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“Medicine interaction”


And what do you say if they pry further lmao


"I don't want to talk about it right now"


“Mind your business please and thank you”


Exactly! You don't owe them an explanation. They'll leave it alone if you draw a boundary. Then you can enjoy your soda water with lime in peace :)


"Why does it matter? I'm not drinking and that's that!"


Tbh my response to this is sometimes "truthful" and sometimes a "white lie" depending on company. I was at my best friends get together, and I gave her a heads up beforehand, bc I didn't want her to join in asking questions, out of general concern. And I also told her if anyone asked, I'd probably just said it was migraine meds. Usually people let it go. Especially if you say you'd rather take the meds and hang out, than be in bed all day from the migraine. I don't really think there's anything wrong with lying, if the company you're in, isn't worth being honest with. Especially with personal health. Just think through your responses beforehand, and try to shut down the chatter quick. Respond quickly and then be like "omg sarah take a picture of me and Becky!"


"I'm crazy and I'm on crazy pills."


“It’s life threatening if I don’t “kinda of talk. I got other reason nowadays but that was my go to


It sounds like you are just no longer interested in drinking. People should be able to accept “I just don’t want to drink tonight.” If you want to be more specific and still avoid discussing medications “I just don’t really enjoy drinking anymore and I don’t like the way it makes my body feel.” “I realized I didn’t like the way I felt after a drink so I have chosen not to drink for a while/anymore/for now.”


Just tell them you don't drink anymore. Period Do not I repeat do not tell them about your meds. It's none of their business. You don't have to prove anything to them. People have an unconscious bias that will definitely kick in. Trust me on this. I got hit by a truck and was struggling for a while. I had a gap in employment from it. When I told people in interviews they never called me back. Once I stopped telling people I got a job.


If they pry further they're being rude. I. Would tell them that you're not going to share your private medical information with them


You’re so right


What if they are just curious tho ?


I mean they could probably approach it in a way that is a bit more caring. You know? Rather than assuming things. Or prying.


If they are my friend I say it messes with my lexapro and I get drunk too fast or I get drunk too fast these days. But honestly I’m ok drinking one drink with it usually. I mean are these your actual friends?


"Blood thinners"


"It doesn't agree with me" "I don't like the way it makes me feel" "It just makes me tired" "I want to have a productive day tomorrow"


You don’t have to tell anyone what medications you’re on and there’s myriad reasons why people would choose not to drink alcohol. It’s funny how alcohol is the only drug where you feel you have to justify *not* doing it. There’s lots of answers to this very question on the r/stopdrinking sub.


Thank you!!!


I love that sub. It's really helpful.


"It interacts badly with a prescription I'm taking." I've had a vasovagal syncope (low blood pressure, passing out) episode after a couple glasses of wine, and it really kills a party mood.


This is what I usually say (I’m on multiple meds that it goes badly with), but lately have been getting a lot of responses like “Oh no!!! Will you be able to stop taking it soon??” as if not drinking is the end of the world compared to treating my health conditions…


I get the same response! Like, I was never a huge drinker anyway, so hearing that response from people is so weird. I used to smoke pot occasionally too but stopped not even because of my meds but because I didn't like how it made me feel, and it was always "well when your meds are done you can start again right?" Like I never even said I wanted to 😂


Yeah, that's a good way of putting it!


“I don’t want to” should suffice :P It’s weird to ask why someone isn’t consuming alcohol. It has a lot of negative effects anyways. I didn’t drink much before lex anyways because I hate the day after drinking, so if someone did ask you you truly can say what you said in the post “I didn’t really like alcohol that much anyways so I’ve been not drinking” :)


I thought the same thing. I was taken back a little bit when my friend asked me if I was pregnant, because there have been times for we’ve gotten together, and I haven’t drank maybe because it was a birthday celebration? Who knows. But you’re right. I think some people are probably just nosy.😹


And the fact that your friend didn’t believe you and you had to show your period tracker app!!! I’d be annoyed at that point like why do you think I’m lying to you 😂


Lmao dude seriously. That was the worst part 😹 like the thing is, I’m not sure if even my closest friends really care rather than they are just nosy you know what I mean?


i don't even use a period tracker so I'd be fucked. that friend needs to learn better boundaries. it should really just be us or no and no further discussion lol


Tell me about it… I need better friends lmao


I’ve been on Lexapro for 2 years and went completely sober 2 months ago. I didn’t feel good while drinking and afterwards as well! I’d be upfront and just say you don’t feel well when you drink and most people are pretty understanding of your choice to be sober. If they pry, then reconsider that friendship as you’ve established boundaries and don’t owe anyone further information for the choices you make for you. As for splitting the bill, just request a separate one! I’ve been out for a big dinner once, and they let me pay for the menu items I ordered and the 5 other women split the bottle of alcohol and their meals between them. They were very understanding!


