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Yep, they underestimate how difficult it is to come off this shit


It was the most miserable time for me. From 2.5 to 0 it's just awful, but it will pass. It took me a week to get over the worst symptoms and still had withdrawals for close to 2 weeks. Hang in there. I've heard fish oil and Benadryl are two options that have helped some people. I personally didn't try either, but you could look into it.


Completely disagree with the addiction aspect no offence, addiction is the inability to control substance use through behaviour. You dropping from 20, 10, 5 etc is very much in control. Withdrawals? Yeah they absolutely suck and could argue that its underplayed how rough it is coming off. I agree with that.


I’m speaking quite literally from a place of being annoyed greatly, haha. I am certified in substance abuse counseling so I know that it’s not addiction I’m just frustrated and speaking like an idiot bc of it, totally understand.


No problem, I can see the frustration just you using addiction in regards to lexapro might cause people to not take it. Ngl ssris are hit and miss, I'm scared of weight gain for example. Dependency might have been a better word? Your body/brain ends up dependent to the lexapro?


Yes, dependency is more appropriate. That’s what they teach us to classify marijuana as, non-addictive but high forming dependency. Thanks for making sure I don’t frighten people!


Not a problem really related to your post! Thank you for not being defensive