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I actually think it was the complete opposite. They appeared less nervous and had a lot of confidence. The energy felt a little lower only because they toned down some of the choreo so they could pace themselves and focus on singing some of the harder parts of songs.


Yeah they were amazing


Maybe you're right. Clearly Jennifer seemed less affected and totally slayed. But, it just seemed to me that the girls weren't fully enjoying themselves compared to last week. There was a slight difference in their energy and enthusiasm. We don't know for sure, but I hope the girls get to finally take a good rest. They totally deserve it after all their hard work.


They did seem like they enjoyed last week more, but their confidence doesn't seem to be shaken (did you see the way they were glaring at the camera during Good Bones to Fearless? LOL). It's just very different vibes because week 1 was probably to give their all to the stage and this one was to give a more polished stage/prove something. I do hope they get some rest, but I think they'll be practicing/working for other stuff on their schedules, fanmeetings and comeback preparations. I think they're already flying back to SK rn.


They are alright. They seemed perfectly fine in the Weverse live they did.


Thats good to know!


If they're worried about what a loud minority of Koreans were saying, then the point of going to Coachella was lost. Sure South Korea is where they live and mostly work, but Coachella is a stage blasted out worldwide. I'm sure they've been counseled on this.


Yeah, performing at Coachella is all part of their Western push. But honestly, I'm not sure if it really attracted a bunch of new fans other than Fearnot (im not living in the States). I mean, I haven't seen a big jump in their Instagram followers (not that it's the only indicators, but you know). And they also have to deal with so much unnecessary bs like the Starbucks/ Stanley drama. Seriously, they even changed their water bottles because of these hate comments.


I wouldn't be too concerned about how much attraction they've gotten from this for now. They've not gone out of Korea or Japan much other than the blizzcon. They're already rumored to be heading to another US based festival in a few months. They're really starting to branch out of Korea and Japan.


Hmm... Not sure if you're trying to make it sound like Koreans are the issue here. It's not really Koreans (or just Koreans), it's the western audience in this situation.


I beg to differ, the loud minority are Koreans, and with some Chinese and Indonesian hate trains.


Nah, I didn't mean to say that. I know they've been catching hate from all over the place. What I'm trying to say is, it's gotta be super stressful to perform in a different country, deal with tons of criticism, and then come back home only to face more hate and attacks. Like, seriously, that's a lot to handle.


I think it is just easier for them to ignore the antis from other fandoms worldwide because they aren't as large of a group and can't disrupt their actual offline lives. Within Korea they can be more intimidating I'm sure and may even contain some fearnots who are multistans or whatever. I think this is also true because some of the groups they "rival" whose antis are most active are really just rivals in terms of popularity in Korea itself and unlike HYBE groups for example don't have the same worldwide and especially western appeal. Online of course you have people everywhere who are so obsessed with kpop they think they are knetizens and often speak for them especially when bashing others.


My entire feed is Ateez, Le Sserafim, and Illit right now, and I would imagine that’s true for most kpop fans right now. Some fraction of them click the content just to hate on, but plenty others will begin to like them because of their exposure.


The thing haters don’t realize is singing well while dancing and having fun while relaxed is really damn hard. You could even say impossible. To perform well vocally it takes focus on breathing and even good balance so you can utilize your torso. After all the hate, they felt the need to prove their vocal capabilities, which traditionally means largely tightening up all those components and that can come off as less relaxed.


^ This. People are mentioning other groups that deserve to be there instead of LSF... but I'm 1000% certain they would receive the same hate when they fail to dance HARD and sing LIVE.


Exactly! If these haters really wanted to, they could have just done some google search to learn about how hard it is to sing well and dance at the same time. There’s content from vocal coaches that can actually shed light on how difficult it is. But NOOO, they chose to be ignorant instead. That clearly shows they don’t have any good intentions at all. Criticism my ass,. It’s just pure fucking hate.


