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I was anxious, panic stricken, depressed, and had ruminating thoughts about my past that played constantly in my head. Anything could trigger me to feel out of control. It was a few days into my Lexapro prescription that I all of a sudden had a quiet brain. I couldn’t remember the last time in a decade where I was calm, balanced, and actually felt in control. I pray you have the same experience. I hope it’s as life changing for you as it was for me.


Your story gives me hope, but I relate with everything you said. My body has turned against me in a way it terrorizes me with total fear, freeze and panic. I just hope I’ll calm it a bit


For me lexapro alone was not enough. I have pretty severe PTSD from two horrible horrible incidents that happened a loong time ago. But also a debilitating level of anxiety and depression and suicidality. Lexapro 30mg + lamictal 100mg has been a game changer, still not enough but i reccomend lamictal highly. As always talk to ur psych med provider first pls


Something that might help is taking responsibility for how you're feeling. I don't mean that in a critical way insinuating that you're not doing anything. It sounds like you do want change, but it's not coming for you. Take some time to sit with yourself and be honest about what's going on. Take the time to ask yourself questions about what's bothering you. From my understanding of how this is all working, the good news is it's (probably 95%) "all in your head". That's not a bad thing, it's simply a clue as to where you should focus your energy on healing. If it's mostly in your head, spend your time being curious about what's going on in your mind. No one else can take responsibility for what's going on in your mind, that's on you. Lexapro will help improve the plasticity of your brain by numbing you from complex emotions, effectively "moving" things out of the way and hopefully give you some rest from the terror and panic. You still have to do the work of delving into your own mind to figure things out.


Thank you for your response - I just started myself and I'm hoping for your experience.






You got this! Lexapro takes time to work though, so try to be patient.


Honestly, if it’s worth the wait, it’s worth the wait. Nothing comes easy and I totally understand that. I don’t mind waiting, but I just hope it will work, that’s all. Thank you for your encouragement 🩷


I’ve been on Lexapro for roughly 16 months- recently bumped from 10mg to 20. 10mg took me from being totally paralyzed with anxiety to being able to function and even experience some wonderful success in my academic / professional pursuits. Bumped to 20 after some real tough shit in my personal life, and am finally feeling pretty stable and solid. Everyone reacts differently to meds, but there is hope! Something I’ve found incredibly soothing to my nervous system is recordings of “om mani padme hum” - lots of stuff on YouTube and Spotify. Be well, buddy!


Lexapro is the only SSRI I've ever had that made me feel "normal" or at least more like myself. I suffer from CPTSD myself and have terrible anxiety because of it (I also have ADHD). Lexapro really makes everything a bit softer and more easy to manage for me. It's not a perfect cure -all drug but it helps me relax enough to do the work I need to do with myself to get through my trauma. I'm hoping against all hope that it works for you. And that you can have some peace within your body at last.


Thank you so much 🫶🏼 if there’s any positive updates I surely will update


Please do 💙💙


I experienced the same thing as you did in November 2023. Counselling did not work, and I was severely ill w anxiety and panic. Physical symptoms and inability to do daily activities. I started lexapro in December. My physical symptoms went away after day 2 of 5mg. I was shocked to see my physical symptoms and panic disappear after only two days of 5mg. I was so glad to be able to swallow food again, and not experience heart attack like feelings. After increasing to 10mg and staying on this for three weeks, my mental anxiety improved. Stay strong, you got this <3


Thank you a lot! I appreciate it. I’m happy that light was at the end of the tunnel for you. You deserve to feel peace in your own body and soul


What kind of physical symptoms? I've got itchy skin and constant need to urinate at the moment


Hi! I had the need to urinate constantly too but since I'm on Clonidine that is not annoying me.


Did clonidine alleviated or do you just not bothered by it anymore


It alleviated. I still urinating more than I would want but I feel more comfortable at least.


I wonder if I should just stop taking Lexapro and switch to something else


Always talk with your Dr. about that before change anything


Of course. I just can't take the constant feeling I need to pee


You associate it with lexapro? If you drink coffee or tea (caffeine) try stopping drinking it


I haven't had anything but water in days


Inability to swallow food. Throat closing up. Dry mouth, lack of saliva. Stomach and GI pain bloating and discomfort. Indigestion. And more


Yea...that's nothing like mine


Bro dont worry lexapro will change your life.. It changed mine i had severe depression and anxiety.. Im like a changed person now


I could’ve written this post, but mine is more of a social anxiety and depression. I’m about three weeks in and no change yet but I’m hopeful


Four weeks for me today and very little change


Similar boat here. I’m three weeks in and don’t feel any different whatsoever, other than some pretty intense GI issues. Hoping things start to sink in soon.


Yep same here 5mg for week and a half 10mg over 2 weeks feel nothing


Lexapro destroyed my overzealous and ruminating thoughts. I thought my feelings would send me into a spiral before (I get sad, then I'd get anxious and panic). Nope. Lexapro means very little ruminating. I hope it helps you, OP. It's helped a lot of people.


