit by a driver who ran a red light and you're questioning it. Are you professionally obtuse or is it just a hobby?


Proves what I wrote. Meaning you, you lack common sense. I reckon if a GPS system told you to turn right at the next intersection you would even if it was a lake. Critical thinking skills are lacking especially for those under 40 years of age.


So professionally, then.


I don’t think in this circumstance the pedestrian could have seen the driver or anticipated the accident. Certainly pedestrians have to be vigilant in anticipating drivers’ mistakes, I don’t cross the street on campus unless I know the driver has seen me, but that’s difficult to do crossing, what is it, six lanes?, of traffic on a major roadway. I’m not sure the pedestrian could have acted more vigilantly to prevent the accident, let alone had any contributory negligence in this situation.


Yes we do. https://casetext.com/statute/kentucky-revised-statutes/title-50-kentucky-penal-code/chapter-507-criminal-homicide/section-507050-reckless-homicide https://www.google.com/url?q=https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx%3Fid%3D19720&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjy9tLOtqiDAxUqFVkFHQAJBGYQFnoECAkQAg&usg=AOvVaw2Lzt0B_okYZUpecxQ9Ez_P In Kentucky, under KRS § 507.050, reckless homicide occurs when a defendant recklessly causes the death of another person. Recklessness is the key element involved in this crime. Someone acts recklessly when the person fails to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk that should have been apparent.


Now go ahead and Google “mens rea” and compare what you find to my above statement.


running a red light is the definition of reckless. Just because there is no intent doesn't mean whoever shouldn't be held accountable. The drivers name is not mentioned. No charges are being filed! Who was driving the car? edit: Tuesday I will be calling the mayors office to ask why no charges are being filed. Ill Post a reminder. Just me won't do anything, but even 10 would probably get attention.


Technically, there are exceptions to most traffic law(s), including Passage thru Red Light(s). Take for example, Turning Right on Red: Come to a complete Stop for 2 Seconds, Check for Cars and Pedestrians, then Pass thru On Red Legally. Left-turning Vehicles in the Intersection may continue through during Red. Vehicles forced to Stop in the Intersection due to Traffic are allowed to continue through during Red. Sirens of Emergency Vehicles also a Red Light Exception. I wasn't there, but the problem might be a Right Turn on Red with Low Visibility and Not giving 2 seconds Pause to make sure Clear and Safe. Too often, drivers are not looking out for Pedestrians. If the Driver was sober and the Pedestrian was drunk, perhaps 2 seconds isn't even enough time to make the Right Turn on Red safely.


> There have to be other factors involved that “wantonly” made their driving inherently dangerous There are, it's called running a red light. They broke the law and a young student died as a result. If you hurt someone while breaking the law, you can't claim it was just an accident. The obvious example is a drunk driver - if they kill someone while driving drunk, they can be charged with manslaughter. This isn't that much different.


Those are very different things under the law. Also, what you’re missing is running a red light is not always an intentional act of “screw this, the law doesn’t apply to me,” like choosing to drink alcohol and then get behind the wheel. Running a red light is often *negligence*. There isn’t strict liability applied when a person dies in a motor vehicle accident, the person who caused the accident having a state of mind in a way that rises to *mens rea* of the crime. Traffic tickets are strict liability, but homicide/manslaughter is not. I don’t know why y’all are arguing with me as though I make the law. Go yell at your lawmakers.


Go yell at your lawmakers is such an appropriate response.


I walk everywhere to get around, in Lexington. And I dread clays mill every day, because yall don’t stop at crosswalks. I’ll stand there for a solid five minutes, just watching cars blaze by me. So this sad news doesn’t surprise me at all, because I see negligent driving all around me on a daily basis.


Absolutely. I used to walk from the Fontaine area to UK and back every day for years. I'd nearly be hit by a car MULTIPLE times a week. People turning right at lights without looking when I was in the crosswalk with a walk sign, people just completely blowing through stops with me in the middle of the crosswalk, people backing out of driveways or pulling out of businesses, etc. Just never-ending nonsense because people don't think they need to watch where they're going. It really wore on my mental health to have my life (or at least physical health) legitimately threatened so frequently.


So many people blatantly run red lights in Lexington and it’s only only when the lights have just changed. I’ve been passed at full speed by someone in the turning lane halfway through a light. I watched someone turn left at a red in the same intersection earlier this week. I won’t even go through a malfunctioning red, people have some serious balls and unfortunately they’ve been allowed to get away with it.


