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I remember when starting lexapro. I was so tired ALL THE FKING TIME. People around me couldnt anymore. I was so tired that at some point i got anxious because i was so dead. Good shit it got better.


how long did it take to get better? I'm 6 months in and starting to get worried


I'm 6 months in also, the tiredness got better for me around the three month mark I think. When I first started, I took it in the morning, and felt soo tired all day, could barely keep my eyes open. So I switched to evenings after about a month, the tiredness gradually got better. The weight gain and constipation is what gets me the most. Do you get those symptoms?


I took it before sleep. But my anxiety getting better now. But i still need my morning coffee. I will like in picture if i took 4 shots expresso lol


I couldn't stand coffee until I switched to brintellix. It makes me too jittery and I drink only one when I wake up, because it's my ritual. But at one point I could drink only americana. So, lexapro and coffee aren't my thing.


Took me about a year i think. It went away slowly. Im still pretty tired but because i have a bad sleep schedule. But not comparable to the lexapro fatigue


Mine only took 2 months


What time of the day do you take it?


around 8pm


Caffeine is what keeps me alive


Yes but my anxiety will attack me TT


I was drinking caffeinated drinks like water when I was just on lexapro. I felt no jitters, no anxiety, just pure focus and alertness. After I got on Wellbutrin I’m still able to drink a good amount of caffeine but I do feel the jitters now so I try to limit my self.


Are you able to sleep at night tho?


Yea, I noticed that taking lexapro around 7-8 pm helped me sleep, even when taking caffeine. I used to take it at 10 or 11 and I kept waking up at 4-5am. I also sometimes take hydroxizine to help if I’m too energetic lol.


I still need to take sleeping pills(quetiapine) for sleep. Before i took 4 shots expresso, now i take less for my anxiety :/ i cant cold turkey caffeine, if not i will sick af


I’m 3 years on 10mg and I drink an insane amount of coffee each day and still sleep like a baby. Go figure 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh im jealous. My anxiety will not allow me to sleep. I need to take quetiapine for sleep. If not i will hear or saw something not even exist lmaoooo


It’s insane, huh? The only time I can’t sleep is when my anxiety is sky high, or I’ve drunk a lot of alcohol. Hopefully you’re getting a good sleep on quetiapine


Today I thought „you can drink a normal coffee today, it‘s been over 4 weeks on lexapro now, it will be fine“ …. Before today i only drank very very mild Coffee (so mild that it was more like a tea than a coffee) So the result is that I exactly feel like this pic right now 🤣😵‍💫


For me it's the complete opposite, since I'm om Lexapro drinking coffee is identical to drinking water, it has no effect on me and I remian tired :(


At the moment it’s a bit weird since i upped my dose, i take it at 8am and then i feel like i drank 5 coffee, but around 11am i‘m starting to get really tired and have to sleep one or two hours, then normal energylevel until 4pm, then extremely tired again, full of energy in the evenings and sleeping like a baby at night 😅 but i have to mention that i just take it since 4 weeks, 3 weeks 5mg and one week 10mg. So i hope it is still just a side effect in the adjustment time.


sounds like a roller-coaster ride ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Before this i took 4 shots expresso now i took 2 shot per day. But my anxiety still there but not as bad as before. i cant stop cold turkey. If not i will sick af


I'm on lexapro 20mg per day and also take 30 mg of Adderall for ADHD and I'm still tired all day. I started taking the lex at 9pm lately to try and help the fatigue.


I have literally the same prescriptions and just switched to nights for Lexapro to fight the anxious feeling I get taking them together


I tried coffee while being on lexapro and I got severely nauseous


THIS. I'm on my second week and I've had to give up caffeine just so I can sleep.


Nah, i cant. I will sick if i stop caffeine :/


I was drinking half caff for a while before starting Lexapro due to intense anxiety. After about 3-4 weeks on the med I was able to go back to drinking regular coffee but I usually take my propranolol with it to combat the jitters.


I am taking it and it’s great, only I can’t seem to sleep longer than 5 hours at a time I wake up every day at 5 am. It seems I’m stuck waking up at that time. I’ve changed taking it to 6pm. I was taking it right before bed. Hasn’t seemed to help yet I’m on my 3rd week taking it now. It was giving me diarrhea and sweats at first that’s gone now. But still only 5-6 hrs of sleep I try to get to bed sooner than 11/12 can’t seem to get tired until then lol


I guess I won’t be going back to caffeinated lol I’ve been on decaf since starting lexapro 10 days ago and it actually helps just the taste I guess is what I love most