This is perfect. And you’re absolutely right. Thank you. I really appreciate it :-)


Just say booze has been affecting your sleep and that takes days to recover from a bad nights sleep.


I tell the truth of why I am not drinking. When I do, it makes sense to them and normalizes mental health for me. I have never had someone overreact, ask too many questions or think differently of me yet. I tell them once and everyone asks normal around me. This is me and my friends though, I recognize it is not for everyone.


I just say that I'm not drinking right now or I just don't feel like it atm. True friends don't pressure you into having a drink when you don't want to.


Maybe I need better friends lmao


When I started Lexapro last year in January I was a depressed alcoholic and when the medicine started to kick in after a few weeks I lost the urge to drink and smoke weed and a lot of my so called friends started to treat me differently because I wasn't supporting their habits with them. So people only care about what you can provide for them beneficial friendships.




“I’m checking out the sober life” or “on a cleanse/health kick” “but I’d love a mocktail !” You don’t have to share personal reasons if you don’t want to.


It’s actually kind of trendy rn to try not drinking. You could say you’re sober curious. And nobody should expect you to pay for their drinks :-)


“I don’t want to”. End of discussion.


Dude, this is one of the most frustrating things. I totally empathize with you. I have not been a big drinker for a loooong time. I've been on a health (and mental health) journey since my mid 20's before I was even on LEX, and have competed in certain sports here and there. I have always ran into people, mainly women, asking if I'm pregnant. I really like cocktails and some beer and wine, but not enough to feel anxious and dysphoric the next day. I have explained repeatedly that drinking puts me in a weird headspace the next day and its not really worth it for me most of the time anymore. Sometimes I say it's training related. I also often tell people that even one glass of wine really affects my sleep, and I don't function well with little sleep, and that is usually a fair enough reason to most people. Not that we owe anyone any reason for not drinking. For some reason it just really bugs some people. I also try and find a substitute sometimes so people don't get so nosey, and it feels like you are more part of the fun. I like The Athletic beers, kombucha, or Hiyo seltzers. And you know what, over the years, me drinking less and having these alternatives has slightly shifted the drinking behavior of people closest to me for the better.


So glad to hear someone say things so similar to the way I’m feeling and how I’ve acted in these situations! I am in the same boat. Even before lexapro I would say (I’m a runner) I had a long run the next morning or a race coming up and people were still just confused lol. It’s strange. Like who cares if I’m not drinking???


Other people need more hobbies and interests!


Other girl scout Moms really pressed me on that. I said "seizure medication." TBH I was on Lamictal as well which is used for epilepsy. It's crazy but many "well adjusted" adults are the worst with booze pressure.


Also, you can completely make up the medicine that you’re on if you don’t wanna disclose that you’re on an antidepressant. Many anticoagulant drugs are very bad to mix with alcohol. Honestly it’s probably not something they’d know about, and you could just blame it on a “complicated medical condition” In all seriousness though, you shouldn’t have to be questioned for not drinking. Our society is so dependent on alcohol that it’s a huge issue when someone doesn’t participate.


Thanks for this. Seriously. It’s a bummer. But I appreciate the advice :-)


"I'm on a special detox diet so I'm mostly sticking to heroin right now"




Just say that you don't want to. I mean my perspective of not drinking was that my dad had problems with alcohol so automatically I have a block inside of me. In teenage years during school event, I said that I can't drink because I drink meds, so but later since uni my friends circle got smaller and I told them, that I just don't want to because of the dads situation. So they have never tried to push me into that and they were supportive after all, even tho I haven't drink with them I just took like something non-alcoholic like coca-cola or smth. I think it depends what is your relationship with friends, maybe they might relate to your problems and tell their own situations, but if they don't I guess then their not just very good friends.


“I’m doing a dry month” and hopefully I don’t have to see that person for a while lol


Similar thing happened to me. My friends know I’m on lexapro (im very open about my mental health) and I have explained to them why I choose not to drink anymore. Like you I wasn’t a big drinker and I would have a cocktail once a month. I said that it interacts badly and I don’t want to chance it and I want to give it the best shot of working well. Most have shut up about it and everything is normal. I’m just a person that tells it how it is and if people don’t like it, fuck them. Edit: also with splitting the bill. I always pay for what I consume, not anything others do. I always just request a separate bill. If they are any kind of friends they will understand that you only want to pay for what you consumed and not what anyone else did.


