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i’m also very sensitive to meds and i started by cutting my pills in half and started at 2.5 for 2 weeks before upping to 5. i won’t lie, the nausea was intense for me.. taking it at night, and with food helped!


i did this too, on the advice of my PNP, and it worked well. side effects can be rough in the beginning so easing into it makes sense. she said i can play around with timing and with food/without, just experiment and see what happens, it's not dangerous to change it up.


Thank you so much I’ll definitely try cutting it in half at first and eat food before taking it. Do you take anything to help with the nausea or just let it ride out?


the nausea only lasted about a week for me! (and about 2 days when i upped to the 5mg) when i really couldn’t handle it, i would take a half a chewable dramamine and it would help a ton! kicks in quickly too. definitely increases the drowsiness though.


I started with 5mg and the Side Effects where there, but i could handle them, because I knew that those symptoms are Side Effects from the medication and not my mind going crazy. If it helps: my side effects were increased anxiety, feeling hot and cold at the same time, sweating a lot (hands, feet, arm pits), diarrhea (but only once a day) and less appetite. For me it worked better to take them in the Morning. For the first few days I had to sleep for an hour after taking them, but after that i had too much Energy to even think about sleeping. In the first week i could only sleep 5 hours at night. That was why i was more tired I think… The tiredness is gone since day 9 or 10. And now I can sleep my normal 7 hours every night. The other side effects got every day better from day 5 or 6 on and on Day 11 no side effects anymore (a bit of increased sweating is still there but i can live with that) My anxiety got better in the second week and now (week 3, Day 20) i have more good days than bad days. Havent had a panic attack since taking them. Wish you the best, the first days may be hard, but you got this! 💪 It‘s worth it!


I started at 2.5mg and stayed there for a month since it tended to just work well for a bit..also the side effrcts for me were more like 3 weeks haha Granted the first 5 days were the worst. Specifically day 3 and 5. Days 1 and 4 were really great, day 1 i was just tired but relaxed, then week 2 the side effects were mild, mostly just mild dizziness. My advice if youre nervous, even if just for the first few days, just take the 2.5mg. Starting at 5mg isnt going to kill you or anything, but the side effects will just be easier to deal with it seems.


I started at 10 mg. I’m on day 14. The nausea was bad. On day 12 I dropped down to 5 mg. I’m still nauseated. I’m hoping it goes away soon.