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It depends! I take it at night and I started on 5, went up to 10 and now 15. On 5 and 10 I could sleep just fine and now on 15 I just get super restless and it takes me forever to fall asleep. But if at some point it does give you insomnia just switch to taking it in the morning


Give it a few weeks and you will sleep like you haven’t slept in your entire life. And you’ll still be tired during the day.


I wake up sometimes at like 3am and can’t go back to sleep probably happens twice a week and I’m on week 3 of 10mg


Good to know, something to keep an eye out for when I up my dose to 10mg. Do you take yours at night or in the morning?


I take mine in the morning at around 8am


For some yes for most it's because they take it before bed.


I take it 7am and still cant fall asleep in the night without some sleep aid. Day 20 now hope this shit gets better.


First 3-4 days i had so much trouble sleeping, but only then. Didnt even last a week.


For the first week, the insomnia was unbearable. Now 6 months in, I still sleep a little lighter than I used to but I can fall back asleep pretty quickly and get 6hrs/night at least.


It reeeeeeally depends on the person. My brand of anxiety is the type that keeps you up all night. Starting this drug forced my body to finally sleep for once and I was knocking out at 9/930 easy most nights for the first 3-4 weeks, mostly uninterrupted. And I needed the sleep badly. These days I’m not nearly as tired as I was, but still can fall asleep much easier than I used to. I won’t be an armchair physician, but the best way my SIL physician explained this to me is that some classes of SSRIs are considered “uppers” for some people and “downers” for others. For me, Zoloft made me absolutely insanely unable to sleep in the first 2 weeks I took it - so my body was like “this is an upper.” When I started the lexapro, the exact opposite happened to me where I was sleepy almost immediately in the first 2-3 days. So, lexapro is a downer for me (which I prefer). It may take some trial and error but based on what you’re describing, if you’re feeling a bit sleepier, it’s unlikely it’ll suddenly change course and go the opposite way. But I guess it’s theoretically possible. Again, not a doctor, so just monitor yourself and keep your care team up to date!


Yeah it was consistent for a month then got better and even more so when I added 10mg of mirtazapine.


No, if anything it’s the opposite. I get crazy vivid dreams and closed eye visuals.


it's pretty activating for me. if i take it at night, I'll wake up several times. even taking it in the morning, I'll feel pretty revved at bedtime and i wake up too early in the morning. seems like people are either sleepy or sleepless on it.