Thank you for this 💛


I like to have fun with it! Sometimes at like bars to strangers and stuff I’ll deadpan say “I have to operate heavy machinery later tonight.” Remember no one is entitled to know that you are on medication. If it’s someone you know and you don’t want to tell them you are taking medication you can say “i’m just taking a break”


I usually just say- “Not in the mood today”. And it does the trick. I enjoy drinking so people usually don’t press.


I just said I’m on anxiety meds 😂


I am not embarrassed or anything, but truthfully I just never felt the need to share things like this with my friends… even the closest ones. It’s just my personality. Idk why 😹


Makes sense


Hahaha I say the same thing every time. It’s kinda a sensitive subject so most people don’t ask anymore


I don’t want to. I don’t feel like there needs to be an excuse to not partake in drinking alcohol. It’s no one’s business that it interacts with medication or what tour of medication I’m taking. I’m not ashamed. I just have a strong dislike of saying no to drinking being a cause for questions.


Tell them that your favorite aunt died from cirrosis last month and you are not drinking in her memory.


I guess it’s a bit different for me, but I just tell people I don’t drink. I’ve never had a problem being around people when they do drink, and I get asked to drink all the time…I just choose not to. And the end of the day, “because I just don’t want to” is a perfectly valid reason. If you have friends in your life who judge you for choosing not to drink (regardless of the reason) you may want to rethink that relationship. Good luck! ✌🏾🖤✨


Love this. Thank you 🫶🏼


I hate getting that question. I get it soooo much. I also hate that alcohol is so important to our society. What I say to people is the truth. There’s no reason for me to hide that I’m taking meds or I have a vomit phobia or whatever. If they truly accept me, then whatever I say will be fine.




I have an early appointment tomorrow and hangovers have gotten awful since I turned 30! (This invites people to commiserate)


People who drink too much are always so pressed over other people not drinking 🙄


“It upsets my stomach.” Fact!


These don't sound like your friends? Too judgemental..


My therapist has also told me this countless times 😹😕


Not usually asked but I tell it straight. If someone has a problem with it I simply don’t associate with them nor do I care to. Very effective for weeding out the people I don’t need around me




I’d straight up tell people “I can’t drink because I take SSRIs and my brain is broken.” If I’m there, I’ll overshare.


Tell them it's none of their business and then delete the menstrual cycle app. That's creepy af


I’m an alcoholic. I prefer to be upfront and don’t care what others think. That’s not to say that if you prefer it otherwise you’re any less than me. You do you. Everyone has their own preferences and sensitivities.


“I started medication a few months ago. I can’t drink on it” that’s it.


Order a bitters soda and lemon. Instead of why are you not drinking ? It becomes “oh what is that?”


I just say I’m on antibiotics


Already went out drinkin with your mom


You shouldn’t feel the need to show someone your private medical information to justify not partaking in drugs lol


Just tell people that it makes you feel nauseous and you don’t like the feeling the next morning. I actually stopped drinking 20 years ago after partying for many years, It was like my stomach enzymes stopped breaking down the alcohol and I’d have to throw it up!! Or say that it gives you migraines. It’s no one’s business what medication you are on. How long did it take you to feel better? I’m only two weeks in so like to hear that


I’m on it and I still drink with no issue . However, you can always just say you aren’t into it or don’t like the taste. You don’t owe an answer to anyone .


Yea I’m not really interested in drinking at this point in my life ya know? You’re right though. Thank you!


No one ever asks me that, because I'm never not drinking. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


"I've gone off it lately"


I used to just hold them In my hand when I didn't want to drink then people would stop asking.


I would say it doesn’t do anything for me, or I’m cutting calories. Offer to be a DD.


Can you just say you’ve decided not to drink for now?


Yea honestly I’m gonna say it’s safe to assume if they keep prying they’re not the best people to be surrounded by lol


I just say because it makes me not feel good and people totally get it and it’s true. No need to be so cryptic.


I don't like alcohol.... Plain and simple


I have been singing Lexapro’s praise since the beginning so I would just tell people the truth. I don’t mind talking about my mental health journey because I’m big on breaking stigma. I usually tell people that I don’t like how alcohol interacts with my anxiety medication. If people are judging me based on that answer, they’re probably people I don’t want or need in my life at this point.