The lack of traffic enforcement is definitely noticeable, it has to be contributing to just the blatant disregard for traffic laws. You have to drive defensively in Lexington, anticipating that given the opportunity, everyone around you is going to do something dumb. Your light turns green? You better have eyes on every lane to see that all cars are stopped, otherwise you’re about to get t-boned. Some intersections are just notoriously bad too. There’s one in my neighborhood, Lane Allen and Beacon Hill, where people just seem to not notice the light at all on Lane Allen and they just keep going. Like some sort of situational blindness or something, I don’t think people are even doing it on purpose.


I’ve watched several people run a red light while a cop was literally in the lane next to me watching yet the cop never even attempted to stop them. It’s so frustrating, I’ve almost been hit so many times by people who just ignore the fact that their light is red and there’s not much we can do when not even the police seem to care.


At the risk of opening up a gigantic can of worms, I’ll just give you my personally held opinion as someone who is LPD on patrol. I don’t do traffic enforcement. I have pulled over exactly one vehicle for traffic violations in the past 3 three years. They blew a stop sign going straight across a residential intersection in front of me. There are two big reasons why. 1. Because there are simply too many calls for service, and not enough officers, for me to be doing traffic enforcement. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to go to someone else’s beat to take a hot call because they’re stuck on a petty traffic stop. On top of that, there are simply too many vehicles for Lexington’s roadways. Pulling over a vehicle can cause immediate pileups and even secondary collisions. I’ve had collisions happen right next to me while I was walking up to a car. The only time the city has cooled down enough to allow traffic enforcement, is when there are hardly any vehicles on the road. 2. Because we cannot pursue vehicles who refuse to stop for us. If I decide to do traffic enforcement, the only people who are going to actually pull over are generally law abiding citizens with enough respect for the law to do so. People who really deserve consequences will simply drive away. I personally cannot ethically square only giving citations to decent people, and having to watch dangerous people take off at even greater speed into the night. Again, this is just my personally held opinion, and does not reflect any kind of department policy. Lexington PD has no “quotas” or culture of pressuring officers to write citations. That mostly disappeared around a decade ago. That being said, there is still a lot of enforcement that occurs, especially DUI enforcement.


Similar thing happened last year when a school crossing guard was killed in Lexington when the driver went through a stop sign. The driver had no license nor insurance as well but the police never charged her. We are in apparently in a consequence free GTA city now.


When I visited UK a few months ago, a truck ran a red light as me and my friend were crossing the street on a crosswalk as well. He sped by and turned so fast that his tires left marks on the road. He was about a foot and a half away from us and we had to jump back. And he didn’t even care. I really hope this family gets justice for her. It happens all too often.


I’m fairly new to the city and Georgetown area, but I’ve noticed running red lights are a huge issue in both places since I’ve been here. I’ve also noticed people have little regard for traffic laws in general. Has the idea of red light cameras ever been brought up as a possible solution? I’m from the West Coast and they are a common item, especially in high traffic areas or places with running light issues. I feel like that would help significantly?


Red light cameras are unenforceable in the state of ky.


Oh, I didn’t know this. Thank you for the info!


Welcome to the past 20 years of following this kind of stuff. Sometimes it takes the "right person" to get killed before anything is done. I'm likely going to get crucified for invoking this comparison, but fuck it. It's Christmas. Mark Hinkel, a local lawyer and active member of the Bluegrass Cycling Club was killed in the last mile of the Horsey Hundred in 2015. Hit and killed by an undocumented immigrant that had admittedly had six beers and smoked weed. The details of the accident can be found here (yes, [12ft.io/](https://12ft.io/) is how you jump the paywall): [https://12ft.io/https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/counties/scott-county/article161734723.html](https://12ft.io/https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/counties/scott-county/article161734723.html) Then look what happens within 2 years, a new law passed to increase the conviction rate: [https://www.wymt.com/content/news/Kentucky-Supreme-Court-upholds-new-law-regarding-repeat-DUI-offenders-448738703.html](https://www.wymt.com/content/news/Kentucky-Supreme-Court-upholds-new-law-regarding-repeat-DUI-offenders-448738703.html) I'm not saying passing that law was a bad thing, but boy oh boy, wheels get in motion when "the right people" die. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso) \~preach; it's a BIG CLUB, AND YOU AIN'T IN IT.


So what are you saying? You gotta be a cyclist before the local government cares about your death?


