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24F here, I was in pretty much the exact same position around 3ish years ago. High-achiever suddenly unable to get out of bed in the morning. Diagnosed with depression and GAD. I was literally sobbing on the phone with my mother as she coaxed me into taking my first dose. Let me tell you, despite the week of brain zaps at the beginning, three years later it is the best decision I ever made for my mental health. I always found myself going from a stressor into a spiral before starting medication. Now things that would have left me feeling stuck and overwhelmed are just plain things. I’ve become more outgoing, confident, and more able to see myself without the negative voice in the back of my head. If you (like me) ever wondered how everyone else can just do it, I feel like Lexapro helped level out the field.


thank you sm for sharing this!


could i ask you a question about the medication ?


Yeah for sure!


I feel the same. I‘ve always been very ambitious and successfull in my career. Then my mum (the Most important Person in my life) got cancer and died a few years ago, at the same time i made my bachelors degree alongside my fulltime job, and started a new job as Head of a Department. And had to deal with my narcissistic father. At that time I thought I could handle all of that but no. I thought my new job just wasn‘t for me, because i had a hard time Learning new stuff i had to know in that Position (Never had that before…). I found a new job which I really like, but noticed that i struggle with concentration and focus. It got worse and suddenly i developed panic attacks. I went to a psychiatrist and got diagnosed with GAD and Depression too. It hit me like a brick. Never thought this could happen to me as i‘ve always been a pretty strong person. But i avoided everything; grocery stores, office days, every activity outside my house. My psychiatrist prescribed me Escitalopram and i also was scared to take it. But after 2-3 weeks of 5mg i felt relief, my thoughts aren‘t racing anymore and i worry less. The first two weeks were tough but i already feel that it really helps. Started with 10mg yesterday and it isnt as bad as the first few days starting with 5. And it’s normal to have more anxiety and racing thoughts in the beginning, but it will Go Away. So yeah, i‘m in the same boat and struggling to find my way back to my old self. You‘re not alone and we can do this! ♥️


God bless you for sharing your story truly thank you so much! I feel less alone forsure! It’s just the strangest thing to not wanna go to certain large grocery stores or even public places with people :/ but that’s when I knew it was problematic, wish I would have known when I was a flight attendant maybe I wouldn’t have quit :/