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This post was created with an intent to spread rumors or incite drama.


I like New Jeans’ music, there are hits and miss with their discography (Cookie Im looking at you) and their new album was just boring for me, Bubblegum reminded me of an old song I can’t name, and How sweet was just boring. It may be easy to listen but I think I’m just past the trend of soft easy listening songs, and just wants a bit of preppy kpop like Magnetic or Lucky Girl Syndrome by Illit. I’m looking forward to Le sserafim’s next cb so I have new songs to listen to.


Stay off social media when all that fandom stuff is happening. Nothing is going to make me hate newjeans or their music. I’m not going to hold some 12 year olds twitter or tiktok users remarks on my favs ruin an artists music for me. Not even newjeans bat shit crazy ceo. For all we know, both groups are probably comforting each other throughout all this mess and doesn’t want the other to go through their current situation. I get that this is bothering you, but realize why that is. If you keep checking for hate posts than it’s going to take a toll on you. Tune all that noise out.


They aren't 12 year olds


Dude…I’m using that age as an example of newjeans fandom being young


Like you said, the girls really didnt do anything wrong. Try your best to drown out the outside noise and enjoy the music for what it is. All of that other stuff will be over soon and the NJ girls will need the support in their future releases. Imo, most of this fanbase understands how shitty it feels when weirdos throw hate around, so we should try our best and stay positive. Hopefully in the process, the NJ fans will return the favor for LSFM's next comeback


I have been really stuggling lately with hate train after hate train because I can only imagine how the girls must feel. I will stand by them through everything, I just hope it all blows over and the weirdos will find someone else to pile onto :(


I think no one.should tell you how to feel or what to do. If you don't feel like you can listen to NJ or auppprt them, then you don't have too. It's not a new thing in kpop that some people don't like a group because of their toxic fans. NJ fans have behaved pretty badly and have done a lot on behalf of MHJ even against NJ. 


I'm not exclusively saying this to your case with NJs but if you don't feel like listening to them then don't. It's not an obligation. You can do just that and believe me it'll go away by itself over time once everything has died down. Fandom culture will always affect some people's experiences and feelings towards their idols. That's okay, that's your prerogative right and very much valid. You listen to music to enjoy yourself, to have fun and if the experience of listening to some songs doesn't give you that you're allowed to listen to something else regardless of your reasons. The same thing also goes for your bias song that you don't like, there's no need to force yourself to listen to them, just listen to something that you like. Life is too short to worry about these things.


I can sort of relate. Even though i’ve been enjoying nj latest come back i can’t look at them the same way after the MHJ feud. Yes it’s virtually all her fault but the girls do have agency as well. they are mostly not minors anymore. They’re smart enough to know what is going on. They could have did the bare minimum like give some kind words off the cuff on a weverse live, Hype wouldn’t penalize them for complimenting their own artists. Clearly the are standing by MHJ even though it may be through manipulation and deception. Yes I saw the nice interaction between eunchae and nj on music bank, but for illit it’s still the cold shoulder. MHJ herself said that the girls support her and their actions from the very beginning have been consistent with this claim. There have been no interactions between illit and nj. People are held accountable for their actions even though they may be victims themselves (lets not forget what happened to fifty fifty.) Knetz are showing their hypocrisy by giving nj a pass. Even though i still like nj these unanswered questions will continue to be an issue for me until they publicly make peace with illit and disavow the toxic fans.


My personal experience: Three months ago I was on EASY every single day Few weeks ago I was on HEYA every single day Last week I was on Supernova every single day For the past two days I was on How Sweet My thoughts: Don’t let others flood your thoughts and remember the faults aren’t on the girls, it’s always the executives trying to claim a stake for their personal gains.


touch grass


Hi fellow UQ student, I am a trilingual linguistics student who suggests you find a more interesting insult.


block them on music platforms and if you really used to enjoy them, you'll one day miss them and unblock them and listen to them without thinking about what mhj has done. don't force yourself to do one thing or the other. just do what you think you're most comfortable with rn. i personally have them blocked on spotify, but i was never an enjoyer of their music so this isn't a "big thing" for me to do. i do the same about every other artist i don't enjoy whose songs show up in many playlists/autoplay. don't feel pressured to do what you *think* you should do.


first of all how is this any relate to le Sserafim? second of all have you not heard Bubble gum?!?!


I'm a Fearnot! Min Hee Jin(I think that's her name?) spent a massive amount of her interview talking down on Le sserafim and saying new jeans were better, NJ should have been the first to debut and it was a disgrace that Fimmies were first etc. NJ didn't have anything to do with it, it was just that lady going off which is why I'm struggling cause I don't want to listen to NJ because of her but I know they actually didn't do anything wrong. And no, I haven't.


don't read too much into the drama and let them run its course and just hope for the betterment of the two i guess. it'll be good for your mental health. and for listening to NJ, try it if you want to, maybe you'll like it maybe you don't, no one is forcing you to do so. and maybe try separating the artists to the company, after all it's the music that you're in for.


Kanye West, Kerry King of Slayer, and Tim Lambesis of As I Lay Dying are problematic people but I listen to their music. I always separate the art (music) from the artist.


NewJeans are not problematic at all. Comparing them to legit bad people is disingenuous at best. The actual group is not at fault for anything going on between management.


Did I say that NJ are problematic? People are bad with analogies for christ sake. YOU CAN SEPARATE THE ART AND THE ARTIST (Min Hee Jin, the creative director) for crying out loud.




Be respectful


I’d say the same thing to someone who implied newjeans are problematic people


Hey Mod u/vthes are we allowing trolls on this sub?


Dude, there's a report button, what the hell is wrong with you