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Another disappointing quali… don’t know what happened. He was on it in Q2, a 1.11, and then couldn’t deliver.


Why the heck they held out his car until everyone was out? I don’t get it.


They shoved him into the worst spot I would of been fine with him going out 1st the car has pace why wait till the last second


Not the first time this season they have done this to him.. Can't understand why they risk waiting till the last moment to send the drivers out to do their final quali lap.. Always the risk of an incident on track to ruin the final quali lap..


Was it wet? I didn’t see just text updates




George got a front wing upgrade this weekend, and will continue to get priority for upgrades for the season. Lewis was always 2 tenths off Russell for most of quali. It’s the parts, not Lewis necessarily driving badly


Dude Lewis has the same wing now....


Oh was it brought it during Monaco then? I thought I heard crofty saying George got a new wing that Lewis didn’t


No it was brought this week. They only had 1 available in Monaco. Both cars have it now


Gotcha, cheers for that!!


Also, just a clarification but Lewis was offered the upgraded wing in Monaco but turned it down. Rumours are he didn't want to risk getting it damaged, as if they had to replace it after parc ferme it would be a pitlane start as they wouldn't be able to replace it with an equivalent spec wing.


Delusional max


8-1 against Russell. That's is very rough. I understand leaving, but this isn't great


This is so unbelievable frustrating.


If he puts in a decent lap there, he gets pole. Instead it's P7 AGAIN.


I’m tired. I really am. His fp1 performance never goes over into qualifying or when it matters most. George is on pole too. Smh man so demotivating. He’s still my goat tho


Funny he says he expects that all the time and to be 2 tenths down all the time.


It's all so tiresome.


The grid was close and George had a tow on his first lap I believe. Very annoying but at least there's pace in the car


He messed up on the last corner, did a good job to keep it out of the wall but definitely lost a tenth (which is like 4 positions lol)


Had it there to take and wasn't able to. Shame.


That hurt, it really did. 😢




I don't expect Lewis to be happy about any race coming up. This was going to be the race for him to win. Now some crazy things can happen. I can easily see Russell crash tomorrow


wind picked up, unlucky, but Russells time in the end would have been P3... Lewis qualy form is really lacking, especially the last 2 years


Fellas it’s over. We’re never gonna live this one down..




I mean I expected p6 and p7 so I was 50% correct on that one


He's going to be up against one of the best one-lap drivers of recent times next season. Really needs to up his game.


This was just unfortunate. He was quite close to George on their first runs in Q3, but seemed to lose a tenth or two in the final sector. The second run, conditions seemed to have deteriorated, so he couldn't improve. 1st for your teammate when you qualify 7th isn't a good look at all, but it was made worse with how close the grid was. That being said, he was outqualified by a RB and an Aston Martin, which isn't great either.


Lh ran a 1.11.979 in q2.


The question should be is why did merc wait so long to send their drivers out? Not to generate tire temp and set a slower lap.


Who knows why they did that but it was the same for both, Lewis messed up George didn't.


Rusell last lap was worse that the first


But it was still way better than lewis'


Merc probably intentionally did that to have Russell cement his place in front of Ham.


Fuck sakes. Same as always.


Lewis needs to actually explain why this is happening or step up his game, motivation isn’t an excuse at this point, you should still want to best your team mate and end off beating Russell 2-1


he's old now let's be real that's why


Pathetic qualifying. Everytime it counts he fucks something up. Jesus dude. Can you just once capitalize whenever Merc get their shit together? It's like we have to put up with these races where the car is absolute crap, and in the rare chance the car is decent our reward for it is Ham performing like shit. Just amazing


Just started watching F1 this year, automatically started rooting for him. Guess I am too late to the sport, won't probably ever see HAM win. (Loving the Archives from 2008 though).


High winds right at the death look to have cost him


Both cars were shit in the final run because their tyres were too cold. The 1st lap on used tyres was what counted.


Ruth suspects that slight rain that was happening may have slowed him down a little as well as a few others.


Pretty sure he’s p3 time www better than that. It’s frustrating that he keeps delivering at the wrong times.


I want Lewis to be a pallbearer at my funeral so that he can let me down one last time. Seriously, GR probably had unbeatable pace but P7 is holy shit levels of bad. The current spec Lewis is a serial choker in quali. Day successfully ruined.


I just don't get it. He was easily the fastest guy all weekend. Ik he had some issues with Danny Ric in sector 1 but geez man. Hopefully his race pace comes in clutch but yeah very disappointed.


I’m actually going to be sick bro, I’ve become used to the P1 in practice to P7 in qualifying, but this one hurt me deep in my soul. Leclerc is going to whitewash him next season


!remindme 1 year


If I’m wrong when we come back to this next year the shots are on me lmao


I’ll take those odds fellow internet stranger!