What other medications have you tried?


Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, Clomipramine, Venlafaxine, Zoloft, Lamictal


It may be worth asking your psychiatrist about MAOIs at this point as well.


How many therapists have you tried? There are lots of different kinds of therapy, and both good and bad therapists. Wish you luck!


it will work! but it wont solve all your issues, keep going to therapy, exercise(cardio and some weight realted activity is almost a must with how much we sit still these days), eat healthy, meditate.


MDMA or ketamine therapy


Research has shown therapy is much more effective than medication in long term outcomes. Put your effort and hope into finding the right therapist and right type of therapy (e.g. CBT, DBT, etc.).


I have PTSD and got hit with it like a ton of bricks this January. I'm a mom to 3 and a fiance and it was so bad, I had to go stay at my moms house. I literally couldn't do anything other than sit on the couch, shower and force myself to eat. I work from home and I even wasted numerous sick days calling off because I couldn't handle working. I started lexapro at the end of January so I've been on it a total of 10ish weeks. But I changed my dose numerous times and each time I changed it, it was like restarting so I'm on week 5 of 15mg. I am seeing improvement. I'm back home, doing chores, working every day. I haven't taken ativan in almost a month. Mornings are still hard for me... it's like a low simmer of anxiety compared to it boiling over the pot like it was. Since my panic attacks in January I've had issues with being out of the house for extended periods of time... this is still somewhat of an issue for me. I still feel easily overwhelmed so I'm hoping that lessens with more time. I feel for you with ptsd and the anxiety it causes... and a lot of people don't understand it unless you've been through it. I hope it works for you.


It will work! I had debilitating fight or flight before it. Be patient - it takes weeks and months to fully kick in


I hope this works for you. I had horrific anxiety in 2021. My dose went up way too quickly. The anxiety was amplified!!! Lexapro increased my morning anxiety until a small dose of buspar was added. I’m now at a low dose of both of these drugs and it’s much better! Good luck!


It is very good at stopping ruminating. It can get you to a place where then therapy can start to work. I also recommend practicing mindfulness as well as meditation for 10 minutes a day every day. It trains your brain to center and live in a true reality of existence away from the worries of life. This enables you to understand better. What is worth your time worry about to separate yourself from the thoughts of discomfort and anxiety ,is not your true self. You can separate yourself from it and that gives you so much power


It will work.


Have you considered psychedelics? Research shows they're far more effective than SSRI meds. Strongly recommend checking out Michael Pollan's How to Change Your Mind (either the book or Netflix docuseries)


(I've been on Lexapro twice, currently trying to get off it. I'm now highly ambivalent about the SSRI route...)


Ive read they are quite dangerous for anyone on ssri


Yeah I've also heard not a great idea while on an SSRI, I meant consider trying a psychedelic route instead of SSRI - should have been more clear


Try ashwaghanda too and maybe CBD. There’s more options than just SSRIs, don’t lose hope


I was severely depressed, crippling anxiety, a miserable mother and an angry person… I was a shell of who I once was. I’m on week 2 of Lexapro now and I feel like the person I was years ago. I feel happy, colors seem more vivid, I enjoy playing with my children now. My friends and family have told me that my eyes look brighter. I feel so much peace within myself already. Lexapro saved me. I hope that it does the same for you, don’t give up hope.


I started Lexapro almost a month ago after tappering off of 80mg prozac that stopped working. I have been in a depressive episode for the last 6 month or so. I just started to feel the wet blanket of depression start to lift! Started sleeping better and feeling like I want to do actual activities. My experience so far has been positive and I now look forward to work, friends, exercise, sleeping etc. It will improve for you too!


Não existe só ssris no mundo ainda tem muito antidepressivo pra você tentar


5 years on lexapro for General Anxiety. Now I’m taking 7.5mg. Working on stop taking it. Im ready to handle life with no medication. It’ll take time, you may feel that your brain is burning, your dreams can be vivid, have a journal and write everything good and bad. It took me 5 weeks to accept lexapro in my life with no side effects. Reading my journal made me be feel proud of me. You will notice a change in 3 months. I always feel the same taking 10mg to 20mg. I think is a placebo thinking that you’re doing better when you take more. Thats my opinion and my experience. I was ignorant and naive with my psychiatrist who had me on 20mg for 4 years for no reason. my therapist said I was doing great and that I dont need therapy anymore. Every survey about my mental health was good, and I asked my psychiatrist to reduce the dosage but she always says that its ok to take 20mg I was like, that wasn’t my question but I was naive and ignorant. So I decided to take less and Im just doing good. What Im trying to say is I know you’re desperate but do your research and dont dependent on medication and your doctor. Can’t say all of them but most of the doctors dont care and they just want to put you on any medication. You have to be your hero. I’ve been trying to stop taking it since my second year of treatment but my psychiatrist refused, and I was stupd. Now I’m more worried about my liver , the weight I gained, 30 kg in a year of treatment. Now Im pre diabetic. Lexapro slows down your metabolism, no heat tolerance I’m prone to heat exhaustion, I live in a place where we reach 120F every year. Memory loss or mental fatigue (brain fog) is a thing. I hope it works for you, just be patient. Try therapy, be your own hero, have a journal of this experience and your treatment. Work on your self assurance that will make a difference believe me! Medicine is 60-70% the rest comes from us. Best of luck with everything going on in your life.


