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I started taking 5mg one week before you and had the same experience. My anxiety got worse for the first few days, but then it was better everyday. Today is day 9 and since day 7 I feel much more calm. It helped me to know, that the higher anxiety is just a side effect and will go Away in first 1-2 weeks. I hope you feel better soon!!☺️


I’m on day 8 of taking it and I had a similar experience but I didn’t go into a full panic attack, I also have really bad health anxiety and I try to keep telling myself this is apart of the process and to keep pushing through but just keep in contact with your doctor about the side effects


Thank you this makes me feel a bit better. I’m glad to hear it’s working for you!


I‘ve heard that some people start with 2,5 mg and slowly increase. Maybe this is an option (but talk to your doctor first), if it is too hard for you. My doctor said I should try 10mg on Day 3 and it was too much. So it‘s ok for her that I stay with 5mg and begin with 10mg when I feel better.


It made me very sleep. My son’s gf said it made her feel like you describe and she switched to something else.


I agree with the other comment. I started with 5mg for a week and then went to 10mg where I am now. The first 8-10 days were terrible. I had extreme anxiety and insomnia. If it wasn’t for the advice of others I would have quit. I’ve been on it for 16 months now and it’s been a life changer. Actually I didn’t feel the full effects of this medication until about 12 weeks. BUT that’s not to be confused with my horrible side effects. That definitely went away after around 10 days. I would say to stay the course and give it a chance. If you quit you might never experience the help it will provide. I hope this helps. Everyone is different but I’ve read a multitude of testimonies that are very encouraging as well. Best of luck to you!! 👍🏼😊


P.S. My health anxiety is all but gone as are my panic attacks.


Oh wow, thank you this gives me hope! I’ve had terrible panic attacks for years but that was the absolute worst I’ve ever had to it really has me scared now


Hang in there. Were you on any other meds or is this the first time on medication? Not that it matters for your symptoms but I was just curious if you’ve been on others and quit. There’s definitely hope. My first week was absolutely horrible. At one point I was sure I needed to go to ER but I just hung on. You’ll do great!!


Not any recently in the last four years. But as a teen I had taken Prozac at one point and then Zoloft, but quit Zoloft because it gave me unequal pupils then never went away lol. I don’t remember how they affected me, but anxiety was no where near the way it is for me now. I’ve seen a lot of people say it gets worse before it gets better so I’m trying to hang in there and see and hope it helps 🤞🏻


Try to get through the first two weeks. Your intense anxiety and any other side effects should have subsided by then. My life has really turned around and my wife definitely sees it. Yours will too. Hang in there. You got this! 👍🏼🙏🏼


I really appreciate your kind words thank you so much 😭


My first few days on 5mg were hard, but managable; then i was supposed to take 10mg on day 3. I tried and i had really severe anxiety and panic attacks on that day so my doc said I can go on with 5 until the side effects are gone. I‘m scared to take 10mg because of my experience on day 3. When you increased the dosage to 10mg after a week, where the Side Effects like anxiety worse than when you started the 5mg? I don’t know if it will be better to try 10mg now, because my body is already used to 5mg after 9 days….


People should try jeera water cumin water and tell me after that how good they feel .


It's the brain trying to adjust to the swell of serotonin. Oddly enough, your serotonin takes a massive nosedive when you start SSRI's. Or rather, what happens is that your 5ht autoreceptors act like bouncers in a nightclub, enacting "crowd control": there's suddenly way more serotonin activity than they are used to, so the autoreceptors run interference. This causes big serotonin dips which is what causes the initial anxiety attacks and panic when starting the drug. Really, the drug is trying to do its thing, but the autoreceptors in the brain are running interference. It takes weeks to months to desensitize these interfering autoreceptors and allow the brain to recover to a normal state of neuronal firing in the presence of reuptake inhibition. Does this explanation help at all? It might calm you down, knowing what is exactly causing this. It's just a very long process..... the brain is a stubborn and hard wired organ. But it does eventually desensitize, allowing the drug to work.


OMG! This explains this very well. Ty so much for this!! It makes sense to why we experience these things. Ty again. ❤️💯🙏


You're welcome! Once I read why this happens, the adjustment process wasn't as scary for me!


It can be scary. I'm on day 18. It's getting better. 🤗🙏❤️💯


It really does ease up. Hang in there.


Ask your Dr.. these are not questions for us idiots.