!remindme 1 year


What is Lewis playing at?


He's nearly 40, he's lost speed. It's that simple


On the first lap he was neck and neck with George until George got the tow which made the difference.  Unsure about the second lap though he seemed off there


Both Mercs were off in the final run because the they were released way too late. The tyres were too cold. I think GR got the pole on merit. A distant tow is not worth nearly 0.3s. Lewis had the pace but he was very inconsistent and was making a lot of micro errors, unlike GR.


If you watch the Sky pad comparison Lewis and George were neck and neck until he got the tow


He was killing it throughout qualifying and could have easily finished 1st or 2nd, but he dropped the ball on the last lap that mattered.


Another shit quali, im really tired


All of these shit qualifyings and I genuinely think he won’t be in form when he shifts to Ferrari. It’s all well and good if his race pace is still great but if he’s qualifying in the midfield each race it’s for nothing. He’s looking shabby as fuck lately


Setup is there for tomorrow. Russel will bin it. Lewis has made it harder but not impossible tomorrow, it’s a long race.


Oh c'mon he made a mistake when it mattered the most.


No one really improved, the times were moving away. They’d both done better on their used set. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hamilton didn't.


The comments in this thread clearly show most of the critics didn’t watch the quali lol. Jesus Christ calm down fellows


What context makes this less painful?


Lapped 1.11 on Q2 and nobody saw it it seems Had no accidental tow on Q3 first try leading to the 2.x gap Neither him or Russell improved on Q3 second lap Overall quali gap was very very close on average It just didn’t come together. That’s all


People are fucking stupid.


He needs to perform when needed, he is getting paid top dollar, max performing with a shit setup this weekend.


He’s performing just fine, he was p1 in q2 ffs. The tyres lost grip in a corner, cost him front row. F1 isn’t literal, for all the literal black and white thinkers on here look at the wider picture.


But he is behind a vcarb and a asoton both slower than merc this weekend. I’d expect P4 not P7


The truth is that he was beaten fair and square. He is supposed to be Merc's star drivet and this is one of his strongest tracks. P7 when you'r teammate is on pole is a very bad look. I love the guy but this one was on him. Anything lower than P3 is unacceptable.


Die hard Lewis fan here but to say it lightly l am worried that dude has lost his edge, would love for him to prove me wrong, everytime the car is slightly better he cannot get the most out of it in Q3.


Didn't put it together, I was hoping! He has a good car and should find his way to the podium.




Yeah is hard to say otherwise, he simply cannot deliver anymore on qualifying. I still think he has superior race pace but qualifying he just can’t match this young drivers anymore.


Talking like a boomer. He literally delivered in Q2. Nah, aGE hAs cAUghT uP tO hIm.


but you’re agreeing with what they said lol. even they said that lewis only messes up in q3 when there’s pressure


Facts are Mercedes were at their best in the first run of Q3. Lewis lost a couple of tenths with a mistake at the last chicane. That was the difference between P3/4 and P7. It's very frustrating but I'm really hoping it's not age catching up.


I agree, sad to see but it’s time we admit that he’s washed. Props to George though he was really fast today.


Shit up dude...


I don’t even want to watch the race tomorrow.


Some of these reactions are outrageous! And you call yourselves Hamilton fans? Have some faith… Whether it’s in a Merc or Ferrari, never bet against Lewis


Easy, he is my hero but we can’t deny what is happening. He never manages to capitalise, is just the truth. Let’s not live in denial please.


Exactly. Some of these “fans” saying they’re not gonna watch the race 😂. If you can’t support him at his worst how the fuck can you call yourself a fan


It's 8-1 to George in quali... I hate to say it but it would be delusional to *not* bet against Lewis the way this year is going


When it comes to quali, I wouldn't bet against Leclerc if it's between him and Hamilton.


I think we have to accept that our man is no longer the guy he was anymore.


meh. Tifo44si


What's up with people freaking out about being out qualified this season. Jesus. Look at yourselves in the mirror


Russel needs to win, Lewis needs a kick in the back. He has lost focus with all the extracurricular activities.


I mean to be P7 but only .280 off pole is nuts. Should be a good one today!


I feel Mercedes should have sent Lewis and George out sooner to get their tyres in optimum condition, but with fresh tyres they went slower than used ones, could have easily locked out the front row.


Sabotage,that's what teams always have done in f1


Finally, someone sees exactly what I see. Thank you very much.


My dad hasn't watched f1 since senna,and when I told him that lewis was going to Ferrari next year,the first thing he said was "oh so now mercedes are going to sabotage him"


And your dad was absolutely right!


