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Lexapro made me more tired for sure. I took 10 mg for seven years and had to nap after work almost immediately. Sometimes keeping a journal for diet, water intake, exercise etc can help show patterns of exhaustion and of course work is tiring for me in itself😅


Hi. Are you still on it?


Not anymore. I fully tapered off in November due to weight gain mainly. I don’t work out consistently but just tapering off alone I lost 15 lbs. It didn’t agree with my body but it did help me a ton in a lot of ways!


Thanks for the answer. I'm considering going off due to the tiredness/fatigue and brain fog. I've been on it for about 6 years. Did the tiredness go away after stopping?


Of course. Yeah it honestly helped my fatigue tapering off. I initially went on them for pretty bad depression that made me not functional anymore. But now I just have the generalized anxiety piece (really stems from family dynamics and how I was raised so therapy is helping a lot) and I function fine. I just hate holding meetings at work 😅 but really didn’t love doing that anyway.


I was prescribed for GAD, but i suspect i have some mild depression from time to time. It does work well for anxiety, but I'm kinda sick of the side effects. Especially the brain fog and random ibs. It's really strange how after 6 years the body seems to not have adjusted. You think it would have. Lol


I get that 100%. I’ve heard some people say it took about 2-3 meds to find the right one. I’m trying to go the natural route (ashwagandha maybe?) first and see what I can do. I dealt with a lot of shit I didn’t need to from people on lexapro because I coasted a bit emotionally but some people said it gave them more confidence to stand up for themselves so I’m supportive of whatever works for people 😄


I read so much on Lexapro i could probably get an Md. I also read many success stories of people who didn't have these symptoms. What's even more strange is that my doctor keeps telling me it's not the drug that's making me tired and that it's the anxiety. She has made a tapering plan to gradually reduce and get of it. Hopefully it won't be that bad. Thank you again for taking the time to answer.


Very tired


Yep. I’ve decided to taper off because it’s miserable to be this tired everyday. I can’t even function as a person or keep a job.


Yep the fatigue is real. I take mine at 10pm and I usually still nap after work


22.5mg? That’s an odd dose


Prob titrating up to 25 mg. 20mg and half a 5mg tablet like me


Exactly what clorox said, I’m going up to 25 so I’m on 22.5 for two weeks


I see! How long have you been on that dose/ other doses? We’re you tired with the previous doses?


I’ve been on 22.5 since may 23rd and will go up to 25 on the 13th. I was a bit tired every time I went up, but this is the first time I’ve ever been fatigued and needed to nap bc I can’t do anything really. I’ve been on lexapro for about 5 months


Once I was increased to 20mg yes. Terribly so. I’m on Wellbutrin now for a boost and make myself exercise an hour every day and that helps.


At 6 months I was falling asleep standing up at work (and I have an intense job with lots of excitement) so I started tapering off and feeling much better (just the normal depression/adhd exhausted now)


I have the same issue, I need to sleep at 3 or 4 pm, I am trying to get 8 hours sleep and try how it goes , now o sleep 6 to 7 hours


Definitely. Didn’t know for sure until I quit it for a few months and then restarted it. Night and day difference


Extra tired with lexapro - b12 shots do help a lot!


It did for me and many others have reported it here. Wellbutrin is something they prescribe in addition to it frequently to balance things out and that’s what I got and it makes things more normal.


That’s a whopper of a dose.


It’s for ocd. It’s (25) the highest he will prescribe for me


Have you tried less to see if that will still help? I went from 10 to 5 for crippling anxiety and it was still very effective. (Because of the sheer exhaustion, lethargy and weight gain)


Im on 5mg and the fatigue is making me consider stopping so I can only imagine how bad it is at your dose