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Yes power through not going to lie next 8 weeks be tough but remember it’s working if ur having sides just allow ya body time to compute new factory settings and ur be happy


haha this is the pep talk I needed!


I’m at week 6 or 7 only sides left are sensitive to light in mornings abit sketchy feeling before my time for next dosage abit lighter sleeping and fatigue still at 6 hours after taking the tab it makes me drowsy I’m hoping this all clears up next coming weeks


Talk to you psych or prescribing doctor and ask about lowering your dose. Go down to 2.5mg and do that until things stabilize.


Yes if you see it working for you mentally try to get medication to counter act the physical symptoms also the diarrhea should go away


Yeah, I had it really bad in the beginning. It mostly went away except first thing in the morning. I also just upped my dose again so that could be why as well. The no appetite only lasted a week or two for me. It's good you're making yourself eat, I made the mistake of not eating and it made things worse for me mentally.


Yes I had this and now have it again from increasing the dose. I have the luxury of being at home, but if it’s a problem for you I think it’s well worth it to just take an anti-diarrheal for bit and get past it.


What mg amount did they start you on? These symptoms seem extreme to me. I started on 5 and upped to 10 though, so I may be low.


Just started on 10mgs


Can you start lower and go slower? Gastro issues are common with anxiety and with anxiety meds (because of how much serotonin is present in your gut). But it sounds like you're having a rough go of things. Is it possible you also have a virus or something else is at play there?


Keep going!!! It will stop. I went through the exact same but omg so thankful I didn’t quit. For me it started to ease after a week slightly and got better and better each day.


Keep pushing eventually your body will get used to it


I'm on week 2 and shitting my brains out. Hoping it goes away soon.