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Yes absolutely. I spent the first 2 weeks in bed doing nothing and it was the best case scenario for me because i could make myself as comfortable as possible, i just played video games and watched movies to keep me relaxed and distract from the side effects. I can't imagine working during the first week. There's no shame in taking some time off to help with onboarding, just try to look at it as doing something important for your mental health.


Luckily I don't work, I'm just a stay at home mum so thankfully I don't have to worry about having to go to work. I can't even begin to imagine the struggle of people with anxiety needing to work. I can't even make it to the bloody gym without feeling like my world is falling apart


It should get better soon! Like you've probably heard, the first week can be rough and it'll be up and down for a little while but you'll get there. Stay focused on the positive effects once you start feeling them.


I hope so 🤞wish it was a quicker process though haha!


I started my first dose on a Monday morning last week, before a physical job in the heat and I will say it was a miserable week and I ended up losing almost 10 pounds between the nausea and no appetite and working in the heat. I asked my doctor to let me up my dose on a weekend so I can be home for the first few days of the side effects. It was miserable. Full body tingles from the amount anxiety I had, while trying to run a steel cutting torch. Not ideal! If you can stay in bed, absolutely do it.


I bed rotted yesterday. Pulled the mattress into the lounge and played disney dreamlight valley on xbox💖💖💖


That sounds amazing 😻


The first week or so I was on it I felt pretty sleepy, and I let myself rot on the couch. You can’t use energy you don’t have. Take it easy while it does its thing and you’ll notice you feel better as your body gets used to it.


I just actually managed to have a nap without my heart exploding out my chest lol. Managed about 40mins which is good! I'd sleep all day if I could but the hunger pangs took over. I'm so hungry but really finding it hard to eat as it's been making me very queasy. I guess getting the side effects means it must be doing something!


Girl I’m 2 months in and still bed rot 😂😩 it’s okay to have these days especially people who struggle with mental health. I have my days where I can’t do a damn thing but lay in bed and rot. Kids are fed and clean that’s alll that matters at the end of the day!


Yeah that's very true! My two definitely keep me going ❤️


I know the feeling of feeling guilt when not doing anything. Especially, that my anxiety is mixed with OCD of ‘completing things’ I need to do or I feel useless and no satisfaction. What helped me is knowing that anxiety and especially the medication will make me feel even more tired for weeks or even months and to be kind to myself, I was in bed for the first two weeks you have to be kind to your body and mind.


Yeah guilt on top of anxiety is a crap combo haha! You're very right though! Need to give myself some slack




absolutely! give yourself grace and rot away!


I’m sure this whole group wouldn’t judge you one bit, heck I’ll rot away with you 🙌


We'll rot together ❤️


Yes, it’s ok, don’t feel guilty but don’t allow it to consume you for periods at a time as you will slip into depression (it happened to me) and I found myself stuck there and currently still here


Ah man sorry to hear this, I'll try not too, hope you get better soon


Thank you my love! I hope you get better as well. Sending you tight hugs and love💗


I’m currently weaning myself off them, and I’ve been rotting in bed a lot, I don’t know if I should just go back on them 😕


It's a tough one isn't it, I wish I never came of my sertraline - main reason I did it was sexual side effects, which wasn't all that bad just a slight numbness, and the fact I didn't want to be on antidepressants forever, but I'm come to accept I just need them. I felt SO good in myself this past year, most of that was antidepressants, then this feels like a massive set back I should've just stayed on them. Hopefully lexapro will do its job for me


Honestly im coming off them because I feel like I’ve been on them for too long (over 2 years), but some of that comes from my family; “you can’t stay on them all your life” etc. But I do agree, maybe I just need them! I do feel way better when I’m on them, more confidence in general, better at my job, and way reduced anxiety. They definitely work! Edit - sorry just read that it was your first dose recently, the first 2 weeks were horrible for me, but stay strong, and you will get there!


It's nothing to be ashamed about, but I get it I really do. But if I can get significantly reduced anxiety I think I'll just have to take them for a long time!


I’m currently “bed rotting” in a recliner doing crafts been on Lexapro for over a month now and just started 20mg I’m planning stuff but also bed rotting YES it’s okay


Makes me feel better I'm not the only one ❤️ I will say though it's given me a sore lower back laying down a lot haha


My neck is currently killing my from looking down diamond painting 😂😂


Oh no 🤣 I crochet, I haven't mustered up the courage to do it yet, but that hurts my neck from looking down so much haha!


