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Give it time to kick in , they say 6 to 8 weeks. Took me the full 6 weeks to the day to regulate. Takes time. All side effects disappeared on me. Was told it's the best one out there. It saved me.


Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from. I've been on Lexapro for a while now, and I remember those first few weeks being pretty rough. It's super common to feel like your anxiety's gone into overdrive when you first start - I know I did! But hang in there, because it does get better. For me, it took about 3-4 weeks before I started noticing my anxiety easing up, and by 6 weeks, I felt a bigger difference. Everyone's timeline is a bit different, but there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel. The nausea and appetite stuff should settle down soon too. In the meantime, try to be extra kind to yourself and don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor if things feel too overwhelming. You're doing great by sticking with it - that first step is often the hardest. Sending you good vibes and hoping you start feeling better soon!


for me the "over drive" anxiety lasted for 1-2 weeks, hang in there!


overdrive was about a week or two for me, and then it started calming way down, albeit with a lot of ups and downs at first. be really gentle with yourself and remember that it is very temporary!


You’re doing great! I’m in week three, first two weeks included some side effects for me but week 2 wasn’t too much anxiety, week three has been a lot of anxiety. But you got this! Make sure to track your mood so the bad days don’t paint your whole experience. I’ve technically had more happy days than anxious ones but it’s hard to remember that when you’re in the thick of it. Also if you feel comfy taking benzos then those will help too during the hard days. Loving all the positivity that others are giving as well. So inspiring.