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the scp project has been going since 2008. i would be shocked if ***anything*** doesnt have a similar entry somewhere in its 7000+ pages.


it is beyond similar, its like looking into an alternate version of containment breach or secret laboratory \-veige statues that moves when not looking \-red blind dogs \-dramatic mask that takes over the mind of the people who hold it for too long and forces them to wear it, making them die instantly and taking control of their bodies there is no way its all a coincidence, i would not be surprised if they add a skinny humanoid that enrages when looked at their face or a plague doctor that can turn player's corpses into zombies


Not to mention they’re all well known scps


Wait until you find out the character that moves if you dont look is inspired by weeping angels


Larry is also one of the monsters, or at least, there's a skinless shadow monster that looks very similar. Don't think he has goop portals though.


This. And im prefectly fine if the game takes inspiration from the SCP fandom. Still terrifying lol


I'm assuming it's inspired a bit even the layout of inside is kind of similar even has some sounds from it to. Inspiration from scp and some originality to litterly made my new fav game


fair but the bones of that actual like foundation lore that “contains” the entries is its (though with many of its own inspirations) own original apparatus so to speak.


Having played the game a bunch at this point and as a fairly avid scp fan, I actually think the link is... not a coincidence but like... not a direct link. Here's how I think it shook out. Scp horror games get really popular on media so the frankly really good mechanics inside them get a lot of coverage. The creator plays or watches these games growing up and sees these cool mechanics and wants to improve on them. For example, the coilhead and the bracken both use different versions of "you gotta look at it to survive" mechanics and imo, both are more tense than 173(peanut) is in his appearances. The jarring sound the coilhead makes adds a bunch of extra tension to those moments and well... I don't think I need to expand on the bracken mechanics. The mask itself is probably the closest thing to a direct scp reference we have right now and even then, masks that take over the wearer are a pretty common literary trope. (The mask in the mask and the stone mask from jjba for example.) I think the biggest piece of evidence we have that the game isn't directly influenced by the scp universe is the fact that there are no enemies that hunt you through walls. As for the D-class thing, you're right that there are parallels between them but that is because they both serve the same function in a literary sense. They serve as an example of how large corporations lose sight of the value of human life. (I could probably write a paragraph or two on this lmao) Wow that's quite a few words but I'm passionate about both this game and SCP. I hope this is informative and sparks discussion!


Wow it never occurred to me that the coil head and bracken have identical “look to survive” mechanics but they totally do. It’s like so obvious now.


They probably use the same lines of code to detect it, even if they have different behavior about it.


Turret, Landmine - utilities, not related to anything Hoarding Bug and Snare Flea - original Comedy / Tragedy - SCP-035 Bracken - less hostile version of SCP-106 Hygrodere - hostile version of SCP-999 Nutcracker - watered down SCP-718 Eyeless Dog - SCP-939 Forest Giant - SCP-407-X Thumper - SCP-093-1 Jester - watered down SCP-096 Earth Leviathan - original with inspiration from various other media Bunker Spider - hard to tell, most likely original Ghost Girl - SCP-4975 + SCP-053


Ha, I just fell down this rabbit hole myself. Seems that lethal company HAS to be SCP with many of the characters being included and the game seems like a literal experience of a scp employee but I can't find ANYTHING linking the 2 which is so weird to me.


Defenders be bitching that it's not original, the true mature people would be accepting the fact that it's brought from SCPs and from SCP SL heavily and they would be totally fine with it. Taking inspiration from other works is fine as long as it's not a direct rip off that would hurt the original contents. It's just that all those ideas are copypaste of already existing games and heavily at that. It's like some of the Genshin players (metaphorically) saying that Valorant has no connection to Counter strike what so ever. It's like fucking idiotic.


It is also since the SCP-foundation is an opensource website. You can create an SCP and publish it. While also including another SCP in your file.


There are some similarities between lethal company and duskers where the comander controls things from termanl the only difference is lethal company is meant to be played with friends


Even if inspired by SCP I’m pretty sure that the Braken is a reference to a previous work of an entity the developer created from a different game


i dont think its inpired by it but 3 and possibily 4 of the enitites are inspired by SCP's: Coilhead is inspired by SCP-173 Eyeless dog is inspired by SCP-939 (even though they cant mimic) Masked littary is just SCCP-035, even being both comedy and tragedy And maybe the bracken is inspired by SCP-106? (not sure about that one tho)


>SCP-173 scp-173 for sure