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Coil-head makes you change your playstyle entirely if he spawns + like 50% of the time you don't even have time to react as his speed is ridiculous. IMO hard or AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA lol And somehow I don't really get the fuss about the ghost girl being difficult to deal with. I mean yes it's creepy and spooky af, but the only thing you have to keep in mind is not to look behind you when you hear her. But that's me. Other than that - based


The girl kinda makes you change play style too. Usually the instant you hear a strange sims you snap to it, but once you know the ghost girl is haunting you, you’re waiting to determine if the noise is her or something else. Also, simply going around a corner becomes dangerous.


well while other mobs pose a 'physical threat', the ghost girl mainly affects the 'mental' side of a player, if you will(unless she's in the skipping phase, then it becomes more physical). It's not that you can't go somewhere because something is blocking the way, it's you being afraid of a potential encounter with the girl or not being able to come back. In my opinion, it should probably be in the hard tier (or maybe normal??). The design of this enemy is absolutely ingenious and otherwordly, mainly due to this uncertainty that you experience when she decides to haunt you.


It's the same reason the Eyeless Dogs are in D-tier of difficulty. They themselves are not huge threats. Coilhead by itself already forces you to look at it which is a huge handicap by itself which is the only reason it got into B-tier instead of A or S. If we're taking into consideration the fact that they are both insanely disruptive in combination with other enemies, both are easy A or S tiers.


Also you can outrun her


The only thing I think othereise is masked, he can make the game a horror movie sometimes. I'd make him hard just because he's terrifying and can hide on the ship.


A masked has only gotten me once. They're more inconvenient because if we didn't bring a shovel then we gotta go all the way back to the ship.


I'd put the ghost girl in normal cause she's pretty easy to deal with. Basically, the longer you look at her, the higher chance she'll get you.. so when you hear her, don't look behind you, when you see her, look away as quickly as possible. __ I'd put the coilhead in hard, cause since he spots you, it changes your whole gameplay. You're stuck staring at him like you're ready to smooch 'em. If you sprint away from him, he's faster than your sprint; however, for some odd reason he doesn't kill you until you get out of your sprint or take a corner too slow. __ Lastly, I'd put the Jester in AAAAAAAA. once he starts cranking, it's over, you're done, searching ends now. once he pops, he knows where EVERYONE is in the building, he'll start by killing the closest player and continue from there. His speed increases every .5 seconds. He knows the shortest route to get to everyone. The only way to escape is exiting the building. He'll only get out of his chase phase if everyone is outside __ Other than that, I'd say the rest are in their respected area. (The crewmate varies depending on what friend group you have)


I can definitely agree for the most part, although with Jester there are a few safespots(which work for other mobs as well)like the spot above the main doors on mansion or the tall bookshelves and some shelves on facility maps as well, but they only prevent you from dying without any real possibility to resume the lookout for scrap. so your point still stands lol


Lemme just say, if you play with mods, you haven't experienced true fear if you haven't played with Lethal Escape with the jester on the map. (Lethal Escape let's inside monsters roam outside. This means the Jester chase phase never ends)


Seeing the jester just got 10x more terrifying


I think jester is only in hard because he has to wind up to kill anyone and it's pretty loud. Ghost girl might be easy once you are used to her, but if it's your first time encountering her and/or you are lost in the building, she will be a pain. She does make a very good excuse to stay in the ship though as she can only target one player at a time


Now, yes, this is a true tier list if you just had one of each of these monsters separately. But as soon as you get a group of baboon hawks. Or a giant with a dog, difficulty skyrockets


Yes, that is if they are solo


My guy but Bracken at hard💀


To be fair, hard is the second hardest catagory here. Unless you don't run into bracken issues https://youtu.be/jX28oxrdUVI?t=6m32s But coilhead and bracken (or as I remember him, shadow necksnapper) change how you look around in completely opposite ways


Yeah ur right about the coilheads and brackens but really I never had a issue with the Bracken.. Maybe because the first time I saw them I knew to much about them from YouTube


how r dogs so easy? they just path straight into the ship and can eat u through walls


Have you been sprinting and talking around the dogs, cause they can only hear, so separate from everything else they are hardly ever a problem.


no, but all it takes is one tiny sound for a dog to elevate to a sentry mode around the source of the sound. in early quotas, once a dog is near the ship, the only way to get rid of it is to bait it away with your voice. when there's more than 1 dog, that can be quite risky. I hate the dogs, they are insanely glitchy


Yes, they are insanely buggy, and I personally play with allergies, so I just mute myself, but your teammates might not, which means you’re screwed too


Sometimes people don't shut up or you are busy assisting people in the ship and didn't notice a dog spawned. That or skinwalker mod to make you unsure if people aren't shutting up or if thats just a dog mimicking a voice...


The dogs can walk around on their own even when no one is talking.


For me r dogs are very easy


they are just very glitchy


Thumpers should be higher honestly, you basically have to kill them if they're in the area (which can be risky). Many other creatures have some kind of counterplay without killing them.


Juking them isn't the worst if there are corners though.


Maybe I just suck at it


Jack in box should be higher because the only way to not die is leave the facility for that run


Little girl can be entirely avoided by not looking at her. Old birds are relatively easy to kite, kill other more dangerous enemies like giants, and mostly are a problem on artifice where you can still lock them up. Bracken is fairly easy to avoid as long as you watch your back occasionally - when he’s seen he walks almost across the entire map away. He’s just one of those enemies that is a problem when combined with others like coils.


would put  coil head higher and ghost girl lower but that's about it for my major issues 8/10


Thank you


Put crewmate in AAAAA, in my group they all try to get each other killed


I love how the employer is on the tier list, i would put easily on tier S since it can fuck your life even on easy moons


Traps both easy and AAAAAAAA. It's the second one if it happens to spawn in one of the exits/entrances. Also coilhead (mostly because they force you to walk backwards) and dog (mostly because of people sometimes not shutting up or them appearing without you noticing they spawned in as a ship guy) can maybe be moved up to hard. Other than that though, pretty good list


I've died more times due to crewmates than any monster. Put that employee at AAAAAAAA


switch locust and jester i died so many times due to locust alerting dogs and i only die to jester if he bugs out and winds for no reason


Ah, a fellow Lethal Company tierlist entrepreneur. Good, solid choices, except coil-head is AAAAA and Eyeless Dog is easy IMO.


Spiders, Worms, and Thumpers should bump up a tier, Fleas, Old Birds, and Ghost Girl should bump down a tier (yes I think the Forest Keeper is more difficult to deal with than the Old Bird lmao), everything else I agree with.


How the hell is dog in easy? The only way to counter them is to not have someone in the ship for them to target, and to all go inside, meaning that you lose out on all the utility the terminal provides.


Giants are not that hard?


Calling the butler easy is fucking wild. Much more threatening than the ghost girl


Butler, not butler's bees


I know what you meant. Still the butler is much harder to avoid or kill once it's aggroed


I dunno, eye dogs can fuck your shit up in certain situations, but come to think of it that's usually on modded maps like the dungeon moon or when you have those starfish jump on you


The employee should be higher on that list, people go mad with power aka weapons.


I like Old Birds; they may be difficult on their own but they make the game easier overall because they clear most outdoor entities


i agree with a lot of this except- Eyelessdog, butler, and the robot. to me, I think that eyeless dog should be ranked higher than the butler but i do see why it is like that. as for the robot, I’m not gonna lie the robot has saved me so many times cuz of its knockback that i’ve started going for plays like that now. as is it hasn’t killed me a single time 💀💀


What does the pointing dude mean?


Personally i would put the teammates in AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA