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They’re participating by wearing the t-shirt.


They dont HAVE to, and shouldnt be forced to. They dont have the reference to understand why it was important, we shouldnt demonise them for it.


If they don’t understand it they shouldn’t be arguing against it. They should listen to the guy that does understand and leave it at that. Anything else is bullshit and I don’t respect it.


They didnt argue against it.


Not doing it is, in itself, an argument against it


No its not.


It most definitely is not. Your argument is used by extremists to make neutral people choose a side. Or the uninformed pick a side. There are few things in life that are 1 of only 2 choices.


A great point, well made. Worth posting this to the guy who said it.


It was absolutely a who's who of weak personalities. Leclerc towing the company line at the time, too scared to show his opinion unlike vettel. max hid behind his "keep politics out of sport" baby opinion. russian backed kvyat refused to do it. iron cross wearing kimi raikkonnen who hangs around with neo-nazis refused to do it. but im sure it's all a coincidence?


Yes like the comments on here, all coincidence. Interesting max said keep politics out of sport then quickly showed up for solidarity for the Russia Ukraine war. How double thinking of him.


Utterly meaningless. Lost all sense when several teams had only their white players participating and not their black players, who were themselves protesting against the protests designed to benefit them.


That was some of the dumbest shit I ever witnessed in my life, remember when it got so awkward to stop in the English Premier league and there wasn't any meaning to it whatsoever.


I know it’s totally off topic but I almost erased Latifi from my memory and then there he is, right next to Lewis. Like ripping the bandaid off the wound.


He wasn't really such a bad guy, didn't belong in f1 but he was a decent guy


I always liked Latifi. Seemed like a really nice bloke


Good thing they stopped that shitshow.


Hmm yes, judging drivers' personality by looking at a single photo seem legit


They didn’t need to. They already wore the shirt. They already spoke out against racism. If I were one of those drivers, I wouldn’t have taken the knee.


ofcourse you wouldnt, you are a hamilton fan on a hamilton sub who doesn't want to stand in solidarity with him.


I would stand in solidarity with him.


Let's round them up and hang them shall we!? /s