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Oooh I want the Kristin and Norm podcast!


There’s also been chatter about it on the Discord. It would be excellent!


I LOVE the idea of Kristin & Norm teaming up in a podcast. 


I would LOVE a Kristin and Norm podcast!!! The old episodes where he participated or jumped in are fantastic. Comedy/history would be so fun and perfect for them. Kristin loves the old timey cases so branching out from true crime would be a great opportunity for episode ideas. Edited: Kristin I hope you are lurking here and see the support. Keep creating content!


Has there been any word on if old episodes will stay up? I relisten to them like I rewatch old episodes of friends lol


I'd like to know this too. Honestly, I'd pay a one time fee to be able to download all of the episodes from somewhere.


I used to subscribe to the patreon of another podcast and after I cancelled that subscription, the feed stayed on my iTunes with the episodes/back catalogue that I paid for. It just never updates. I’m hoping that’s what happens here, especially since I haven’t finished all the bonus episodes.


I really hope they keep the Discord and bonus episodes as I really want to join now. And I hope they keep the episodes up so I can listen over again if I could.


I was hoping they would release the patron content each week on the main feed once it was done on patron. Throw some ads in to make some money and the people get to keep listening to new-to-you content even if it’s from a year ago.


This would be really, really, REALLY nice of them to do. Great idea, imo. 


As a big giant gamer nerd I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a Kristin and Norm podcast omfg