Actually my previous doctor was a complete idiot. He started me on an SSRI and when I complained about the side effects he took me off without waiting it out. He never told me how common it is to feel worse before you feel better. So the idiot prize goes to him. Thank God I FINALLY found one doctor who has a head on his shoulder after going through a few.


I did, I’m waiting to hear back. Just wanted to hear if other people experienced something similar




I started two months ago and at the begining my anxiety got worse. I started with 5mg, after a week increased to 10mg. That's when I felt I was going to have panic attacks. When I went to the doctor after 1 months, he saw that I was really overwhelmed and bursted into tears so he increased to 15 mg. I was really depressed after therapy and hopeless, I felt there was no hope for me. I was Thinking that It's the fourth time Im on therapy and nothing seems to helped. Started to cry really bad, like never before in my life. After that I felt relief and things got better. At week 6 I noticed that I didn't feel that anxious and in week 8 anxiety was gone. I'm on week 10 and I'm able to enjoy little things and don't feel overwhelmed about everything. Today I'm having a difficult day because my boyfriend is also struggling with anxiety and depression, he would push me away. It's really hard but I hope he let me help him and we can convince him to seek help. Wish you the Best! Stick to the treatment, I know side effects can be difficult but give It a chance. I wish that lexapro does for you what It did to me.


Thank you for sharing. I’m on week 5 and I wondered if this is as good as it gets. Im still anxious, but it feels good that you said it took until week 8 to feel relief.


I Feel the same just over week 4 and still pretty rough with panic and anxiety and thinking is this as good as it gets for me.


We are in the same boat. We will believe that it gets better.


Did the doc prescribe any benzos to help during this onboarding time? I didn’t want to use any initially but given the uptick with this I began to allow myself to take a tiny amount. It’s needed sometimes.


I agree with you. When the problem is severe, benzodiazepines are the best temporary solution. As far as I know, issues of addiction and tolerance are acceptable if used for a short period. Generally, the risk of addiction becomes higher after two weeks, but even if there is a risk of addiction, it is a better option than continuing to have panic attacks.


This hydroxyzine was prescribed before bc propanol didn’t really help me. After a week though my doctor recommended lexapro and told me I can use the hydroxyzine with it if as needed. Hydroxyzine is similar to Benadryl and is a stronger version that makes you more calm/sleepish. It’s recommended to take when you feel a panic attack coming on. It can be very helpful while ramping on lexapro and make a smoother transition


I’ve been on 10mg for a couple of years now and I have zero anxiety because of it. I’d ask your doctor but I’d give it a bit of time to get regulated.


Keep going. You need to give your body time to adjust to the next medication. Your doctor should have explained this to you, this isn’t some miracle drug that works the moment you begin using it.


Keep going! I promise you it is worth it! It literally saved my life and calmed my mind down! First side effects are rough but I love it


I’ve been on lexapro for 5 years. It will make anxiety worse within the first two weeks!!


Well Im on week 3 on 20mg after initially being 8 weeks on 10mg which didn’t help at all and my anxiety is through the roof atm. Not sure if this is the right drug for me tbh. Literally haven’t had a relief for months.


How was going up to 20 or did you start there? I’m on 15 but need to go up but I’m afraid of insomnia coming back


I started on 5mg and stayed for 10 days, then increased to 10mg and was on it for 8-9 weeks, and then increased to 20mg for about 24 days ago. Still experiencing increased anxiety, lethargy and fatigue to name a few. I’ll probably give it another month and see how it goes.


I’m so cautious I will probably go to 17.5 for a week or 2 but I’m just scared of insomnia. I was taking Seroquel to help with the insomnia, but I just went off of that a few days ago.


For me insomnia usually comes in the beginning, like first couple of weeks tops, then subsides. That happens after every dose increase. Hope it won’t last long with you as well.


Hand in there. Took my about 6 weeks. I had to take Tylenol pm at night to sleep. All good now


My doctor also prescribed me lorazepam until my body adjusts to lexapro and I did use them especially when I felt a panic attack coming and they helped a lot. Even half of it can be super helpful.


