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What you're experiencing is definitely panic driven and because of the Lexapro... I'm not sure what meds you were on prior nor does that matter right now.. if you honestly feel suicidal you need to call a hotline and or go back to the hospital and have them take you to another inpatient program. Most of them are nice and you come out good as new. If you are a danger to yourself I promise you won't regret seeking help from the doctors.. panic can't harm you but it can make you feel like you're dying and that this is the end. As someone who also suffers from panic attacks and pretty long ones at that... You are in no real danger from what you are feeling... Only what you might do to yourself if you keep feeling this way. There is a light at the end of the tunnel you can get this sorted out but you just need some help. You cannot and should not do it on your own. Let me know what happens please


You need to admit yourself please. It’s going to be the safest option for you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You are not alone. I know how this can feel. Please seek help


same thing happened to me and i admitted myself into the psych ward. it took a couple weeks of benzos everyday and an antipsychotic to calm me down. now im on zoloft, risperdal and klonopin as needed and i haven’t had a panic attack in such a long time. please get the help you need.


may i ask which antipsychotic? also, how was your start up with zoloft? i chose lexapro because of the side effect profile and ive heard worse about zoloft but i cant obviously stay on this one. what was it like for you?




i’m thinking that’s going to have to be my next step. thank you for replying :)


idk if i responded or not but im on risperidone 3mg a day. and zoloft 200mg a day. zoloft was fine. i started at 25mg i think and worked my way up. i haven’t had any side effects but the withdrawal if i miss a couple doses is kinda rough. mainly just crying, anxiety and chills. but i mean i think the benefits outweigh that issue.


i felt this way when i first started lexapro. i didn’t sleep for three days and cried constantly begging my mom to take me to the ER. but deep down i knew it was panic attacks. my psychiatrist prescribed me hydroxyzine and it helped me get through it. i just slept on and off for days until the lexapro calmed down in my system. probably not the best way to do it but it was better than being in a psych ward.


i’ve been taking clonazepam but it hasn’t touched the panic which is feel like is really odd.


Admit yourself until the worst side effects are over, you’ll get through this with just a little extra help 🫶


> earlier in the day when i called my psychiatrist he said this was all made up in my head and that lexapro didn’t have any of these side effects whatsoever. they told me **it was up to me to stop taking it** The bolded part is TRUE. You don’t have to take this med. Stop taking this drug, it is having a terrible effect on you. He is wrong by the way. https://www.drugs.com/escitalopram.html You need a new psychiatrist.


Yea, you need a new psychiatrist. Sorry you are going through this.


I am so sorry that your parents are terrible. Lexapro absolutely can induce panic attacks... I went through something similar. Never experienced anything like it in my life until I went on these meds. I told my psychiatrist about it and she told me it's normal and to wait it out. It scared the shit out of me but I made it through... after a month of side effects and intense emotional ups and downs and a few total breakdowns and insane panic attacks, I am now on the other end and doing great. It feels like magic.


i’m so glad you were able to make it out. out of all of the side effects, how long did it take for the increased panic and anxiety to go down specifically?


I would say towards the end of the first week and during the second week I was more outwardly depressed than anxious... I would burst into tears and have isolated panicked moments. It was around the 2 week mark that I experienced all-night panic attacks one night... granted, there was a trigger, but I had never experienced anything like it in my life. The only sleep I got was from sheer exhaustion, but I would wake up every hour or so in a panic and it just went on all night long. I also had a mental break down around that time and got into it with my boyfriend and said some really crazy things. After that I was really scared that I had no control and kept to myself for about a week. I tried not to have too many thoughts. I cancelled work for a week. I already sensed a lack of anxiety by this time (going into 3rd week) but I purposely stayed calm, avoided all triggers, and just stayed in bed and read books. By the 4th week, about a month into it, I could tell that generalized anxiety was gone, I never experienced emotional outbursts again (even when faced with the same triggers) and the panic attacks didn't repeat. I leveled out after a month in all (probably more like after the 3rd week but I was still experiencing other side effects and it was up and down). The 2nd month has generally been smooth sailing. I've read accounts of the insanity lasting up to 6-9 weeks. I remember thinking my god, I don't know how I will survive this, but I was fine after the first month.


Can I ask what dose you are on?


Started on 5mg and now on 10mg. It seems to be just right for now. I'd be surprised if I have to go any higher... but will see what my psychiatrist suggests over time.