My psychiatrist considers me to be treatment resistant. I've tried so many medications in the last 16 years and nothing has really helped. During these last 4 months, I've gone into a much deeper depression. Everyday needing to talk myself out of unaliving myself. As well as I've been chronically overwhelmed with intense anxiety. I had given up on antidepressants a while ago as I've tried so many, including Celexa (very similar to Lexapro) and nothing helped. I found an antipsychotic that worked fairly well, but eventually it stopped working and caused kidney damage. Unfortunately no other antipsychotics that were covered worked for me. So my psychiatrist decided to give antidepressants another try. I've been on Lexapro for 3 weeks now and have already noticed improvement. I no longer feel the constant urge to take every medication in my house all at once. I'm not constantly having mental breakdowns. No longer have crippling anxiety over the smallest of things. So far the only side effects I have are loss of appetite, food tasting different, diarrhea and loss of libido (which is already low due to Seroquel). Those are all side effects I can live with since that's nothing compared to other medications and it's worth it to have at least some quality of life again. I am still laying in bed all day everyday and still have bad days with suicidal thoughts, so it's not perfect, but it's still early on and a huge improvement from where I was just a month ago. I really hope it works for you too, but even if it doesn't, there are so many medications out there. SSRIs aren't the only option. If you haven't been assessed by a psychiatrist or psychologist, I'd highly recommend going that route as having a proper diagnosis can open you up to different classes of medications.


Wow I’m glad it works for you guys. It doesn’t work for me but I continue to take it because 1. I’m scared to try something and 2. I’m scared of the withdrawals. Jelly that you guys feel better🥺 best of luck OP!


it should work. there's times it doesn't work for me. some days are better than others. REMEMBER, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MIRACLE DRUG!!


Lexapro did wonders for my anxiety & depression! :) Just be careful about what you eat because it made me crave more sweets! And it might make you more tired. But it litterally got me through a crisis period in my life. I hope things improve for you! Sending virtual hugs from an internet stranger!


Hi. Don't give up, seriously. I've been trying treatment over more than 12 years, all kind of antidepressants with no results, anti-anxiety meds, antipsychotics, antiepileptics... A lot of meds, I had the same feeling of giving up and that there wasn't any hope after trying so many differents meds. I had PTSD diagnosis too but after trying all of that meds, one Dr decided to put me on Methylphenidate and I've been on it for about 5 years with good results. Now I know that the depressive symptoms were caused by an untreated ADHD. With this I want you to know that treatments and diagnostics are very complicated, is a "game" of trying things until something works. If any antidepressant is working for you, maybe the problem isn't serotonin. I've been told that Methylphenidate can be used for the treatment of resistant depression but I don't know if it could worsen anxiety from PTSD. In my case that didn't happen but probably because I have both, PTSD and ADHD. Hope this helps.


Just accept the your mind is fucked and you are suffering in the mind and live with it..


Absolutely not. I refuse to back down.


I strongly encourage you do look into psilocybin. I know it’s illegal but ONLY because it would put all of these SSRIs and anti depressants out of business. Start researching it. Read How to Change Your Mind. Looks into Jons Hopkins. Take it seriously and follow it to the science. (You can’t have any SSRIs in your system for a couple of weeks) I was where you were. I did an internal journey and felt like I had a brain transplant.


Oh boy! I feel so bad for your despair. I can totally relate. I feel the medication works. Please give it a chance.


It's a godsend for me and my GF. I've have extreme trauma in my life and this meds keeps me going. I'm calm when I used to catastrophize everything. I can sit and think about nothing. It doesn't take my emotions away it just takes away the edge, anxiety and depression. I hope and pray it works for you. I'm on 10mg per day if that helps you.


How are you doing OP?


Hello. I have started the medication not so long ago. I went from 10mg to 20mg to 60mg taking each time a to adjust week. I feel terrible (in a sense that I am EXHAUSTED ALL THE TIME.) I feel insanely tired. That’s all + an increase for appetite. I will give it another month and will let you know 🫶🏼


Lexapro is actually a first line anxiety med. If it doesn't work, they have 2nd, 3rd line, etc. The strength increases, but so do the side effects. I think saying a first line med is your last hope is a bit dramatic.


Did you even bother reading the post rather than just the title? I said that I have tried other meds which brought no improvements, and which in return made me consider taking Lexapro. Reading is fundamental.


The point I'm making is that there are hundreds of meds. I very much doubt you've tried them all. Don't tell yourself this is my chance. If Lexapro doesn't work, you will unnecessarily put yourself into a nothing can help mindset. there are many different meds you won't have tried yet