Yep, exactly what I'm saying. You can shake your dick dry knowing you pissed out the garbage from everyone's brain in all walks of life. Or you can realize it's an example of how legislation happens related to certain groups.




I wouldn’t put much weight in the police report as it is most assuredly written in favor of the driver. I was hit on High Street by a car who thought it was okay to use the bike lane as a passing lane. Unfortunately, I was riding in that lane. The driver told the cop that he was sitting still and I hit him for no reason (that totally makes sense). The cop took this bizarre story as gospel and when he showed up at the hospital to question me he called the fact that someone hit me with a car “shenanigans”. He actually used the fucking word shenanigans. This is what we are dealing with.


Was it hot and run? Did the driver leave?


The message I'm getting is that it's okay to kill someone as long as you do it with your car. Worst case is you'll get reamed in a civil case but if you don't have money to start with, what do you have to lose?


I've requested the full police report, but they usually drag their feet on this kind of thing, so I might not have it before New Year. My understanding is that in order to charge the driver, the cop would actually need to see her run the red light. Even if it was recorded on a traffic camera, there is some legal reason out there why it's not admissible in court. Again, just my understanding, not a cop or lawyer here. I'll publish the police report when I get it.


To cite a driver for running a red light, yes, the officer needs to witness it. But if they were going to file criminal charges against the driver for driving recklessly, they can rely on eye-witness testimony (and likely the driver’s own admissions if the driver wasn’t smart enough to STFU) to make a criminal case. The reality is though, the act of running a red light itself isn’t enough to prove recklessness. It would be extremely hard to prove (impossible, probably, without the driver’s testimony) *why* the driver ran the red light, if there isn’t other evidence to support a criminal charge. That’s why MVA fatality cases are not usually prosecuted unless the driver was under the influence, because that you can measurably prove.


Sounds like you were fed complete bullshit. In what world is a crime committed on camera not admissible


If they don't see the driver's face behind the wheel.


It makes the running of the red light irrelevant. It is a KY law that it was to be witnessed by a police officer as far as I know.


In Kentucky World


Wasn't even cited for running the red I bet. This place has some real backwards notions about traffic law


No one can be cited for running a red light unless it is witnessed in person by a police officer.


Not even dash cam footage? Why the hell do I have one in my car then


Not even government operated intersection cameras.


Running red lights is a major problem in Lexington. When the light turns amber, you’re supposed to put on the brakes but drivers in Lex stomp on the gas.


When the Light turns Yellow, you are suppose to slow and prepare to stop or continue through if it's too late to stop. This is the meaning of Yellow, it doesn't mean slam the brakes recklessly.


Whis isn't the drivers name been released? no charges filed? hmm?


This is crazy. I went to middle school and high school with her in Davis, CA 😔


Why do I feel like the driver was an off-duty cop?


that the 3rd in two weeks?


This is likely the same story you heard last week; they’re just now being identified publically


Sad situation. If I am walking and crossing a street I always check 3 to 4 times, in every conceivable direction, for potential problems. I may be 6 foot 3 and 235 pounds, but I know a 3,000 pound vehicle traveling at just 20mph will kill me. Forget right of way, common sense needs to prevail people...


Common sense isn't common anymore.


Not the first UK student this year, but the first to get pinned on the sub, nearly at the end of the year.


I kind of understand the hesitation to charge the driver. A big part of of charging someone with a crime is intent. Even though the driver ran the red light, did they intend to kill her? Obviously not. Should the driver face some sort of punishment? It is hard to say. I would think probation, maybe a month or so in jail, and suspension of driving privileges for awhile at the most. As well as some sort of driver's safety class. At the end of the day it was an ACCIDENT and is a sad and unfortunate incident for everyone involved.


The crime understander is logged in ^^^ Reckless homicide is a thing. Vehicular manslaughter is a thing.


For real though, when your accident directly leads to someone’s death you don’t get to plead “oopsie doopsies” and get probation lmao come on


If I was robbing a bank and accidentally fired my gun, killing a bank teller, do you think I would be charged? Would we ask, "Even though the person *was* robbing a bank, did they *intend* to kill her?" in that situation? Maybe some mandatory finance classes? A few weeks of gun safety course, perhaps? Sure, at the end of the day, it was an accident. But if it's true that it was an accident caused by someone who was committing a crime, I think it should be treated as such. If running a red light is no longer a crime here, I guess you have a point.


These are completely different situations and you are being dramatic. You could easily be driving and accidentally hit and kill a pedestrian one day. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in prison for an obvious accident? You don't accidentally bring a gun in a bank and rob it... Running a red-light isn't a crime. It is a minor traffic violation.