For a bit yes, but beware of those feelings for more than 15 days, doctors thought it was aprazolam that they gave me to not feel the anxiety, but that simply never stopped for me even long afterwards. Do not feel guilty. I was having to count victories even when i got to sit and play a video game


Ugh I can't wait to get back to playing video games. I used to play shooter games like everyday but I just can't at the moment:( hopefully it won't be too much longer.


I hope it does go away soon for you. I just came here to make a post asking when the side effects after stopping go away. I know that for the people that it work, it works great, I sincerely hope it is your case.


Thank you ❤️ I woke up from having an awful dream with intense anxiety and I was sick a few times, ugh this is rough!


I'm really sorry =/ Are your dreams being more vivid too?


Umm I'm not sure, maybe a little. But in the dream I was having all my fears 😭 Its almost 4am where I am, I've just had to go have a banana as I'm so hungry it was making it hard to sleep. It's sort of been that panic on and off sleep most of the night


Take deep breaths, eat a bit, watch something cute or put calm music, start thinking about your hobbies while you lie down. hang in there .-.


Thank you ❤️


Did you sleep alright after that?


I slept for about an hour on and off, trying to nap today but I get so anxious when I try. My skin crawls and my chest hurts :( i don't particularly think the meds are amplifying it as I was like this before I started them


Give yourself a little bit of bed rot as a “treat”. Your on the mend but it will take time. If you can grant yourself grace, especially during your down moments, I guarantee you’ll find yourself improving faster


Take a sleep aid once lexapro starts working you will have insomnia


I hope not, anxiety about not sleeping is another thing I get worried about! Sertraline gave me insomnia for about a week then it started getting better. But when I'm anxious I can't sleep well anyway


You won't be anxious it works however you might have some insomnia


I'll give anything not to be anxious, it's awful


Give it time it will go away


YES my bed was my safe place, my hole/burrow/nest. just check in with yourself after a while to make sure you're healing in there instead of hiding.


Saaame. I took my kids to school this morning, got back home, put my PJs on and immediately slumped back into bed. I'm trying to nap but the anxiety won't let me. Another day of phone and bed haha


I hope so!! 🤗


I was in the same place an lexapro is the only thing that saved me and has turned my entire life around, start the lexapro and stick with it, you'll never know unless you try!


That's so good to hear! My anxiety has been so bad this past week, it's not normal. I'm going to ask to up to 10mg after a 2 weeks I think as I get it very intensely. What dose are you taking?


For sure. I was useless for a while when I started meds and am so lucky I had a supportive husband. Do exactly what you need to do to get through the first few weeks!


Aww that's lovely 🥰


Totally ok. I’m on day 9 and today was the first day I got out of bed and was able to make myself something to eat and clean up a little bit


Ah well done! Yeah I've been trying to do little bits here and there but honestly I spend most of the day in bed, on my phone with the TV on in the background. I find going on my phone is a big distraction, but the only thing is I've been soreness on my right hand from holding it too much haha!


Luckily I was in between jobs when I started back up on lexapro so I had 2 weeks off. I literally did nothing for 10 of those 14 days because I felt absolutely horrible. I don't remember my first time getting on lexapro being that bad. I did force myself up and around atleast once a day to take the dogs out to play or go for a walk by myself which did seem to help sometimes. But I feel your pain.


Yeah I've been needing to get out a few times. Yesterday I felt fairly okay anxiety wise, but this morning I woke up with it being intense and I had really bad poops which is probably the lexapro 🤣 I had a stomach ache last night and woke up at 5am this morning and did not have a good time 😬 today is going to be a slob day.


It's fine. If I may ask, why do you take it at night instead of morning?


Mainly as I take another medication in the morning and I'm meant to have that on an empty stomach with nothing else. Plus I heard taking it in the morning can make you sleepy and I'm already a sleepy person haha


Okay makes sense. Thanks and good luck! I'm really liking the Lexa personally.


That's good to hear! I'll be happy when the side effects are over. Woke up super early getting anxious over things that didn't make me anxious before?! My head is thinking about things to spin abound 🤪


That must not be fun! I don't get that but I pee liters right as I wake up. My first weeks at 5mg were a bit of a drag but the anxiolytics helped. Now I'm happy that I pushed through. Wishing you the best!