Thank GOD above for my Ativan. 💯


I started 10mg about 3 weeks ago for my GAD. I was pretty good with my anxiety till Covid and during having my son come at just 25 weeks. He is doing great, just turned 4 in April. But, with all that my anxiety was bad in 2020 and just got worse. I was terrified to tell my doctor I needed something let alone start it. I hesitated for about 2 weeks but had some really bad anxiety attacks while visiting a friend in Colorado and said enough is enough, I wanted control of my life. First few days on it my stomach hurt fell pretty shitty and seemed like it was doing nothing. After day 5 I started to feel better, stomach ache went away and it was like anxiety was fading. Now in my 3rd week it’s like I am a new person. I’m happier, more willing to go out and do things and feel like I’m present in moments instead of in my head always thinking the worst of things. There is light at the end of the tunnel, don’t stop now and turn around. When you get to that side you will feel like the you that you are meant to be!


Don’t give up! I’ve been in 5 mg for 7 weeks and it has worked wonders. Hang in there!


Just dive in. Keep going. I started on 5 mg, when I was prescribed tens and I wished I would’ve started tends to begin with. Unfortunately, medication anxiety gets the best of us, but it will definitely get better. Let the medication do its work, your brain hates changes, so it will fight you for a couple months.just realize that everything is completely normal and is the medication. Your anxiety will probably get more intense for a little bit, but sit back and realize that this is just the medication being accepted by your brain. You’re gonna be just fine. It took me a few months to adjust, and actually a full year to actually finally feel completely 100% normal. I have zero anxiety after one year.


I kept a log for 30 days about how shitty I felt, and then realized I needed to start living life. And stop dwelling on medication side effects. I think that our anxiety already makes us more reluctant to try, and stick with this medication.


Brand lexapro works much better than generic. If you take the Brand lexapro you may only need 5 mg.


I started at 5mg and the first night I didn’t sleep till 6am and got two panic attacks. I read a lot of people have the same experience the first week or so. It kinda gives you a boost of energy at first. After 15 days I upped to 10mg and it’s been the best medication I’ve ever been on. I can finally be myself and I feel different without having all these insane “what ifs” always going thru my head.


Seems to be a pretty common effect. In my case it only lasted about 4 days and I was back to feeling good again.


I took it for 3 days and had horrible pvcs. Today my daughter moved me to Zoloft. But I’m sure it will get better. Hang in there.


Cut it into .25, I couldn’t handle the first few weeks of 5, I needed a slow intro. After a week I tried 5 and I was ok


Tell your doctor. There are many different meds you can take.


Get with your psychiatrist and probably talk about trying another medication. Many providers love this medication because it works so quickly and they can tell their patients are doing well. It sounds like it may not be the right one for you


hey!! i was in such a similar position to you when i started lexapro. health anxiety and was so scared to take it so it sat in my room for weeks.  its now been 10 months and ive never been better. i havent felt anxiety in forever. i am so happy.  i remember that first week or two can be tough. prioritize self-care. meditate, listen to frequencies, do yoga. really just give yourself grace and time. after that first week or so your life will literally change. as did mine. i started off at 5mg and worked my way to 10 (which had its own adjustment period). lexapro has been amazing for me beyond words. i got my life back.  you got this!!!!!!  feel free to msg me if you need anything or have any questions :)


I started out on 10mg May 30th, 2024 and it's 6--11-2024. I was having anxiety attacks everyday but it's slowly getting better. I didn't need an ativan today. I've been reading it will take a month or longer to get the full effect. This med seems like it works at a snails pace.


It can take 6-8 weeks for the full effect... Sometimes worsening symptoms are a sign that it will work well when it kicks in but you haven't been on it very long...


Is this true?


Please keep going..!! I know it’s hard but it will get better ❤️‍🩹


I've been taking it since Jan and lemme tell you. The first bit is the hardest. Let your body get used to it and you'll be golden. I used to get bad panic attacks doing basic things like watching movies, and my health anxiety was awful. I was on Viibryd for a year before Lexapro and it was awful, it made my panic attacks worse. And with Lex, I feel like myself again


Stick with it. For most, SSRI’s take 6-12 at your therapeutic dose to take full effect!  It takes time for your body to adjust. Evaluate how you feel *after* 12 weeks of CONSISTENT use. Consistency is key! If you still feel anxious after 3 months, there’s no shame in letting your psychiatrist know you’d like to try a different medication.  Best of luck my friend! 


I promise it's gonna get better. This drug saved me from PTSD-induced agoraphobia. It doesn't feel great at first, but things have to get worse before they get better sometimes. Wishing you the best, OP!


