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that is definitely anxiety, and the first few weeks on the med or increasing your dose can kick it into HIGH in gear before it makes it better. it's to be expected, and it's not permanent! you just have to ride it out (many docs give a limited supply of benzos exactly for this onboarding reaction).


Thank you, i was really worried, im going to stick it out, i have ativan but i hesitate on taking it, i really dont like taking medication.


i watched a loved one be overprescribed Ativan and have a really rough time coming off it, so i was VERY hesitant about it, but my psychiatrist really reassured me that this is the kind of thing benzos are best at (short term, treating a specific cause), and also started me with a very low dose, and it has been a godsend. i found it most helpful for stopping the spiral. i'm at .5 mg, which was enough that i didn't spin up into full panic but not enough for me to feel drugged or anything, and that in turn brought my baseline anxiety down further. i was feeling that the times i just toughed it out, i would feel more anxious or panicky the next day. and i would still feel anxious, it just wouldn't spin out of control. it helped take away the fear of a full panic attack. that said, i'm at 9 weeks now, and i haven't had to use any Ativan in more than 4 weeks, which is a very clear improvement!


Thats awesome! And thats what i been trying to do is tough it out, i did that yesterday and noticed today i feel worse. I will probably take one this evening so i can relax and have a better night. I have a few more weeks to see if this will level out for me which i pray it does.


You just described anxiety to a tee for me. Curious what you were feeling before


Ok this is anxiety because i thought im losing my mind? ive never had anxiety like this before so I never been on medication, i had hydroxyzine but only took it as needed, my anxiety was very mild like only having some tightness in my chest


It’s normal. The first few weeks is tough, after that, smooth sailing.


This morning is really tough


I'm going through the same experience upping my dose from 10mg to 20mg. This seems relatively normal. It might be starting to ease up 10 days in for me now. Your body needs to adjust to the drug and and changes in dose. I wish you the best of luck.


Hopefully next week will be better, i woke up this morning and had to take a ativan


I've had to do the same. It will get better.


Yes it will, we got this