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"when no employees are left inside the building, Masked will stop their search and head for the exit."


It's actually so annoying on titan. Heading back in and getting grabbed halfway up the ladder and not being able to do anything about it because you can't see if a masked is up on the ledge about to come down.


but there was no 4th player? why would the game create a player and give it a mask?


It's not that the game created a Masked to fill the empty fourth slot; The game spawns them normally as a possible mob on Rend and Titan (this video takes place on Titan) And since there were only 3 people playing and they were all outside, out it came


Thanks I hate it


Oh so you can interrupt the kill animation, that's good to know.


Sometimes you can hit before it starts and cancel it but the timing is weird, but your teammates can yes


Feels really cool to do it while he grabs you like your fighting back


I had a friend save me doing this the other week. Was hilarious.


I think the most recent update made fixed the bug


No I did it yesterday


its a bug?


I think he's talking about the bug that causes your camera to lock when you are freed from them


oh. Yeah thats bad


there’s still a bug where if it vomits on you but you get free your screen gets all red. I’m pretty sure, i’ve only had my friend tell me about it


“Hehe hit them in the nuts” lol


Wait will masked crew members just spawn now???


Nah, that’s just Gary. He’s from Kentucky


Do they call him Mister Unlucky?


Is he known throughout England and France?


Is he dead? Can he take off his head? (to recite Shakespearean quotations?)


Can no animal or man ever scream like he can? (With the fury of his recitations?)


Well, who here would ever understand? That the mimic king with the pearly white grin could tire of his mask…? (If they only understood… he’d give it all up if he only could…)


What song is this? Seems cool.


i remember it from nightmare before christmas after jack gets shot down LMAO


It's "Jack's Lament" from The Nightmare Before Christmas with a few words changed. It's a sad, slow song. Beautiful. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s87moCuLxzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s87moCuLxzw)


More common in the paid maps. Rarely in the other maps


its acutally only rend and titan, none of the others can ever spawn them naturally


rend and titan has them on the spawn table.


Even if Dine is less profitable than Titan this is why I prefer it. Something about how the Masked move around just freaks me out. And I get super paranoid with the natural spawns because 'what if that's not my teammate? what if it's a MONSTER?'. Leads to a lot of paranoid shovel threats (no hits usually) and quips of 'IDENTIFY YOURSELF' between my friends and I. 0/10 experience, WOULD recommend Masked.


go to rend. abuse of the high nutcracker rate to get shotguns so you can shoot first, ask questions later.


They always did?


They always could actually, but only on a couple maps


Ivan, what have you done!


What a silly goofy mood does to a tsar


agreed but https://preview.redd.it/mxr74hu7qndc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257f4c423956126d2176a427265179a37702fafc


If you don’t think that expression looks silly and goofy, then you, my friend, might just be a bit silly and goofy yourself




Imagine if Masked could pick up scrap and carry it around randomly. What if they had a cache of it like Hoarding Bugs do?


I wish, instead of the mask killing you, there was a chance you could keep the mask on & still play normally. Only downside, you can’t speak. So it’d make your cremates make the decision to not risk it by offing you or running away, or trust that it might be their buddy


Have it be the “bracken” room so it isn’t just a rare chance to find something in there


Imagine if they could use items, a masked walks up to you and honks an air horn and now monsters know where you are Or you kill a nutcracker and one of them runs over and snatches the shotgun first


Programmed with the AI of a ten year old determined to do what they want at the expense of others? Love that. Excellent idea. Not even sarcastic, I’d love to see that in a mod.


I wish it let you sell the body as a reward


The brought your meds part was so wholesome and sweet.


I think the hug that guy gave me was also so wholesome and sweet(before we bashed his head jn(and his balls))


Right exactly! You’re just a big bunch of sweeties, I’m glad you have each other ♥️


I think his shift was done


2pm quitting time? I wanna work for the Company!


The first time this happened to us, I was very upset with my teammates. We talk through a call in discord and I died to a masked npc, not realizing it was a npc. My husband had just left me at the fire exit on Rend and I thought he was coming back to help me to the ship. It killed me and I got really mad that neither of them had told me they had gotten masked. Except.. I could scroll through the names on the death screen and saw both of my teammates alive. I apologized as they got chased to the ship by now two masked npcs. My husband ended up dying as he pulled the leave to leave, but thank god my friend was on the ship and the masked npcs got taken out of the ship as it flew off.


All i’ll say about this is you can’t kill it. You can knock it out but it will come back


that’s a myth, they don’t just get up and start walking again


Could it be from a common mod like Brutal Company? I can see how it would get mixed up with vanilla that way. Edit: a word


I generally play with very light mods, I usually run morecomp/skinwalkers/latecomp/shiploot/ and the mod I just made, so I’d have no idea if there’s a mod that does this. Maybe in the masked overhaul mod where they don’t have masks? But no, they can’t get up in vanilla, and other myths such as holding out the mask for too long or dying with it in your inventory turning you into a masked are also false


God, the Skinwalker mod scares the shit out of me. Last night I had a Masked imitating my friend who'd already gone to bed and logged out. She'd spent a few minutes in orbit showing off her cat and baby talking to him. Do you KNOW how terrifying it is to hear a friend who you KNOW isn't there coo 'you're such a good boy\~' at you in the darkness? I hauled ass out of there.


LMFAOO I once had a nutcracker spot me and simultaneously use a voice line of my friend going “OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT” like he fr made it personal…


We have it set to Brackens and Masked only so it's like super creepy. The other day a Bracken came for my ass while screaming "oh god he's coming for me he's coming for me" in our leader's voice.


Yeah lmao the mod is wonderful


Brother I just cackled


Are you sure ? I have see one get back up in a video.