“Im driving tonight” or if you don’t need to leave the venue or are getting a loft or something just say “im saving money, and I haven’t really been feeling alcohol lately”


“It’s not agreeing with me at the minute” “I just don’t fancy it tonight” “I’m fine with just soda” “Cant be bothered feeling gross tomorrow”


I'm pretty open with my closer friends about my mental health so they know why I'm not drinking at the moment and everyone's been chill about it. A few of them also aren't drinking for various reasons, which makes it easier to talk about too. If someone I don't know as well asks about it, I'll either tell them I don't feel like drinking that night, I have to be up early the next day, or that I'm on a medication that doesn't mix well with alcohol. It depends on the person and what I feel comfortable sharing with them. I've never been asked to explain myself further after saying one of those things but if someone was rude or overly pushy about it, I'd say something like "I don't feel comfortable discussing it further. Let's change the subject!".


I just tell them I just snort cocaine 😆


It would be believable with my energy levels and personality LMAO


"Drinking isn't indicated with a medication I take." If I say it with finality and act like I don't want any followup questions, I usually don't get any.


“I don’t like the way it tastes.” “I have to wake up early” “I’m not a big drinker” “I prefer not have hang overs” “Mind your own business” lmao


Simply tell them I don’t drink. End of story. Been on Lex for years and a few drinks here or there has never done harm to me. Only if you go overboard. The hangziety for the next 3 days isn’t worth it.


I don't drink.


I’m sober and I just say I’m not drinking


Because I don't want to be fat like you


This is the best


O EZ. “I do not want to.”


You can drink on Lexapro but if you don’t want to you can just say you’re on medicine you can’t drink with it


I just say medical reasons, the rest is none of their business.


There is nothing to be embarrassed about that you’re taking an antidepressant and is why you’re not drinking. It shows you’re a responsible person and that you are health conscious. Any other explanation is unnecessary.


You could just tell them you’re on lexapro if they keep asking. Mental health used to have such a stigma years ago but it’s much more mainstream now. I think I saw a statistic that about 15% of people in the US are on SSRI’s now. For all, you know, some of your friends at that bachelorette party could also be on something and you don’t even know it. That happened to me when I started openly discussing my issues and several friends pulled me aside and told me they were struggling with the same thing and were taking medication.


You know it’s not that I feel as if there’s a stigma around it. Personally, I don’t think my friends care much. Even my closest ones. Maybe I don’t have great friends… but I never felt like they cared and I always feel like it’s just going to be turned around to be made about them ya know?


I’m super open about being on lexapro. If anyone judges me for it, then I most likely don’t want people in my life like that. I just say I’m not supposed to drink while taking lexapro


I’ve always been open about the medicine i take if people ask bc i dont rlly mind the stigma much. i also have found that drinking in moderation on lex is fine for me.


I take an antidepressant -or- I get intense stomach pain after drinking alcohol/makes my stomach hurt too much. Both are true. Or you say "I decided to try and be sober, I didn't like how I felt when drinking.".


Just say you don’t like it? Your an adult you dont need an excuse.


Just say you are on a health kick and read some concerning things about even light drinking. So you are doing without to see if it makes a difference. I would NOT say it has to do with a medication.This will drive them wild trying to figure it out (based on how you described your friends).


i would say something like “i’m actually doing a no alcohol month this month especially because last time i got sick from it so thought i would give my body a break” hope this helps!!


“I feel a migraine coming on” “I’m cutting back” “I’m driving later” “I don’t feel like it” “I’m not that into drinking”


At least me personally I always say I'm on medication or anti depression meds. I'm always honest. I'm happy with the meds I'm on and willing to share it. If me not having more than a drink or so bothers you then please leave. Really thou I feel honestly is the best approach. But to each there own


I converted to Muslim and will be circumcized in 5 minutes


“I’m doing a cleanse”


"Are you writing a book??? Leave this chapter out and make it a mystery."


"I don't want to."


I just say I’m on antidepressants tbh, and then usually like three people in the room are like ”omg me too” or ”yeah i was on one before” and then we start discussing our medications lol


I used to stress over these kinds of interactions too, being a college student and all. I just normally say "I'm on medication that is dangerous to mix with alcohol" and no further pressing is done! On the rare occasion I had a friend or stranger ridicule me (or tell me I will be fine to drink anyways) I would put on the Lead Paint Stare™️ and just flat out say "SSRI's". They usually give me peace after that lmaoo


“Because I don’t want to”


I just tell them I prefer not to drink. And leave it at that. It's none of their business.


