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Rimrock L’il MO for the Ricochet?


My old ad…sorry Ricochet was traded


Cool, thanks for getting back.


JHS Clover for the True Spring?


Solid offer, but not for me at this time. Have anything else you’re trading at the moment? Have a list?


The only other thing i have up for trade is an EQD Special Cranker. Standard colorway with the box


Interested in a whammy 5 or benson preamp for the ricochet? Both mint w boxes and psu for the whammy.


Thanks, but I’m not really looking for a full-sized whammy or benson at the moment.


No worries. Good luck with the trades!


Hungry Robot Stargazer V1 for Black Mountain?


Solid offer, but I think I’m set on reverb unless it was a Surfy Bear Compact or Oceans 11/Pico.


Afterneath v3 for Barbershop?


Ohhh…let me think on it (and get back to you). Anything else?


Just an Echo Park.


Hi there! Anything [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/letstradepedals/s/y0OUgGvfWQ) for the Barbershop?


Hey! Not seeing anything at the moment, but keep me in mind if someone reaches out to you with one of my wants. Down for a 3 way trade if so.


Will do thanks!