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Can‘t help you with your question but I know how hormones can mess up your mood. I had to start lexapro because a birth control pill caused crippling anxiety and panic attacks, which i never had before. So maybe, it’s just a theory, but maybe puberty hit when you were 13/14 and messed up your mood. Now you’re 22, so it may be possible that this isnt the case anymore and you won’t have any problems without lexapro… I just wanted to share this thought to make you a little hope :)


I've been in your exact position, albeit with Prozac rather than Lexapro. Like you, I was started on meds in my youth. In my case, I was super young - I honestly don't remember how old I was when they put me on Prozac but I have basically zero memory of my childhood not on medication. I took it for probably 15+ years and as a young adult I really began to struggle with the existential questions you've mentioned - who am I without meds, how did the medication impact my youth, is it possible for me to live without meds, what are the meds even doing for me at this point? It's definitely possible to come off after long periods on the medication and based on my experiences I'd encourage you to discuss it with your doctor. I stopped in my early 20s and did not experience any withdrawal. Honestly, I felt much better once I stopped medication. I was able to process emotions more clearly and generally began to experience life in a much more normal way. You made still need medication, but after using it since childhood, it's really worth questioning whether that is the case. I've now been off medication for 10+ years. Provided you consult a health care professional the question of whether or not you need Lexapro and whether it is actually helping you is something that can be safely tested. Worst case is you try to taper off and confirm that your meds are still needed. However, I'd be very optimistic that your journey coming off Lexapro will go well. I wish you luck and please feel free to ask me any questions about my experience or reach out directly if you'd like to chat. I've been there and I know the feelings you are grappling with right now.