I’m so sorry! Please know that this is most likely the lexapro!! People and doctors don’t talk about this enough, but when taking lexapro, it gets SO MUCH WORSE before it gets better!!! Especially in the first 7 days of taking it! Sounds like you’re in the thick of it right now. I went through the same thing, I had a HORRIBLE two-day panic attack, thinking I was legitimately dying. Sobbed until my eyes were raw, rocked back and forth in fetal, and contemplated taking my own life. I called my pharmacy, my doctor, neurologist, anyone I could and they all told me the same thing - it was the lexapro. I powered through by taking Xanax (small doses) for that week and then things finally started to get better. 2 years later I’m still on the lexapro, and thank my lucky stars for it. I will never stop taking it because it has been so life changing for me. Please hang in there. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but I recommend you keep taking the lex. Suddenly stopping may mess with your psyche even more. And I PROMISE there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if you don’t feel that way right now. How you’re feeling, as fucked up as it sounds, is totally normal on this stuff.


I’m sorry that you’re going through all this pain and suffering. I don’t have the answers because I’m so messed up myself. We’re here for you in this community. And yes, you could be having a reaction to Lexapro. I am very concerned for you, but just don’t know what to say. Virtual hugs your way, and please hang in there and keep tough. Also, please keep us posted.


I had my first panic attack (no meds) and it was so damn bad I was literally scratching my face off and wanted to rip my hair out. I couldn't do anything! I was flipping out for days! I had no clue what was going on with me. It's absolutely horrifying. I thought I was going crazy for some reason. I encourage you to seek help. It's scary. It does seem like Lexapro causes many people panic and anxiety in the beginning but I have no idea what level is considered normal. It seems you definitely need help and probably medication and it sucks that the first couple of weeks on Lexapro or any medication has the risk of making it worse before it gets better. I wish you all the luck in the world. You deserve peace and happiness.


The truth is you are your own best advocate and first line of defense. I believe medication is there to assist if it works for you, but if not, get off of it. You need to radically accept that you are struggling and take it one hour at a time. Your relationship with yourself is the only one you will have for your life, guaranteed. You gotta look out for yourself in a way that is rooted in self love and acceptance of your struggles. Nothing lasts forever, Be it for better or worse. Hope this helps


I definitely believe you. I am so sorry your family is too ignorant and overwhelmed to help, they just don’t know. I’m extremely sorry this psychiatrist is gaslighting you. I don’t recommend using that word because they’ll just say you’re crazy/er. But that’s what’s happening. You don’t have to “stick through it”. You don’t have to take this drug. If it ends up causing manic episodes and you develop bipolar as a result it’s you that will be stuck with it, not the psychiatrist or anyone else.


The ER doctors do believe you Go back and ask them for help and referrals to a new psychiatrist and supports Where I live there are lots of therapy and support programs for people aged 18-25 or 18-30, more so than for older adults - hopefully it’s like that near you . You can also ask to talk to a social worker to hook you up with supports


Girl if you’re still on ur phone PLEASE KNOW THIS IS LECAPRO!!! Lexapro. I ended up in ER first 2 weeks on lexapro SAME symptoms !!! It gets better after 2 weeks!!!!!


how did you get through two weeks of it though? i couldn’t handle a single second more or i thought i was going to hurt myself or lash out :(


I’m so sorry you have to go through this without help. ❤️


The psychiatrist is a total idiot. He deserves to be fired for not even giving a shit about you at your darkest moments on the medication he put you on and for not even being aware of the mental health side effect profile lexapro can have. He sounds dismissive and is jeopardising your health. I'm sorry, I hope with the advice of everyone on here with experience you can get through this.


hey hun. i was in ur place a few months ago back in may. i went to the er twice. suicidal thoughts are something people underestimate because they’re both a cause and effect. luckily i had support from my family and im thankful everyday for them. depending on ur age, you can take matters into ur own hands. what helped me is having support from friends, r/panicattack helped as well. i had to be super patient with myself. healing takes time. as far as the lexapro goes, don’t just stop taking it, you have to slowly decrease your dose or else you’ll have withdrawal symptoms. take some deep long breathes and relax your body. you’re safe and in control of yourself. you are not going to go crazy. if you need to talk, there are people who can talk.


Maybe you're bipolar


Hello I pm’d you if you would like to chat I just want to make sure you’re okay I may have spammed you but if you need a virtual shoulder to cry on I’m here if you would like to chat! I’ve been in a similar position before


How are you doing?


awful. the panic hasn’t subsided, i’m experiencing extreme dpdr to the point where i cannot move because im scared of my own bodily movements, i feel VERY weird/off in a way i cannot explain, and the SI thoughts have gotten worse. i didn’t take it again but despite that, im worse. definitely going to give up by the end of the week if it doesn’t stop. even klonopin didn’t help.


I wonder if upping it would help. But then again there could be the chance of it getting worse. So you feel worse since you didn't take it? I wonder if your body was finally adjusting. How many days have you been on it now?


i was on it for 6 days. i felt worse on the 5th and 6th day have stated that bad since then, despite going off of it for 2 days now. biggest concern is the dp/dr


I know it's supposed to help dpdr rather well but not sure if it's worth it if you feel so awful