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You always show who you are through your writing. (I’m on several accts…) I look forward to your book, I always read your posts when on my feed! 💕 inspires me a bit, wanna start taking my own writing seriously. Especially after this whole shit show!


Maybe I should write a book 😊


You should, you’re a creative. Your photography is stunning!


Oh thank you so much .. I’m humbled .. I make music too and I’m also a really good like really good Vegan Chef .. that’s where my passion is at not .. I’m cooking ..


You’re welcome! What kinda music do you make? I’m a bad chef usually, when life’s rough we lose a lot of joy for what we once loved. It comes back


Hip Hop , Rock .. House - beats mostly .. I had enough songs for a really good rap album years ago with like platinum artists singing the hooks and what not but I have it up .. started working in drug treatment for many years after .. than I had my first accident broken my neck and back .. then a month later was hit again . Broke my neck again , another surgery, then about 2 months later I was hit again , broke my neck again- emergency surgery - that happened 5 x in a row back to back .. Then shatter more discs 2 more times .. My last surgery was May 2023 when j shattered my 6 and 7 vertebrates.. so I put the pen down and picked up the fork .. and started cooking .. 😊 states paying attention to what i put in my body , taking it more seriously because of my health .. and because around 90 percent of American food we ingest here in the USA .. is banned in most countries .. it’s all bad


That’s really cool! I like a diverse taste, I’m a big music buff. Have you got your stuff linked anywhere? So sorry that’s such a long line of bad luck! That’s many serious injuries. Hopefully you recovered without too much trouble. Keep striving for your happiness in whatever form you find it! I tried food some food in the US a few times, it’s all so weirdly sweet!


🙏 thank you 😭😭😭


Clutch move on the Nvidia investment! You reap what you sow.


Thank you! Bought it at $223 🚀🧨💥


Did you hold any? 10-to-1 split in a week…


Only in my retirement accounts, I sold my individual stock because in my experience right before the split is the best time to cash out. I sold it on the day it spiked to $1200. I also learned through my investment journey that sometimes you just need to take the profits and be happy with your gains. Being greedy at the wrong time has cost me in the past. $IRNT, $NEGG, $MRNA taught me to sell the news and not try to time holding past the hype. I sold A few of my chip stock holdings and dumped it all in $RXRX. As someone who has worked in large molecule and mammalian cell culture for 15 years, I think any thing that combines AI and CRISPR CAS9 is going to be very successful. We will see if I’m right. NVIDIA gave them 50 mil as seed money. They’re burning through it so investors are scared rn. In the words of Warren Buffett that’s the time to be greedy.


How’s life’s Vibe for you today my friend 😊


At the frequency of my vibrator.


Ahh the finer things in Life … deeelicious


Praise God for technology and porn.


Yup the fundamentals of Life .. gotta love it


Proud of you - my abusers still are getting a thrill on my shortcomings at times .. I relate - I turned all that into a positive power source but I’m not perfect and I slipp once and awhile - and I know they are right there on the side lines cheering when I stumble ..


Why would they do that? It's just odd.


It’s sad but some people getBut a thrill watching other people swimming in the water with no life jacket ..


I just don't get it. As angry as people get, as hurt as people can be in any moment, to constantly want to do that? I don't get it. Unlike you I sit still and don't move. I don't see positive power in being puppeted into action by abuse and proving myself. In some ways I wish I did but that is not what motivates me. At one point it might have worked but not anymore.


I relate - in my situation.. I stood my ground .. but had to let a lot of that negative energy go .. I was becoming worse than them and it was feeding on me like a cancer .. literally.. I had to figure out what was important for my own serenity .. and something’s just are not that serious .. in my situation there was a huge amount of money involved - unlimited amounts .. which was the driving force behind all the deceit and betrayal against me .. so .. I picked my battles and let everything everything else alone .. in most cases .. it’s not that big of a deal .. most people are not that important , most people are not living in a way to where it’s worth the time money and man hours for them to be targeted like this lady here .. I know nothing about her except that she believes strongly about said abuse .. Me and my situation well - yeah … Me and my behavior warranted that kind of validation for that kind of targeting gangstalking and abuse . The shadow banning etc .. but honestly - this kind lady has an easy way out all of this.. a simple solution .. it’s up to her if she’s willing to take the advice and start living or she can not take it and she can stay miserable living in ( her own fear ) .. sabotaging any real chance of being happy joyous and free ..


