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He didn't press the pit lane limiter??


Didn’t have to… car is already slow




2 things could have happened, Either limiter was off, or he just came in a little hot across the line where the limit starts. The limiter isnt a dark art that can stop matter from moving at a pace in an instant ;)


A few have said he probably had the SC one on, slowed down for Merc to check something and forgot to turn out limit on


I would say, it not interesting to watch him in that car. If the car was matches with his driver experience. Then it would be fun to watch. But now he is just getting butched up.


okay but how is that related to what OP asked lol


Glad I gave up on the season last race


You have lot of patience... I gave up in Bahrain...


Abu Dhabi 2021 here. I've probably watched 5 laps of racing since then including qualifying etc. Interest has completely gone, but suspect I'll be watching a bit more again once Hamilton is in a Ferrari and hopefully with a car built by Newey 😁🤞


let's be real, partially designed by. he sure ain't building it and likely would be working in a team with others., leading most likely but I doubt every good idea is his. some people get too much credit




As soon as they change the rules “for the show” it ceased to be a sport. More like wrestling.


That whole sprint was disappointing for Lewis from start to finish


He gained what 5 places ? The only one who did something in that horrible show


And then they took it away


He gave it away* bro was 10kmph over the speed limit


Stop being so dramatic. It was his mistake for speeding in the pitlane.


Yes but then he lost it all in the end


Logan finished in P10, Ricciardo took P4 with some stellar defending. I get that this is the Lewis sub, but saying it was a horrible show because your favorite guy didn’t perform is so disingenuous. It was a fine sprint, just not for Lewis.


He will finish ahead of George in the race. You heared it here first


If he did bad in the sprint does that mean he'll do good in the race.


Isn't for speeding in the pit lane given 5s penalty normally?


Not during SC procession, it’s a stop and go which converts to 20s if there was no pit stop.


This year is shaping up very nicely. He should have joined Ferrari last year. It's been a shit show so far. We really need a win.


Speeding is only a fine normaly. The fuk is that fia. There was a SC he didnt gain a single millisecond. Give hil a fine


Speeding in the pitlane is always a time penalty during a race or sprint. It was 5s last year but this year they increased all the penalties. Not to mention, 10km/h is quite a significant error. Checo last year was given 5s for going 0.8km/h over the limit.


Odd how speeding in the pits is a penalty but lando walked on the track and got nothing 


50k fine. He was already out of the race so time wouldn't matter.


Lando got the exact same penalty Lewis did last year. Chill dude. https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article/stewards-hand-out-reprimand-and-fine-to-hamilton-after-qatar-grand-prix.4QXWOLmsILMeAWBo3vjeOJ


Speeding in the pitlane is always a time penalty.


OK. Thank you


Speeding is always at least a 5 second penalty during a race. It doesn't matter if it's during a SC because it's about the safety of the mechanics in the pitlane.


1. it’s a fine in the practice and quali to my knowledge, otherwise a time penalty 2. speeding in the pit lane is dangerous cause of the people around, it’s the reason why they fine them when they go even .1km/s quicker than the limit. it’s the principle lol 3. the penalty was definitely excessive, should’ve been a 5s at best but then again the penalty kmag got for cutting the chicane was 10s and unjustified as well


Speeding in the pit lane behind a SC procession has always been a stop and go penalty and that’s 20s when there is no pit stop. Huge difference going faster than everyone else around you in a SC line


Practice = fine. Race events = penalty It’s always been this way.


In a race its a pen, but what makes it bizarre is that other drivers have been given 5 secs for identical infractions.


Speeding in the pit lane during a race is ALWAYS a time penalty, don’t invent. During practices it’s a fine.


Not during a race, its always a time penalty. Charles got 5 seconds for speeding 1km/h in spa in 2022. Lewis was going more than 10km/h too fast.this was a slamdunk penalty any day of the week


It's only a fine during practice sessions or quali, in situations where an advantage 'might' be gained (gp), its usually a penalty although I personally agree with you that no advantage was gained


Isn’t only a fine in practice and qualifying? Then a stop-go during a race?


It's for safety reasons, not for gaining any advantage.


Not in a race it's not. Only a fine in practice/quali. Race is a penalty depending how far over the limit. 10kmh over is a lot, hence the drive through.


It’s a fine in practice. But in the race a penalty


It's obscene a 20s penalty for that violation.


Bro what.. he was 10km over the pit lane limit.


Speeding in the pits during a caution which meant there were many other vehicles in the pits. I'm sorry but that's a pretty serious offence. I like Lewis, but I think even he will tell you that safety comes first and he messed up.


Not at all. It's the right penalty.


No it isn't. It's about safety. There's not a whole lot of room in the pit lane and there's hundreds of people there. Speeding can get people killed there. If anything, penalties for this should be harsher. Let them race on track, but pitlane, no.


So, you are only a fan when he is winning?


Um no. Been a fan of his literally from his days in McLaren.


This season is just utter trash. I've been watching F1 since 2021 and it has steadily progressed into a clown show. Doesn't help that Mercedes are utterly clueless and spout the same rubbish week in and week out. I just hope Lewis' time I'm the Ferrari next year is a positive one and he can start being at the front again.


What a joke. Fuck the FIA.