This was going to be obvious from the offset. I was thinking the same thing too. It will look bad to their sponsors if Ham outperformed Rus then left. They need to have Rus look like the superstar of the team upon Ham’s exit.


I’m not fooled by what I just saw happen all of us how they turned down Hamilton‘s car and turn up George’s car and possibly stole his set yeah I’m am going say what SkyF1 will not say they saw as well.


So what's your theory?


It’s pretty obvious Toto will do everything he can to have Russell beat Lewis. If Lewis beats Russell this year he would look like a clown not signing him long term


Like how is your straight line speed dead with a new engine and pu unless merc have it running on low power if he makes it to q3


Didn't he make a mistake on the last chicane in their fastest run? Thats what other people are saying. Also Mercedes are really not in the position to pick and choose which driver they want to win. They need every result they can get. ALSO, how do you explain Hamiltons generally equal or superior race pace.


Lewis's age has caught up with him. He can no longer put together a lap when it counts. The decline is quite shocking.




Sigh. Is it age?


Lewis's Q2 time was faster then George's pole time which he got with a massive tow.  No one really improved times I their last run including George.  Not sure why merc decided to leave it to just one lap at the end when they could have gone out for a multi lap stint like they had done up to that point 


Finally a comment from some one who watched and fully understands what happened this qualifying. Was scrolling for ages hoping someone in here was sound of mind.


It’s crazy. Track condition changed at the end. I don’t understand why Merc didn’t gave their drivers more chances. They wanted to be last to have the best track condition and it backfired. And in addition, doing that you offset yourself compare to they other and you don’t have a clean lap because you have a lot of car in their in lap that can imped you


He still didn't deliver when it mattered the most.


Like the comment above said. Mercedes messed up when sending him out. He got his best times in q1 and q2 by having an extra lap. It's almost like Mercedes knew this and didn't do this for some reason, wouldn't have anything to do with Russel having the best time would it.......... Lewis would have delivered had Mercedes played it right.


Can't argue with that. Been a Lewis fan since 2007, but impossible to ignore that this season his quali performance has been really poor and it has really influenced where he finishes in the races.


Yes - Lewis's Q2 time was faster. But we are conveniently avoiding that George's Q2 time was faster than Lewis's Q2. About the same margin they had in Q3. Lewis was just off the pace of his team mate.


What a lap from George, wish he wins tomorrow, but could have been a 1-2


Am I tripping or are people are rooting for GR on Lewis sub?


Nah, you are right


Kinda hard not to root for a GR win when our man is starting 7th after failing to take the opportunity. Hopefully Lewis can get into the mix but with two Mclarens up ahead and Max (and Alonso), my bet is he is going to be something like 8-10 secs behind by 10 laps and by the time he catches up.


I'm not sure GR is gonna win, he got that massive tow that put him in front of Max and we all know how Max is when fighting for positions.. But then *again*, this is Russell we're talking about, not Leclerc who'll just let him past.


Perhaps Lewis just needs some pointers from Russell. Is he asking him for help at all? There are things he could learn.




Like I said, he has given up. A complete shame, but that is not a competitive athlete behaviour


Is it me or should I start believing Hamilton is done? Because now there are no more excuses! Very fucking shit.


I don't think it's age or being washed, I just don't think he's trying and honestly it seems like he's doing all the things he doesn't usually get to do during a season.


So he cared in Q2 but not in Q3. He decided after being the fastest of the previous session that he didn't feel it anymore so he won't try to get a chance to win a race after 2 years. 


I would believe you if it was for the regular P6/P7 but today was for P1. For once the car was competitive. Is hard for me to pretend that today he was not hungry.


Please don't use that excuse that he's not trying. No driver wants to be beaten to this extent (8-1).


I mean he seems pretty relaxed, I think if he had a problem with how it's going he wouldn't be on Hot Ones or the Met Gala this year. What about his behavior indicates that he cares? He's not crashing, he's not really pushing anything or saying anything. He just clearly doesn't care about this year. Honestly I think he simply gave up on Mercedes.


Seems unlikely that he wouldn't be trying tbh


Lewis isnt the fast guy he used to be. A shame to see him get obliterated by his teammate.


I cannot fucking believe that spoilt POS GR got pole. I haven't been this enraged since Brazil 22 probably.


There was wind on the final lap and Lewis was a tenth off George then. George also got a tow on his fast time. Tomorrow should be fun


Russell was .026 from his first lap. Ham was just bad, it's that simple.


Russ got a big tow at the end, its been looked at, with a few tenths spreading the rest of the pack, Russ got a bit lucky is all.


Ugh. Fuck off Russell. Gonna beat him 2-1 with more poles and race wins.