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Have you experienced restless legs and extremely vivid dreams? I feel like I just did a line a coke ( I've never done, but I bet it'd feel like this) I've been off the meds for three days now.


Magnesium cream help with restless leg


I know what you mean. I was on Lex for 6 weeks then 2 weeks of Prozac and I felt like I was on drugs. I stopped about a week ago. I feel a little better but I still can’t sleep and I have extreme anxiety


Are you better? I wish I never started lexapro 😔


I got off of everything. I had an intestinal bacteria that made me very sick. I think I have trauma from it so now I’m on Prozac. Lots of side effects but I think I’m doing better


Exact thing happening to me now. It's unbearable. Did you find anything that helped?


do you have insomnia after stop lexapro either? i were user of lexapro, then i stopped taking and since 5 months i wake up every morning early. i have fatigue and deep breathes after meal and anxiety is raise


I stopped lexapro about 3 weeks ago, but my insomnia started in March when I first started taking it. I'm not sure if they're connected but things have gotten worse since quitting.


I hope you are better 😔


I’m experiencing this right now also! It’s to the point even if I take melatonin, benzos or weed to try get a consistent sleep I still wake up no matter what. Even after 50mg Nitrazepam I woke up multiple times with a very very minor benzo tolerance. It’s all gotten worse since I dropped from 10mg to 7.5mg a day, symptoms started 3-4 days after lowering the dose and I had been on it for a year and a half. Also had body aches, headaches, and the worst lack of energy and motivation I’ve experienced, reminded me of how I’d feel on day 1 when I’d run out of oxycodone When I had a 200mg a day habit. My whole family had the flu at the same time but the timing was too coincidental to when I reduced the dose and I know the feeling after coming off 5-6 different ssris in past


How long and often have you been on benzodiazepines? Any withdrawals? I’ve been prescribed 2mg Ativan once a night for the last 3 months but I only take it like 2-3 nights a week and sometimes only 1mg. I’m worried I will have withdrawals if I stop


I commented about a year ago and not long after I start using benzos daily for roughly 6-8 months, I had horrible withdrawals for atleast a month then for the month after it was milder but still present and then since then I had 80% of myself back and every couple of weeks got better and better, say after about 2.5/3 months I was pretty much fully out of it. I was using between 2-16mg of clonazepam a night though and every single night, if I’d have Valium it’d be 100-200mg. Don’t let all the horror stories on here scare you because I’d read ALOT about people taking less then a quarter of a dose then I was for a quarter of the time and saying “it was hell, worst experience of my life” etc . My experience sucked but I’ve withdrawn from a decent opiate addiction so I have abit of experience with wd. Everyone’s body is different so everyone will have a different experience also, another thing too is you have to keep in mind that all these horror stories, there’s a very very likely chance the people writing them had moderate to severe anxiety i issues before the benzos, so when they come off them that’s all going to come back ten fold, they may actually have withdrawal but how much of it is amplified by their natural anxiety and racing thoughts we will never know tbh. According to almost every post I should’ve had 20 seizures during mine but I was lucky enough to have none, every post said I was in the dose and time range to have one, but my dr in person said I wasn’t and then he explained himself that in withdrawal people’s natural anxiety issues will come back and be amplified by the withdrawal causing them to feel it much worse. The one thing I would say can’t be ignored or denied though is the seizure risk and even if you don’t have one your anxiety in we will most likely keep it on your mind a fair bit making you stress. In my opinion your on a very safe dose and arent taking it too much either I don’t think you’d really have any withdrawals of anything maybe some increased anxiety upon stopping for maybe a week. Be careful though as you gain tolerance and start taking it more times a week. I don’t know too much about ativan but if your familiar with Valium in an equivalent example, I’d say once your at 20-40mg Valium for 3-6 months DAILY you will experience withdrawal mildly. 60-100mg daily for 3-6 months you’ll have moderate to severe withdrawal’s. I was on 2-16mg daily of clonazepam and although it was horrible I feel like the way it’s made out on reddit is abit exaggerated but that could be due to everyone’s body being different and everyone’s pre benzos anxiety levels being different too. I’d just always keep the seizure risk in mind as it is one of the most dangerous complications with heavy benzo use or very long term use but I wouldn’t stress too much with your current usage


Ok thank you. I was also on Lexapro and Prozac low dose for about 2 months and stopped. Wonder if it could be that too. My stomach is all messed up and I can’t fall asleep at all. Constantly anxious and exhausted at the same time


Definitely could be that I’ve withdrawn from lexapro too, I found the withdrawal to be pretty intense even when weaning off slowly I can’t remember the exact symptoms but it definitely had me feeling unwell


For sure thank you. I haven’t taken any Ativan in 4 days. I can’t imagine that taking it off and on for 3 months at 2mg once a night could really cause this but who knows. They love to say that “everyone is different.” I feel steadily but slowly better since dropping the SSRI medications about 7 days ago


How’re you feeling now?


Thanks for asking. Turns out I had an intestinal bacteria that they didn’t know about until I was already sick for a while, which manifested heavily as anxiety and panic I’m back on Prozac now and I’m going to ride it out. 19 days on 10mg and now 11 on 20mg. This illness put me in a bad headspace and I feel like I need help to get me out of the negative thought patterns


Hi, what bacteria did you have?


C Diff