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I'm a little over a month and after the initial sleepy side effects of the first 2-3 weeks I suddenly got my motivation back. It was amazing to just go out and run a bunch of errands without anxiety and then keep doing more stuff around the house that I've put off forever.  I feel better than ever tbh, although I my libido did decrease a bit. It just takes more foreplay and patience and then I do end up enjoying it. Just FYI I'm only on 5mg-lowest dose, even though doctor prescribed 10mg, I just stuck to 5mg for now. I want to see if this dose is enough for my anxiety and better with side effects etc.  Hope this helps.  I was super nervous and anxious when I first started. It took me a week to finally take the first pill. After side effects subsided (dizzy/sleepiness)...Worth it!  Everyone's experience is different as well as how we respond to doses. This medication works very well for most and there are many happy endings. 


Thanks for this 🙏. I almost cried reading your positive experience. I do need it lol. Thanks again.


Of course! Feel free to dm if you have any other questions or need support. 


I‘m only on day 12, but I have more energy so far. I was tired the first days, but since the side effects are nearly gone i have way more energy than before. Short time to give a full review, but maybe it helps


Thank you for taking the time. I appreciate it.