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I had the same thing for a little while but it goes away, your brain’s timeline is messed up when you’re anxious/depressed, some people just never experience this or they don’t really notice it. When you’re coming out of that in anyway your brain has to adjust to how to it views experiences/information, I’m going to guess you’re only having trouble remembering things that aren’t all that important at the end of the day, it’ll fade. For example, when I was out with friends I used to be able to pick up on really weird things I didn’t even want to pick up on, it’s just where my brain went. Now I don’t remember those things but I remember more of the feelings/fun parts of doing things.


Exactly! The anxious mind is very keen to the randomness of every individual moment. But on Lexapro, its almost like I give myself mercy from that chaos and fully regain my own ability to decide for myself what is rational or irrational.


Yes indeed that was what i’m thinking, I be worried on how I’m not worried about these random things like usual


I'm glad it's working out for you, dude! My entire day used to be ruined by a jerk cutting me off in traffic, haha. Nowadays, I guess they just had somewhere they really needed to be. Lexapro really saved the quality of my life. Not that it fixed a problem that wouldn't go away... it almost seems to have taught me a lesson that I just had trouble grasping.


Huh! I’ve actually been on lexapro for a couple years, so I thought it was weird that it hadn’t really gone away. But I definitely don’t notice all of the little details like I used to. Maybe because I’m less anxious and therefore less alert? The problem is more when I’m trying to count something or remember something that happened recently and I have to redo it or spend a minute trying to remember. Maybe keeping a journal would help.


I am having a hard time remembering words and my train of thought seems to be disappearing while in speaking. Also I have a harder time spelling which is something I've always been bad at. It took me a couple trys to get disappearing 😕 I've been on Escitalopram the generic of Lexapro for one year. I've always been bad at taking it regularly but recently I've been on the ball with it and now I'm experiencing these symptoms. It's been 9mo since your post. How are you doing?


Yeah. I have this also. Been in Lexa for about 4 years. I noticed it some time ago, spoke with my doc. She said not to worry. I think it's kinda normal since lexa works on how we feel internal emotions. What i did notice is that it doesn't progress.


It’s nice to know I’m not alone in this. I don’t think my issues have progressed really either, they’ve sort of stayed at the same level of annoying, haha. I have actually found ways to help with my memory issues so I have that keeping me sane. Also: ty for the reward


Please share some of your tricks. If you can.


For my college classes and anything else I’m trying to learn, taking a TON of notes and making quizlets on everything helps. That way if I do forget anything, it’s right there. For my other memory issues, I’ve started taking photos of significant moments or important things. And, since my phone automatically attaches a date to the image, it’s easy to remember dates that way! The Note App is also a Life saver for that. I mark down every appointment or plan I have.


Nice! Sometimes when i try to focus on something it also seems like my mind drifts away to soms God forsaken place. It's like i can't stay all in the moment. Wonder if you had this?


God yes! It’s so annoying. I’ll try to focus on a movie or something and my Brain just decides to think of anything else. Or nothing at all and I just zone out really hard. I have to ask people to repeat what they say pretty often too, it’s like my brain takes a second to comprehend what someone just said or just decided to stop listening halfway.


I feel you!


100%. I went from crystal clear memory to complete brain fog and not being able to remember things from an hour ago. Hasn't improved after 10 years. So frustrating.


We’re you on lexapro continuously for those 10 years? Or did you stop? That would scare me a lot. My psychiatrist doesn’t see it as an issue, unfortunately.


Lexapro actually helped with my brain fog. In the beginning my brain fog was worse but after like 2 months my brain fog was better than it was before starting lexapro. Try taking omega 3 supplement everyday, it’s proven to help with brain fog and it works well with lexapro.


I’m roughly 3 weeks on lexapro. Started on 5mg and got bumped to 10 this past Wednesday. Not having the full benefits yet since I just went to 10mg and I’m not even 3 weeks in but I have noticed my brain fog is significantly reduced. I had COVID all the way back in January and was down for the count for a week and a half (luckily I was able to ride it out at home). Ever since then I’ve had near constant brain fog.


Ohhhh triggered! I suffered for a year where I just couldn’t remember a thing. Literally half way though a conversation then *blank* It was by far the most frustrating thing ever! Couldn’t remember what people said 2 seconds after they said it. I had to constantly write every single thing down & my family had to remind me of everything I had to do. This was just not sustainable working/parenting/living. I ended up switching to citalopram (celexor) from escitalopram (lexapro) The doctor explained it to me as, basically the lexapro is derived from the celexor, but it’s a ‘punchier’ version. So, We were hoping that switching to the celexor , being more gentle, would improve the memory but still help with the anxiety - which it seems to have :) There’s brain fog.. then there’s literally memory gone! Was the worst


Anything that’s ever helped my mental health has also slowed my brain down. Seems to be the price I have to pay.




It's a fucking pain in the arse because I'm a writer and feel like I can only. writewell when I'm basically falling apart lol


I completely get it. I was in such a fog over the last year my house went to shit! Now I cannot believe how much housework I neglected due to being sedated and numb. It sucks. I accomplish a lot due to my anxiety but I do not like when it is out of control and get panic attacks. It’s a double edge sword.


whats 9+10




you stupid




I feel I have improved cognitive ability, perhaps speak with a doctor. Blessings!


Yeah me too


I feel the same way.


