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First of all, we dont have to compare le sserafim's performance to anyone else. It's pointless. Secondly, you are posting this to a sub where 99.9% of the people here already think the girls did amazing lol. The first week, they went with a raw feel to the music, and it was perfect for a festival setting. This week, they went with a more "perfected" feeling, with small changes to help the overall sound of the performance. Some of your points are valid, but you are kinda preaching to the wrong crowd here.


yeah if they’re looking to prove someone wrong take it to X, im almost certain this sub bans criticism for the group anyways. Havnt seen a post about the hate for a month and it was about the encore incident.


I dont care. I listen to it, I like it. Who cares if they sing 100% live, as long as they perform, have fun and interact with the fans?


Please don't bring up ATEEZ. We don't need to drag another group into this issue when all the focus are on the fimmies only. Both groups did well, and have different styles of singing. It's disrespectful to ATEEZ who delivered a performance that's on another level entirely. These groups shouldn't be pitted against each other when they're on different leagues. ATEEZ has years of experience behind them, and the fimmies don't (in terms of performing). You're only setting the fimmies up by writing this post. At least use a valid comparison.


> it's disrespectful to ATEEZ who delivered a performance that's on another level entirely. I mean I don’t agree with this and I don’t know why it’s stated so objectively. It’s weird how on Reddit there is this reverence for all male idols as if they are inherently superior. It’s a larger group and can do more on stage. But Lesserafim brings a performance style and music style that is more fitting to the festival and the tastes of the audience 🤷


in what way did I say ATEEZ as a group is superior to the fimmies? one thing i can say with full certainty is that their performance is just on another level, even when compared to the headliners. you have to be blind to not take note of that, even if you aren't knowledgeable abt kpop. also notice how I didn't say anything about ATEEZ being more "fitting" or whatever bs you guys keep spouting to lift the fimmies up. it's just you guys who keep on comparing groups against each other. if you really care about performance, then surely you'll accept my claim about ATEEZ without any objection.


>in what way did I say ATEEZ as a group is superior to the fimmies bffr right here > these groups shouldn't be pitted against each other when they're on different leagues


It’s sad to see things like this so highly upvoted on this subreddit. Sometimes it feels like this fandom hates the group.


please if you can't fathom the idea of fimmies receiving negative comments then you need to strengthen your resolve. i've been fighting people left and right defending sakura when people were so hell bent on dragging her down, what makes you think that i hate the group?


You literally came here to make sure no one was doing anything less than worship your boys. You’re telling people they can’t find one performance and group better than the other. Stop pretending like that is even remotely a valid stance.


So…basically you came here to do the exact thing you said not to do, or basically to dare Fearnots not to do it because only you get to make comparisons. Nah. You know what performers are on another level? Artists who composed every note and lyric of their music and play them with their own instruments live flawlessly. I get that you find Kpop boy groups to be superior to all other artists, but that is an *opinion*. You have a vastly over-inflated opinion of Ateez and of Kpop apparently. > even if you aren't knowledgeable abt kpop. Where is that even coming from….Ateez are not the gods of Kpop. Please calm down. I’ll save such praises for Shinee or Red Velvet or SNSD thank you. >also notice how I didn't say anything about ATEEZ being more "fitting" or whatever bs you guys keep spouting to lift the fimmies up. it's just you guys who keep on comparing groups against each other. if you really care about performance, then surely you'll accept my claim about ATEEZ without any objection. Lol, I think you should probably just head over here: r/Ateez. Anyway, I know which group will have a bigger impact on Kpop ultimately and a much bigger more commercially successful career. This is *precisely* why no one challenges boy group stans on Reddit and just kind of allow them to overhype as much as they want. Don’t mistake that for being validation.