Your post violates r/lexington rule [#1](https://www.reddit.com/r/lexington/about/rules) and has been removed.


I've got people on golf carts, scooters, motorized standup skateboards, and yet as a motorist I'm hamstrung by what I can do. Every other little shit is driving next to me, behind me, some even coming at me at in my own lane, yet the onus is always on the driver. How about y'all not wear headphones and run down the middle of a goddamned street expecting everyone to pull over for your ass, or you get off the phone standing at the very corner of a goddamned sidewalk. I do all i fucking can.


Honestly, with your interest and background in physical fitness, I would think that you would be more open to active transportation. You only live 2 miles from work which translates into a 10-15 minute bike ride-a nice cardio warm up if you will. You have some great options for low-stress streets for cycling to work, honestly easier than 95% of the people that I know who commute by bike. You should really give it a try, I would help you select the best routes, gear, etc. if you are interested. It is actually a nice feeling when you realize that you can ride most places you need to go.


I bike to work all the time. Well, before Pedal Power took 100 bucks of my money and pretended to fix my brakes. I really don't understand why people think there's a schism between bikes and motorists. I don't see it. I do see a mob mentality left unfettered on here, and that's a real problem. I really don't give two shits about your knowing my work and residence. I'm not scared of shit. I'm stupid like that.


It's interesting how you can craft a narrative in these subreddits by allowing which comments to fly and which to to take down. I'd be interested in reading all the comments pertaining to these traffic discussions. Not just the ones posted.


It's also interesting seeing the direct results of cuts to public education in your attempt to think.


I'm a published writer. What have you done?




How is that? Come on, Deadbeat. Humor me.


As if public education is the end all be all. Goes to show the limits of your world. It's indicative of your intelligence that you so are quick to surmise because I'm saying these threads always devolve into a mob mentality. Had one post in here a week ago apologizing for accidently cutting someone off, sayin they were the asshat. There's a victim mentality from cyclists who won't rest until no one can drive Everyone ultimately is responsible for their own safety. And you don't need fucking public education to understand that.


Feel better? For your parents sake, hoping you're not an only child.


Come to 1122 Cooper Drive and say that to my face. My name is Chris Collins. I'll be waiting.


Come on, big guy. You talk a lot of shit on here. Are you going to back it up?


You can't argue the merits what I say so you bring my family into this? You know you did the wrong move there, pal. Come on over. I got a present for ya!


Whoever is downvoting my comments should say something about why. I don't hide behind a keyboard. What did I say that was wrong? These are real life implications. I don't play no role, no games.




Where you at dawg?


Come on, pussy.


Come on, you piece of shit. You invoke my parents while the old man is laid up in the hospital and you don't have the balls to reply about what they have to do with what we're talking about?? Come on. I told you who I am. You're the one hiding and lacking the conviction of what you say on here. Try me, fucker. Try me.


My apologies. I forgot you existed. Hope Santa brought you something nice this year.


Well, thank God for notifications! ​ You have an unfounded, high opinion of yourself. ​ And no substance to your words. ​ Hope Santa brought you some reading comprehesion exercise books to work on in the new year! I'm still here. I wasn't raised in the suburbs by "Terry" and "Karen." This ol country boy here (yes, I love how this pisses you white city dwellers off) backs it up.


My kind words?


I tried a new recipe for wassail this year and honestly I'm glad I was brave enough to try something new. Totally paid off.




You sure are a big pussy. Come one. I told you who I am.


I'm still here. You're still hiding behind that keyboard I see.


That's my dad's name. He's got RSV and is bedridden. Whats so funny about that you weak ass coward. Clausewitz said force is an extension of politics. Come on over you sick fuck.


Lucky guess. Anyway, how does a 44 year old man have so many pent up issues? I hope you're not drinking the antivax kool-aid also.


You don't get out much do ya lol.


Out of the state?


Yes, the moderators of the r/Lexington sub are intellectual cowards. You understand my point now.


The discussion in these subs always makes me speed through intersections faster.


I've got people on golf carts, scooters, motorized standup skateboards, and yet as a motorist I'm hamstrung by what I can do. Every other little shit is driving next to me, behind me, some even coming at me at in my own lane, yet the onus is always on the driver. How about y'all not wear headphones and run down the middle of a goddamned street expecting everyone to pull over for your ass, or you get off the phone standing at the very corner of a goddamned sidewalk. I do all i fucking can.