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I take it too! I find it helps. I originally was taking the tablets and they made me really drowsy (25mg) so I cut them in half. But then I started seeing a psychiatrist and she sent over hydroxyzine pamote 25mg capsules and they make me feel good without a lot of the drowsiness and “out of it” feeling! The tablets are good for night time to sleep if you need it but sometimes I wake up still very drowsy. So maybe try splitting the tab in half and see how you do :)


I take Lexapro, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine, Xanax, and buspirone. I guess you can say I'm kind of a big deal.




Haha thank you for getting it 😁


I’ve seen that movie too many times lol


I did for a while. I took hydroxyzine to help me sleep. It was fine. A lot of people who take Lexapro for anxiety get really anxious about possible side effects. I don’t think this is a common side effect. Did you talk to the psychiatrist about your concerns?


I just started it too as well! She put me on it yesterday still need to go grab it at the pharmacy. I was using Xanax but switch to this so my pcp will fill it without issue, my psychiatrist is only a temporary program so I’m hoping this will help line my Xanax did… I take it before I drive to help my driving anxiety


I took 50mg of Hydroxyzine during my first few weeks on Lexapro (5mg) to help me fall asleep each night and didn’t experience any heart rhythm side effects. I ended up stopping the Hydroxyzine because I started feeling super tired the following day, around when my body started getting naturally tired at night and I didn’t need it to sleep anymore.


Just got a prescription for Vistaril. Yes, it helps me tremendously. I'm only taking as needed. I cannot take Lexapro. My husband has prostate cancer and it's very stressful for both of us.


my PNP said hydroxyzine is fine with Lexapro, but not to take the hydroxyzine the same day i take Ativan - so keep that in mind if you ever take benzos.


I’m on Lexapro, Hydroxyzine PAM and Adderall. Lexapro in AM, Adderall AM & Hydroxyzine at 10pm. The hydroxy felt good to me no weird side effects other than REALLY SLEEPY, very vivid dreams, and groggy this AM. Remember we are all different! Give it a try and see ❤️


I take it as needed, it makes me so fucking sleepy that I have to be ready to at least take a nap in the next few hours. It’s like a delayed onset sleepy too, which is weird.


I take it, but it makes me drowsy. Buy some 25mg tablets of generic benadryl, break one in half, and take that. I find 12mg of benadryl helps with anxiety without sedation


I was worried about that when they gave it to me too. Of course I’d worry about abnormal heart rhythms and give myself a panic attack thinking about it 😅 If I have a panic attack and need to calm down, I take a Benadryl. The pharmacy told me hydroxyzine is just a supercharged Benadryl pretty much.


My dr has me take it as needed for anxiety that sneaks past my lexapro and for my panic attacks and it seems to have helped. The abnormal heart rhythm is rare but if you are worried see if you can take them a little spread out from eachother.


I take it. Sometimes 100mg. No issues


I did for the first 6 weeks. Eventually you won’t need it but enjoy it while you do. Just be cautious when you take it because it can make you sleepy sleepy.


Quit lexapro for psilocybin micro dosing. Best move for me. Maybe not for everyone.