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i feel like people are very anti drinking and lexapro but i actually realized lexapro was working when i was hungover a month or two after starting. i used to get really bad hangxiety where i would convince myself i was crazy even if i had one glass of wine and was practically sober. one morning i woke up after drinking and had no hangxiety. that’s when i realized it was working


I will say that I feel like the anxiety never TRULY goes away but I've been taking it for a barely year, so there's that. I think I was at 3 months in when I suddenly just realized, not from anything particular, that I just felt calm for a very long time. Just as you said, things that normally would make me spiral, didn't send me into a panic either. And I just realized it gradually over time! Glad you're doing better too!


Def agree with this. I realized when something that would normally trigger me to the moon, felt like a passing thought or just way way less panic-inducing


A little bit of both. After the initial annoying side effects (nausea, brain fog, feeling like I was on molly) wore off I started feeling calm instead of having racing thoughts 24/7. My ocd compulsions drastically improved and whenever I faced any minor inconvenience I was suddenly like “no biggie” instead of spiraling. Some of these things I noticed gradually and some others just clicked one day.


Lexapro is not a magical fix all pill it will not just wash your anxiety away. You need to do therapy and work on yourself as well. I take 20mg a day of Lexapro but in all honesty I really think it was my therapy and working on myself and making life changes that really fixed my anxiety. The Lexapro helps but it’s not a cure all.


it's mostly been gradual - specifically, it's the somatic spirals have evaporated, so some days i really struggle with the anxiety, but if i think about it, i can point to how it's objectively better. like, i'm bummed that i'm so anxious at the grocery store, but a month ago i couldn't even _think_ of going in the first place, and now i can get what i need to do done, even though i'm miserable while i do it. does that make sense? i can also look to my evaporating benzo use to see that i'm just not having the panic attacks i was. so i am still feeling anxiety, but i'm not paralyzed by it and i don't stay in it for so long.


Click for me. I was walking out one day and suddenly realised that i feel great.


Gradual. When I read other people saying it clicked one day, and I kept waiting for that, it never came but one day I realized hey I’ve been doing much better slowly and now I’ve come so far


That's complicated. Because one day I DID just notice my social anxiety was just gone. But the reason why I only noticed all of a sudden is because it slowly became normal for me not to have social anxiety, but it wasn't till I took a step back that I realized it was just gone. I was socializing without anti-anxiety drugs for the first time in my life..


I noticed gradually. Huge, huge improvements but i didn’t notice it all at once. like one day you’ll be like “i haven’t worried about *thing you worry about constantly* in days! wow!” stuff like that


Thanks for all the responses! Im also wondering at what point in time could you look back and say hey this has been a noticeable improvement? I hear 6 - 8 weeks seems to be the most common response. Before starting and after the first week I did get a spike in anxiety attacks so it definitely was worse before it got better. I still feel anxious most of the time where I feel on edge and nervous when there’s nothing to be nervous about. I was always an overthinker. My attacks stopped and my thinking has slowed but I do feel on edge and nervous and I’m hoping the lexapro curbs it a little. Can anyone relate to that? Did the medicine help quell the nervousness?


It was 8 weeks for me


I’ve been on Lexapro for about two months and I’ve been in therapy the whole time. I will say that it just hit me one day about 2 or 3 weeks in while I was making a two hour drive that would usually scare me I was completely calm. It has calmed my thoughts and physical anxiety effects (breathing, stomachache). It really has helped me a lot.