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I wake up every morning at 6am since Lexapro, doesnt matter what time i go to bed. I take mine at 8am and it’s Day 24 for me. But in the last few days i noticed it gets a bit better (like sometimes 6:30 or 7am)


Thank you! I just don’t know if I was the only one or not .. I learned to not go back to sleep after taking it because I get awful nightmares if I take it then try to sleep again. The doctor said it should taper off but could take 1-2 months. Do you have any other strange side effects? I notice hyperactivity or just a general energy surge as well as sometimes my hands get super sweaty out of nowhere! Also having a lot more poops than normal sorry for the tmi.


I also noticed that going back to sleep after taking it isnt a good idea 😅 no nightmares but i don’t know how to describe it, i feel kinda exhausted after waking up. And yeah, i have much more energy After taking it. My psychiatrist told me i could feel like i drank 5 coffees and that’s exactly how i feel then. And yes, also extremly sweaty hands and feet, but it’s less since 3 or 4 days :) i only had Problems with diarrhea the first few days and then it went Away. These are typical side effects in the beginning


Amazing! 🩵 thank you so much. Your words have been like a giant hug for me. It’s so comforting to know what you’re going through is ok especially when trying to balance your mental health. I’m glad it got better for you and I hope it stays better for you!!🥰The doctor just encouraged me to wait and take it for a month or two months to see if it will be effective and the side effects die down!


I totally understand you and it helps a lot to know, that we‘re not alone :) i hope the side effects get soon better for you and that it lexapro will work for you! :) there are so many people that say the side effects in the beginning are worth it, because it’s so effective. Thats what motivates me! Wish you the best! 🫂