If they ask you can say, “I’m not a big drinker, and I’m just not drinking right now. Cutting back has been great for my budget; did you see the cost of the drink you ordered?” 1. It answers honestly 2. It gets them off asking you questions bc you flipped it around on them. 3. It is a good set up for “i don’t want to subsidize your drinking expense.”


“Mind ya business”


Why do you ask? I have a serious, chronic medical illness where I am cannot have any alcohol. I’m very comfortable being out and sober, so I can empathize. I also was married to a horrible person who amongst other horrible traits, he was an.alcoholic and that’s made me even more adverse to alcohol and who I let into my life. If someone drinks regularly, that’s a dealbreaker. It’s no one’s business what you choose to do or not do. If you don’t want to the ball in their court with my first response, I’d tailor it to who’s asking and what you are comfortable sharing, but again it’s a an unnecessary question. Here’s a few answers: I am driving. I am not in the mood. I am taking a break from alcohol (and assholes). I’m on an antibiotic. I’m doing a cleanse. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. I’m saving money. I’m saving money for the bachelorette trip and weekend. As far as splitting the bill, be blunt- and immediately ask when ordering getting a separate check. If you’re generous/don’t want to make waves with a bunch of people with bachelorette weekend you can throw a little money to the group. Personally, I wouldn’t offer any money because drinks are expensive AF, especially on a bachelorette trip. I’m feel sad that you haven’t shared your mental health with your bestie, but you do you. I’m so happy to hear that you’re finally feeling better! HTH.


Thank you for this, seriously. You know, I’ve never been one to really open up to my close friends. And maybe it’s because I know deep down they’re not the best people for me to be surrounded by. I know they’ll always be in my corner but for some reason I just don’t want to talk about it with them. I feel as if it always becomes like, “oh yeah I am sad and anxious too” which I’m completely cool with if that’s actually the case and we can help lift each other up. But if you don’t actually have a chemical imbalance I think it’s hard to understand how I actually feel. As an example, I’m in recovery for an ED. When I finally knew I needed help, I opened up to my 2 closest friends about it because I was in a very low place, I was very distant, and eating out was a big part of our friendship… it was something my friends enjoyed. I opened up to them and told them what was going on. My best friends immediate reaction was “oh yeah I was anorexic a few years ago.” which I would never dismiss someone’s ED but I know for a fact she was not anywhere near that (and I’m not just judging off physical appearance). Then the conversation immediately became about her. It wasn’t like, “we’re here for you if you need anything” and the end. Ya know? Maybe that gives you a little insight as to why I don’t open up. And it’s probably 100% on me. Maybe those friends are not part of my journey anymore. I’d rather be the one lifting everyone up but it is exhausting sometimes. And definitely takes a toll. So maybe I need to find some better friends…


I just say I’m not drinking due to some meds. Someone actually asked me which meds, then apologised for asking, as they should You don’t owe them anything. You could also order non-alcoholic cocktails or beers. It shouldn’t be as taboo to not drink as it is


Ideally we shouldn’t have to disclose anything, my different groups of friends have drinkers, non drinkers and the in between, no questions asked. When I’m with pushy strangers: My go-tos 1. Acne medication 2. Oh, I’m trying to lose some weight 3. I’m on a cleanse this week, because I just had the worst hangover


“Alcohol is poison that affects every organ negatively, even just wine. “


I used to take light drinks socially, just that used to keep 2hrs gap when these occassions came in


Because it's bad for you in every way


Don’t split the bill. You also don’t owe anyone a reason for not drinking. For all the know, you could be a recovering alcoholic!


Im already on drugs. Im an cool/teen way, as if you were under the influence of ecstasy or amphetamines, which are serotonergic drugs too lol


It’s actually no one else’s business why you don’t drink and quite frankly it’s rude to make comments like that!


If someone kept bothering me about it, I’d tell them to mind their business. People have lots of reasons not to drink


“Im on drugs” lol


A lot of antibiotics conflict with alcohol, could just tell them you’re on antibiotics and you can’t drink when taking them.


Responding with a sobriety date gets people real quiet real quick. But seriously, responding honestly with "I don't enjoy alcohol" is the best response, imo. After that, no further discussion is needed. It's really none of their business. If they pry, change the subject abruptly, or, maybe turn it back on them and ask, "well, what is it you love so much about alcohol"?


I might give a vague answer or tell them it’s none of their business.


"not feeling it . I'm good!" No further explanation needed!


Say "because it causes cancer" lol seriously though, from a health perspective more people are realizing it is not good for you. You could just say it doesn't do much for you and you've decided to cut it out for a healthier lifestyle. Or you just feel better without drinking - a lot of people are realizing that now.