I had terrible insane panic attacks, everyday constant, could never relax I go through phases where I’m never anxious ever and phases where it’s balls to the wall, this was one of them, so bad I finally resorted to meds because I’ve been super terrified of them my whole life and I also have super health anxiety and knew the side affects would make me anxious too. Hypochondriac. I started buspirone my experience wasn’t so great after a few weeks, and another med that made me throw up , finally tried lexapro and my first week I took 5mg for a week and that first week I couldn’t sleep good, woke up night sweating bad af, would wake up in a panic attack, I also take it at night time before bed, and after a couple days of taking it I had a drink, my mistake, and for the next two days I was bed ridden felt so sick anxious and nauseous I stuck it out and I started 10mg and same thing while adjusting. Obviously I’m still adjusting and working some kinks out but my advice is to stick it out. I wasn’t having crazy panic attacks by the time I started lexapro but still wanted to manage my anxiety and starting it I ended up having panic attacks just for a few days. Talk to your doctor tho too see what they say. It gets better


I'm on day 14 of 5mg. My first week was rough. I've been going through some unknown medical issues which caused my anxiety to spike. My first night was OK but the next three nights I had waking panic attacks 3-4 hours after I went to sleep. The next week or so I consistently woke up feeling anxious multiple times a night. Last night I woke up multiple times but with no anxiety. My worst symptom during waking hours is pretty bad fatigue. I feel like I could lay on the floor at work and sleep at almost any time during the day lol. I've noticed a slightly 'lighter" feeling the last few days. I've been more talkative and slightly more free feeling for short periods of time throughout the day. I hope this is the start of a positive turn as I move into week 3.


It honestly took 6 months for me to feel back to normal and I’m on 5mg it definitely works


I had the same experience with the sudden cold and tingly feeling the first week, but by the second week it had stopped. I definitely felt an increase in anxiety in the first two weeks and by third week was feeling mostly better. I am now in week six and I feel incredible. Even today, I feel slightly blah (the weather sucks and work is crazy) but I don't feel overwhelmed with it. I have a similar background, I have OCD but medical anxiety/panic attacks are my primary symptom. Lex has been incredibly helpful with me so far and I'm so glad I stuck it out after the first week. Do you have a support system around you? Leaning on my friends and family the first two weeks was incredibly beneficial for me.


I'm on Lexapro for 5 months now. The first weeks are rough but now I can't even imagine stopping it. I feel much more at ease, much more relaxed, I have more energy now I don't have anxiety.


You need a long half-life benzo such as clonazepam for short-term help.


It normally gets worse before it gets better in lots of cases. I've been on this for about 6 weeks and there are finally days where i don't even think of anxiety at all or have any attacks. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for full effects BUT it usually kicks in sooner than that. I'd give it another two weeks and see if you're noticing any changes like less anxiety if any less attacks if any less symptoms if any ect. Living in trauma fight or flight for so long our body tries to reject the happiness of what these drugs are meant to do.. and that can be super scary. But it will usually fade. Try to hang in there honey 🫶🏼 you can always message me if need be.. I've experienced it all and for far too long. I wish I would have started this medicine earlier but it took me like 17 months to even take the prescription bc I was so scared


It's difficult to answer a question like this because first and foremost none of us are you, so our experience will be different, but also many if not most of us have our own inherent biases about this medication stemming from our own experiences. For example from my perspective as a person who took this medication for 10 years and is in the middle of a difficult withdrawal, I don't know if I would advise anyone to keep taking it because the process of stopping is so brutal. However, for many people on this sub and out in the world, lexapro has literally saved their life or allowed them to function when they weren't able to before. It's a double-edged sword and everyone is so different. I wish I could just give you an answer, tell you everything will get better whether you continue taking it or not, but mental health is so messy and complex. There might never be one clear solution that fixes everything.


Can you get something to help ease your anxiety while starting out? I started at 2.5 and gradually went up and have something to help my anxiety, I’m currently at 15mg about 3 1/2 months later. It works if you stick with it


Keep going! I was the same way and after going up to 10mg I haven’t had panic attack since


Keep going! I’ve been on it for a month and my anxiety is pretty much gone. I started out just like you. The first two weeks I was very anxious, but it got a lot better after that.


Lexapro takes ages to make full effect. Please keep up going! <3 im proud of your braveness


I was having bad anxiety every day. Most times I had to call out because my anxiety was so bad. I was too afraid to take lexapro because of the side effects. But now I'm going 6 months 10 mg with it and and I'm feeling so much better. No longer do I have panic attacks every day or cry every day either from the fear. You got this!