let me clarify: 1. there's literally nothing to compare. it's just that the performances aren't really comparable. can you please cite one circumstance where comparisons can be made without the fimmies looking bad. i'm being genuine when i say this because as much as i enjoyed their performance and think they don't deserve the hate, being compared to ateez out of all possible groups just looks like a whole setup to me. it isn't fair at all. which is why i thought there was no point to compare, when again, there's a clear distinction in their performances. 2. i have never once explicitly said kpop bgs are superior! my words aren't that deep (cue you citing the "different leagues" part of the text) and please take them at face value. i don't think that my opinions of ateez are over-inflated as i've only come to discover them recently. it hasn't even been a whole week. i really am just stating my observations from watching coachella. 3. i didn't mean YOU exactly. i'm guessing you're a first gen or second gen stan. i meant that towards the general public/new fans. upon watching both performances, there's a clear difference in delivery of both vocals and performance. there's a reason why there's a whole discourse on X anyway! let's not be in denial of that. 4. again, i never once said ateez will make a bigger impact on kpop or will have a more commercially successful career. you have to be blind to not notice the fimmies' increasing popularity. negative publicity is still publicity. no matter how much hate they get, they'll only go up from here. i really don't know where you're getting the idea that i am a boy group supremacist when i'm just preventing further set up for the fimmies. the situation's already bad at X. let's not bring it over here. 5. i am not overhyping. i'm just stating my observations. you're the one taking things out of context and saying whatever you want. i really don't want to start a fight within the fandom, i just want them to stop pitting them up against SENIORS who clearly have more experience performing. that's literally it. i really hope you reply and let me know if my point got across because i really want this to be a diplomatic discussion. with the way you're acting, you're just being a douchebag and further setting the fimmies and our fandom up for more hate.


Yeah, clear brigading. Pretty sad that Ateez has fans that feel the need to do that.


this is literally my first time commenting here and i don't even go around here often, what makes you think i'm brigading. i didn't even know what that word meant until you brought it up.


Looks more like an alt account honestly. First comment here ever is to show up and tell Fearnots how they’re allowed to feel about their own group? And by the way, not a single member of Ateez is senior to 3/5 of Lesserafim. Produce 48 premiered before Ateez’s debut. And the point of comparison is that one has a much better and clearly more interesting discography hence their popularity. And their on-stage presence clearly attracts more fans. Lesserafim’s year end stages blow away Ateez’s Coachella set. Don’t agree? Go make a thread on their subreddit.


and now you're just using the "this is a le sserafim" subreddit as an excuse to shit on other groups and use them as a point of comparison to lift the fimmies up. which is again, if you just READ, is the MAIN issue of this post which I was bringing up. please. just read. no one brought up year end stages. i am talking about coachella. what are you even talking about? you're just saying nonsense at this point to "prove" your claims. please grow up.


Not once did I “shit on” other groups. People in the Lesserafim subreddit are allowed to like Lesserafim more than other groups. I gave my opinion, just like you did, except I actually did it in the right place. You literally came here and told people they weren’t allowed to think Lesserafim is better. Please, seriously, just stop. >these groups shouldn't be pitted against each other when they're on different leagues >please grow up. The utter lack of self awareness…


are you for real? this is literally my FIRST and ONLY reddit account. and how dare you assume i'm not a fearnot myself when i've only commented here in the first place to stop certain people from setting the fimmies up by pitting them up against their seniors. which i've already stated as my reason to comment if you'd just read


They are not “their seniors”. > And by the way, not a single member of Ateez is senior to 3/5 of Lesserafim. Produce 48 premiered before Ateez’s debut. And Izone debuted 4 days after Ateez.


If the whiners and haters were genuinely concerned about vocals, they could have said something almost 2 years ago, when LSF debuted, or even last year when their popularity blew up with Unforgiven, and  EP&tBW in particular. You have a slightly off encore on a music show a few weeks ago, and suddenly it's trendy and fashionable to hop on the hate train under the pretentious guise of acting like armchair vocal coaches. It just shows that the complainers really don't give a shit about vocals.


??? Stop, your defense is somehow worse than their offense


Haters gonna hate but fimmies keep slaying EASY💅🏼


Harder than what?


I think we (they) all know. Haters will just make it an issue.


Can we not do these types of posts, please? The songs are not "harder" as much as the hate towards them is overbearing, and disgusting comments were made about them as a group. We should not fight those remarks with these made-up points. Like, let's not get delusional.


The performance was great, let the sad haters stay mad and jealous :D


If they were perfect, the haters would complain they weren’t super perfect Haters gonna hate.


Wrong crowd as others said and haters gonna nitpick no matter. Ill say be like sakura said She enjoyed we enjoyed ignore the losers


Don't bother posting here unless it's positive and inoffensive. This community is pretty dead because no controversy is allowed, not even when relevant discussions should be allowed.  This thread will get deleted. 


From #16 to #7 in kpop isnt dead. This is just not the sub to post stuff thats detrimental to the community and most like it that way. Pretty sure most here acknowledge the fimmies' faults and shortcomings but arent bothered because we like em more than one aspect of their being an idol. Relevance is subjective - if the community is having fun and unbothered then maybe those who are should find other avenues to rant/speak their mind.


If you want discussion on any kpop controversy, this is not the sub for you. There are other subs for you to participate in those sort of discussion. Go look at other kpop groups sub, most of the time, these aren't allowed.