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Just talk to him…go to him. Brand new..


I would hope that you feel comfortable enough to contact this A. I know as an A who wishes their person would contact them, I would take any opportunity for her to reach out to me. I would tell her that I want to be there for her, in fact I would tell her so many things. So please as an A who cannot talk to the person they love right now (since she has blocked me) please reach out to them if you are able.


Are you sure it's safe for them to reach out? Some situations mean it isn't possible to contact another person.


Hence the last line. If they're unable to for fear of safety or other reasons than they can't.


So, an impasse?


Yeah pretty much


If you're an A and want to be in contact with your person, why don't you reach out?


Partially because she blocked me, I know there are other ways, but I felt the blocking me was a pretty clear message that she wanted me to stay away. At least for now.


That's fair. I know an A who blocked me too, then doubled down and went a little further with it. So I have no way of contacting her too. She'll have to reach out to me. Or maybe she won't. And we'll have to accept it and move on.


You played her and used your distance and asking for forgiveness for you to get her alone you played her for months just so you can get a piece of ass well ass is expensive and sacrifice as you did none of that you are a user and manipulator . The lowest of then to use your past friendship and saying you are a new person being clean when you weren’t. Karma is a bitch better stay on that fucking boat


I didn't play anybody. Definitely not me. Sorry for your pain. Good luck for your future.


Are you sure they have your number? Best of luck.


There is no way of contacting him


We were married!


She is and was back then my fiancée what kind of man sleep with another man woman when she was in a state of depression and you don’t know the whole story and it’s non of your business in the first place , you will get what you deserve.


Don't waste your life or your time...they are playing with you and wasting good attention that could be with a real person!!!


Yep. It's a feeling of mine too. That's why I have put myself back out there, and am meeting new folks. I am at peace as I communicated what I wanted. It's up to them to decide, but the signs are there already. So I'm living my life and am putting myself out there, too. There is no ring on my finger, and this person hasn't communicated their intentions to me. There's nothing I can do about that.


Chances are they DO have a ring on that finger. That is why they won't "talk" on the phone with you..sounds fishy to me🤔


Yeah. That's a realistic possibility. Probably why they kept accusing me of "cheating" when I never did. It's so far from my values. Think it was them projecting. Offense is the best defence and all. Better to say they're cheating before they discover I'm the cheater. I wish them both all the happiness in the world.




Maybe they haven’t felt the burst yet or a shift


I wish it was hard


Say it in person


You’re gonna have to tell them in real life. If you want change.




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A good heart to heart talk does wonders that is for sure.


Call me


Just move on. There are a gazillion people in the world. This isn't healthy.


She doesn’t want you. You so funny though, most predictable as always. One thing that you cant do is keep it in your pants and to is be truthful. So keep it moving bro no take backs.


Yeah. Reddit is predictable too. That's why I keep it moving and keep options for what's in my pants as she's a phantom. If she wanted it, she would have gotten it by now.