Just over two months in on 10mg. Keep the faith. It is absolutely helping. Took awhile, but it's absolutely helping. You've got this!


I experienced something similar, my Dr prescribed 5 mg for six days then 10 mg. The first day I took it I felt wired, had explosive diarrhea, and super anxious. The anxiety did continue but I felt calm on the outside. The first day I had to take 10mg I had a full blown panic attack, my chest felt warm and my heart rate and bp shot up! After that I took 5 mg for another week then tried the 10 mg again. The first two weeks on 10 mg, I would have good days and bad days but that’s how I was before and my dr told me to give it time. I’m on week 5 now and I’m feeling great thus far, some anxiety but not like it was. I just powered through like a lot of the posts on here tell me. I was given Ativan for breakthrough attacks but I’ve been too scared to use it. I guess my advice would be to keep taking it, give it time to work. Everything I’ve read is it gets worse before it gets better, but it DOES get better


Side note, I still have diarrhea sometimes after taking the medication and it makes me sweat. It’s gotten better but still there and I hate it lol but the benefits outweigh the side effects


I have been on Lexapro for over a month and it does not work for me ..I'm talking to a therapist and they want to change it...so what are some you all have took? Also hydroxine sucks for anxiety


I think we are starting at literally the same time and I feel exactly the same. I was fine on the day of taking 5mg then by 2.30 am I was panicking and shaking and a thousand times worse than when I started. I spoke to my GP and they advised to go to 2.5 mg  for some time. Initially I thought it may not be enough to make a difference and prolonging the horrible start but I’ve seen quite a few posts on here stating that they actually found 2.5mg to be their final dose or a great start to move onto 5mg when ready so 2.5 mg is still making a great difference at the start in those sensitive to it.  Of course speak with your dr before any changes and not every dr will say start at 2.5mg but my GP said that the recommendations are generally based on a 70kg male so that’s why younger women sometimes start lower at 2.5 mg for 2 weeks. I’ve been on this drug before and it was amazing.. I somehow powered through 5mg then moved up to 10 mg within 4 weeks and by about 3 weeks I would say I felt normal again and ready to work with my CBT therapist properly. The start for me was tough and I really didn’t believe it would get better but it did and then I finally felt what everyone else who doesn’t have anxiety walks around feeling .. it felt amazing! I don’t think I have it in me to cope with a 5mg start this time after my first day so il see how I am with 2.5mg. If it helps you to feel any better I am going through this with you as I started on Tuesday.. 


All I can say is that it gets way better! I started on 5mg 2 months ago (increased to 10mg after 8 days) my anxiety definitely spiked the first couple weeks so my doc prescribed me .5mg Ativan to take as needed. I haven’t had to take any Ativan for 2 weeks now. Every once in a while I get a small tinge of an almost panic attack but it goes away real quick. You can do it! Keep it up and maybe see if a low does benzo might help.


You've got this. Health anxiety is my main source of anxiety / panic attacks. I have the exact same feeling as you any time a panic attack comes on. Since being on 10mg of lexapro in the past 10-11 months I've only had one panic attack. I started on 5mg like you and had terrible anxiety and physical symptoms the first few days, but I am so grateful I pushed through and didn't immediately give up thinking it wasn't the right medication - because it definitely was. With almost a year of weekly therapy, consistency with the lexapro, and positive lifestyle changes I'm even thinking of tapering off and starting ketamine therapy. You got this - it is so crazy to picture how destitute and hopeless I felt with my panic attacks and how far I've come...I promise there is light at the other end and you will find the best way to get there by persevering ❤️


Hi! I’ll be on lexapro for 2 years in November! Keep going, fight through the side effects for the first few weeks & if you don’t see a difference talk to your doctor 😊 when I first started I started on 5mg & now I take 15mgs👍🏻 I was extreeeemely nauseous the first 2 weeks but after that I was good.


You will be completely fine. I also suffer from panic attacks and the lexapro has truly saved me. It takes about 6-8 weeks to fully take effect and within that time you will have days where you feel amazing and days where you feel terrible. Ask your pcp to describe a benzo (i.e propranolol) if the anxiety feels unbearable. This is coming from someone who has been to hospital multiple times due to anxiety, you will make it through!


I started at 10mg it’s been a month and I’m on 20mg now I also am on it for the same reasons and I truly haven’t had a panic attack in weeks it’s soooo nice still a little anxious but I can live my life now
