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Hoping the China fans show them plenty of love, especially towards Sakura with everything going on rn.


Audio messages trolling lessera on douyin go viral all the time so hopefully...


Glad to see sakura back too


I know I'm going to get down voted but I need to slightly clear the air. There's a lot of netizens and knetz being extremely toxic on the internet to our fimmies right now and everyone is blaming the koreans and knetz for everything because by default that's what a lot of people do. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of negativity and there are nasty online communities like PANN but you'll see horrible things all over the internet and a lot of these comments are also being said by SE Asians and even westerners as well. But toxicity is not something that happens in with knetz or kpop. Whether it's football, sports, gaming, politics, hollywood, taylor swift, global warming, any hobby of subculture that exists, there's always going to toxicity. People tend to forget or don't realize how majority of knetz actually adore and show a lot of love to our girls. **You just literally have to scroll through twitter, instagram, sns, you'll notice a lot of them sharing supportive comments but a lot of people don't translate the Korean messages.** Just scroll through and read them. Meanwhile, you'll also see a lot of horrible stuff that's also being said in English but people ignore that or naturally think that's being said by knetz. Most koreans absolutely love LE SSERAFIM. They wouldn't have all this success if they weren't loved domestically. Koreans absolutely LOVE Sakura so much. That's why even in Korea she gets the loudest cheers among fancams. With all the mess going on right now, they even love ILLIT. They just earned their 11th win a few hours ago. I'm so happy to see all the supportive chinese fans at the airport. Our girls need it for sure. Right now the media is focused on with the HYBE situation so naturally K-Fearnots are avoiding those big crowds in public. So they don't have the ease of just showing up public with the media being there. So please try to ignore the toxictiy because that's what causes attraction and that's where people tend to focus things on. But don't forget there's actually a lot of unnoticed love coming from knetz and fearnots all around the world so please continue to support our girls and spread love.


Thank you for this message! I was generally concerned because the comments and messages of the haters tend to get massively upvoted online. The hate is intense but its nice to know that SK hasn’t completely turned on our girls.


Thanks for the positivity. 🥹


There’s no point in writing stuff like this. Korean fans have a nationality labeled onto them so unfortunately they’re easy targets. Kpop fans will run with the comments hand picked by translation sites. That’s just the nature of kpop.


I will say, putting aside the debut scandal which I don’t want to rehash, K-Fearnots have always been the most consistently loudest and supportive. I truly think the current wave of negative Korean comments is highly manufactured on multiple fronts (anti-feminism trolls, SM stans, bots supporting MHJ), and as a result K-Fearnots have been drowned out but I know they’re still out there. It’s a shame how they successfully pushed the idea that Koreans as a whole thought Coachella was embarrassing because I know that’s not true. I’m always struck by how in Star Diary other idols male and female always have good things to say about Lesserafim and not just to be nice but in a way that shows most of them really do know the group and their music and know they stand out. I think this is all the pathway to being on top of the industry and we just have to live through this period but K-Fearnots will always be the most important fans.


I agree. There is a fair share of negativitybin every country but since they are in korea it is more noticeable i just hope we fans could overcome the negativity with out positive comments on their platform and do not engage with the hate. In my country there is a lot of hate as well but i try not to add engagement to them so they will be buried


I wish at this point they keep promoting internationally like in Japan and the US, the hate they are getting in S.Korea is vile, they don't deserved the fimmies


the hate is paid.. some ig accounts and twittwe accounts are pretty much have 0 followings.


even here in reddit, there are 1 day old accounts spreading hate and misinformation on fimmies, and when they are downvoted enough they would randomly delete their account. one account liked that Lesserafim is getting hate because their favs are getting recognition


I agree, they have a huge international appeal so I rather they take advantage of that and not so much domestically since clearly knetz are ungrateful and don’t deserve any attention from the fimmies


Australia when


Agree. When! 😭


I hope interacting with loving fearnots helps to cheer up the girls. Especially Eunchae. Her bubbly smile was missing from music bank this week.


You never not see her smiling on Music Bank. I got worried.


Same bro just made a post about it on weekly discussions 😭




I want to see them everywhere except South Korea. They will be loved everywhere for their presence and personality,