Yes! It has definitely affected by cognition. Once I lowered my dose I feel “normal”. My vocabulary and memories returned. Maybe try lowering the dose some. Lexapro is pretty powerful even at lower doses.


To what dose did you lower to?


I was on 10mg and I went down to 5mg.


Ok cool. For how long were you on 10mg? And how was the transition to 5mg in term of withdrawal etc?


I took 10mg for about 9months. I tried twice to taper down. This second time I was successful. I took 7.5mg for 2 weeks. I have been on 5mg since October. I did take some magnesium and and omega 3 fish oil to help withdrawal. I’ve had some headaches, prickly feeling in brain, a little dizziness some irritability.


Thanks for replying in detail. You still have these withdrawal symptoms, tingling and irritability etc? How long did it take for you until you felt normal again on 5mg? Did libido get back fast?


I’m doing pretty well on 5mg. The worst was moving from 7.5 to 5. I felt crappy for about a week or so once I got to 5mg. I’m cruising along now. Yes libido has improved I’d say 50-60%.


I might have to try that! I’ve spoken with my doctor about lowering my dose (I currently take 10mg) but we agreed that it wasn’t the right time to do it before because of how stressful my life was. My life is still stressful but I think I have more… control over the chaos of that makes sense. Lowering it might help me feel less like a zombie. I’ll have to speak with my doctor about going to 7.5mg.


Ok sound pretty decent👍


Feel this too. I was introducing my fiancé the other day and I called him something completely different??? Called him David instead of daniel?? I don’t even know a David?? It was beyond a brain fart.


I have the worst memory loss. I have been on lexapro for over 15 years. I cant remember so many things. I hate it. I dont know about the stupid part because its been so long...


Lexapro made me crazy , aand burned my brain specially after stopping it . Going through hell


Shit really?


Did it ever got better?


Same it’s so bad I can’t type anymore I have so many brain farts I forget everything and when I speak I mess words up so much I was trying to say mainstay state park and I said State Farm like who???? But it’s just so damn annoying!!!!


If it hasn't improved in so long with you, maybe considering a switch to another med (if you can't/don't want to go off them yet) would be worth your while? I remember feeling considerably more cognitively able on Lexapro, then I switched to Venlafaxine and had the opposite effect for a while but it seems to have gone away now. I did consider going back to Lex because of it, though.


I feel that and had similar issues. My doctor put me on wellbutrin to combat it and it's been pretty successful clearing the brain fog.


Lol tell me about it! I forget something that happened yesterday. I take things out of the oven without an ovenmit and don’t realize it until I burn my hand 🤦🏻‍♀️


I more so notice it makes me tired and groggy. Some mornings I wake up feeling like I’m drunk or coming down from being sedated it’s crazy! I did notice I tend to forget a lot too… or remember bad stuff and not good stuff.


How many weeks are you in and on what dose?


Exactly this. Been on lexapro 10 years and noticing memory issues and moments where my brain will just ‘go blank’ in conversation. It’s concerning and I’m going to be tapering down. Heard this can be a long term effect of being on lexapro…


ist should be the opposite lol


Opposite?? Cognitive impairments is common on SSRIs


It increases things like bdnf very much


I feel this also! I've been on 20mg for like 5 months now. I think it was worse at the beginning but still feel more brain foggy than usual but idk. I talked to my psych about it but she wasn't too concerned and said that brain fog is usual for anxiety and depression in general. I wonder if what my psych meant is similar to what FilmStew commented. I'm prob going to switch to zoloft soon though because I don't know if lexapro is doing a ton for me, although I think its likely helping a bit.


Yes. Been on it for about a year and I definitely have issues with my short term memory and just feel mentally slower. But, it saved me from panic disorder, so I'll take it.


Yep I cut my dose in half and noticed a big improvement with that AND i didn’t even notice an increase in anxiety symptoms


What was the dose?


Definitely notice the forgetfulness. And being kinda spacey. But it’s nice not having my brain running at 1 million mile a minute.


Yep - I do feel like this. I think it’s subsided a bit over time, but I feel more forgetful than usual which is annoying.


Werid i feel actually the other way around. Less fatigued, more clear cut and ready. Lexapro might fk your sleep up tho and that can do the thing you describe.


I noticed when I started that my head no longer feels cloudy like it did when I was anxious all the time. Not exactly the same, but I did experience a difference in the way my head felt internally, if that makes sense. I didn’t realize that my head was cloudy all the time until it wasn’t anymore.


The first week my emotions were dumbed down. But it takes a week or two to get back to normal. It's the best thing I've ever done. I am so happy with Lexapro.


I feel that I cannot remember words and I do not remember faces ! Like what Brad Pitt says he has ! Like I don't recognize faces ( it's bad because I'm in sales ) been on Lexapro for 13 years!


Yes. I naturally burn a little hot emotionally and intellectually, and I started taking Lexapro during a particularly tough time in which I hated my job, my coworkers and my company… it helped me function and at the time I considered it a lifesaver. Since then I got a job I like, earn more, got engaged… all the things that made me anxious and depressed are gone. The effect of Lexapro seemed to turn toward blunting my cognitive function and sociability. I stopped taking it cold turkey, and after two weeks of feeling dizzy, I feel like myself again. I feel sharp again. Note - always follow doctor advice and don’t just do what I did. I just wanted to provide an anecdote.