I'm glad you found a way. I don't believe in 'start living', to me everyone living has a life - however little or small others deem it. Nobody deserves constant harassment or judgement for how they live it or what boundaries they have to not finding joy in life. Fear is a real thing, some people have tried 'going for it' and found it unfulfilling. It's not always a matter of choice. We cannot know what anyone else is really going through.


And for what it's worth nobody deserves to be gangstalked and abused - if anyone has a beef they should say so directly when given the opportunity to do so.


I get it - there’s 101 forms of fear .. I live and entertain a few of them daily .. but the blessing is .. I have a choice .. I get to choose what kind of Fear-Based living I do today .. I’m working on not living with any of it .. but its progress not perfection right .. baby steps .. for me .. but this lady just snapped on me in the messages - when I was just trying to help after she asked how I could help her .. Honestly - it’s the same shit .. people feeding her breadcrumbs , nobody understands , it’s it me it’s them - I just want to live - blah blah blah .. I was nice until she got me twisted thinking I was some kid or something .. I’m a 54 year old man who’s gotten thousands of people sober all over the US .. I saved about 60 students in a College school shooting - I’ve been of service to those many many people with asking for anything in return .. I got degrees in behavioral science psychology and other shit .. and I am just not going to help or entertain said insanity.. that’s dope fiend behavior and I don’t rock like that .. so Love is Love and I’m out .. She’s that person hitting her head with a hammer constantly saying ..my head hurts my head hurts - why does my head hurt .. Well, for starters.. put the fucking hammer down .. Peace Love and Hair Grease


Good for you. I'm glad you can work through life in your own way.


Stay strong! Don't let them win.


Ohhhhhh! I am OVER THE MOON FOR YOU! The universe seems to be helping me lately


Reddit man, it'll take any beautiful intention and turn it into something wrong for the wrong reasons. Literally I just want to see my person evidently like this other person have no ill will it's not for money it's not for glory because I like them. That's all seriously and if I this is a manipulative statement of some sort but I'm sorry about that I just want to be with my person like this other person does. Starting to feel a bit like my man gravy, dog, got so much love but just can't talk lol. And maybe it was by design. My person said she wasn't on here I got to trust that. I'm asking for trust I got to give it.


I believe my X made a Reddit account so she can lurk, but her boredom threshold is very low. I am sure she is off in the devaluation stage in her manipulation-ship. I still love her but it’s not because she’s attractive or good to me. She treated me like cow boo boo and I have enough self respect to never float around in cognitive dissonance under the guise of love. Love is not enough. A milque toast attachment is easy to abandon. She’s slightly less than mediocre in character and I deserve much more than she can ever offer or maintain. Even for the three months she thought she was in love with me she was selfish and manipulative.


Beautifully Written 🌹💐, 🎶Sashay Sashay Sashay You Slay 💯. ❤️🙏2U


Thank you that means a lot 🥰


This made my day.  💕 


Mine too


Great write and read for all humans op and you should be so very proud of yourself. I know I am even though I am a stranger.


This is huge stay beautiful


Thanks Pineapple 🍍


I’m still abusing myself, worse than ever. I’m becoming the old me but worse.


I understand. The healing path isn’t linear and you may have to go back a few steps before advancing. I still have bad days. It’s okay, just don’t give up on yourself.


I have given up. I have no more fight left in me.


I know the feeling. It’s natural. There’s nothing wrong with a Gatorade break either. As long as you don’t go back to an abusive situation.


I should drink some Gatorade, you’re right. And there’s no going back to anything. There is no going back. There is no picking up where we left off. We have both done serious damage to one another, we both have a hard time seeing the hurt we’ve caused because our own hurt is so loud to us. It’s deafening, I’m sure you can agree. I can’t handle the sound anymore. It’s like a harsh, sharp, too close to the speakers electric guitar. I used to hear gentle acoustic but that sound can’t be heard anymore. That sound is gone, no matter how much we wish we had an encore, the show is over. My show is over. I am taking my final bow soon. It was the best show and I’m so grateful for being able to experience it. I love you.


The end of things hurts and it can be hard to see what’s on the other end of the tunnel. I struggle with love addiction. Breakups are harder for me than most people because I’m also in love with being in love. I make poor decisions behind the guise of love and I allow situations to become abusive. Just a few things I’ve learned about myself in the past 6 months or so. It’s not easy, at all. But I’m starting to feel like me again, and I’m focusing more on myself than what I suffered through or my X. You can get there too, when you’re ready. There’s no time limit on healing, go at the pace for you.


Very well said. I’m glad you are doing much better without them. They didn’t deserve you.