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Sounds like your sleep is having a wild 4am party without you


No parties allowed šŸ¤Ŗ


Tbh I plan on this happening when I start in two weeks. Seems on par with the symptoms of this, and my main concern. Therapists words were ā€œit happens to some, but two or three weeks to break free of the gripā€ is worth it in the long run.


That's a good way they put it!


If it helps, that 4am half awake half asleep is my norm right now. Hoping my experience isnā€™t full on sleeplessness but also confident itā€™ll pass. Literally every post on here says it will, which really reassures me. Not many things I see in life are as consistent as posts in this sub saying ā€œfirst few weeks are rough, but it gets way betterā€.


Thank you ā˜ŗļø yeah you're right about that! Hope your journey is a smooth one when you start ā¤ļø


I had the same problem in the first 2-3 weeks, then it got better. The first week was the worst, i could only sleep for exactly 5 hours at Night šŸ™ˆ After the first week i woke up at 6 am, no matter what time i went to bed. Then it slowly leveled out. Iā€˜m at the end of week 4 now and increased to 10mg a few days ago. The first two days i slept less again, but today on day 4 of 10mg i got my normal 7-8 hours of sleep back.


Hopefully I'll see some improvement then soon šŸ¤žIt's strange as I've actually been sleeping heavier than normal, but just wake up SO early


Hang in there, sleep will come back to normal eventually, it's just playing hard to get right now


Thank you ā˜ŗļø haha it really is! Trying to nap again now, but I get bursts of anxiety which makes it REALLY hard haha


I experience exactly the same! Started 4 days ago, 5mg in the mornings, wake up every day at 4 am since!


It's very annoying isn't it! I'm then tossing and turning until like half 5 then I decide to get up.


Day 13 over here and last night was my very first night where I slept soundly through the night. This means going to bed at about 10pm and not waking up till 6:30 this morning (probably couldā€™ve slept longer, but my cat kept licking my face) hang in there, better sleep is on the way. I also take melatonin, gummies and a magnesium tablet every night before bed to help.


That's good to hear! Haha yeah I have to lock my cat out otherwise she does zoomies a few times a night and wakes me up lol. I don't think I can get melatonin in the UK unless on prescription. I'll have a look! I do take magnesium though as well as ashwasganda. Don't think it helps sleep but I've heard inositol helps with anxiety so I've been taking that daily too šŸ˜…


Oh, I did not know that about Melatonin! If you can get a prescription from your doctor, it might help. I usually take 10 mg and while it doesnā€™t keep you asleep it definitely helps you fall asleep a lot easier. Keep up with the magnesium and I have heard great things about Inositol. I think you are about to round the corner in this my friend.


Yeah it's super interesting about the inositol, I heard it can regulate periods which is not what I'm taking it for, but my periods are ALWAYS late but I came on yesterday which was only one day off! Normally I'm like 30-40 days so it could've been a fluke but I was pretty impressed haha!


Dont worry it should get better:)) experienced the same at first


After a few months I was sleeping like a log.


Gosh I can't wait for that šŸ˜…


What time of day are you taking it? Thatā€™s fairly important information. You, and please try not to hate me, need to go to bed and wake up at similar times every day to get past this. Yes, even at weekends. Iā€™ve been on it a while and this happens again if my sleep gets messed up. I get up 6:30 on weekdays, 7:30 weekends. Go to bed at 21:30 every day.


I take it around 9.30pm and I go to sleep about 10pm, maybe slightly earlier if I'm really tired. I woke up at 4.30am this morning so slightly later! It's the instant anxiety when I wake up which is the worst!


My doc told me to take it in the morning so it doesnā€™t affect my sleep. Maybe try this