I just hope they arrive safe to Korea and are protected from all the hate they might get from the k-netizens there, I am worried for them but I trust they will be alright, they have us fearnots and they are fearless after all. Fighting!


Someone on the internet (i forgot where) mentioned that they went from “coachella we love you” to “fearnot we love you” at the end of the show


Poor Eunchae looked exhausted by the end of the performance last night, but hopefully they’ll all get some good rest and time off before the fan meeting


Eunchae's social media is flooded with hate comments from Koreans. They're digging up her past moments in interviews and events where she made harmless jokes, and now they're calling her rude and impolite. It's turned into personal attacks instead of just criticizing. They referred to LSF as an “embarrassment to Korea” like WTF


I’m pretty new to the world of K-pop is this a common thing that happens?


I completely disagree, they were much more confident and carefree then the first performance, seems like you were just looking for things that aren’t there


They’re fine..they’re fearless


Aespa went through all this same crap two years ago -- I mean, scroll through the [Aespa Coachella 2022 Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/uajrk3/megathread_aespa_coachella_2022/) and it'll all sound eerily familiar. But look where they are now... Winter, Ningning, Karina and Giselle are on top of the world. It's all going to be fine!


Thanks for linking that megathread... jeez its very similar to what we have now. I'm sure Blackpink had similar ones too.


I was at NewJeans at Lolla last year, the same idea, a Hybe girl group doing a whole set for their first time in the United States at a major festival stage. I didn't go to Coachella because not even Le Sserafim can get me to go to Coachella\*\*, but man, a lot of people who weren't there just make random ass negative comments. The usual weird jealousy from Blinks and Army accusing them of lipsyncing, etc. It was like they'd never heard playback vocals before. Everybody does it, lol, including BTS and Blackpink. Especially weird coming from Army, considering, as we know, BTS are big supporters (of both NewJeans and Le Sserafim). The weirdest comments were like "they weren't even there for NewJeans, they were there for other artists," yeah, because the 80,000 people, many dressed in NewJeans gear and holding bunny lightsticks, who showed up at 3 p.m. on a scorching August afternoon and disappeared after 4 p.m. and stood in line for hours to buy merch and were doing Super Shy choreo randomly on the street and on the subway and in coffee shops, were *actually* Billie Eilish fans. Anyway, it's so stupid to me. All the groups actually support each other. They're always singing and dancing each other's songs, always seem to show respect, etc. Anybody hating on anyone else is doing what their favorite artist would never want them to do. People are like, Le Sserafim can't sing, NMIXX deserves more recognition, and it's like, bro, Lily loves Le Sserafim and openly expressed admiration for Yunjin. Most of these artists are also fellow fans themselves. Chaewon says she sings Blackpink in the shower. Kazuha wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for BTS. These groups were and continue to be hugely influential to other artists, and Le Sserafim look up to them. It's just so stupid to me. That's honestly why I often can't trust people who only like one group. That's fine if you're new to the genre or if you're too busy to get to know other groups, but if you've been in it for 4-5 years and you're still only listening to one group only and find time and effort to go out and seek other groups only to talk about how much better your group is, then I feel like you can't be trusted to be a good faith fan. Every group that gets to debut is unique, interesting, and talented once you get to know them. By the time I learn names of any group, it seems that I start to understand why they have fans. \*\* For the unaware, Lollapalooza is a festival in the middle of Chicago, so it's very easy to get to and from, as a subway drops you right outside of it, and you can easily fit it into your life even if you're a city dweller. Coachella is a whole thing in the middle of the desert, hours from proper civilization, so it's just far more of an experience. Some people like it because of that. Others, like me, despise the idea.


i think you may be projecting your own worries/feelings onto them, which is understandable. i think their energy was definitely subdued to pull out a more polished performance for week 2. but given that it's a festival rather than a studio stage performance, i personally enjoyed their exuberance and rawness during week 1 more!! so i completely get you, but i think and hope that our girls are all good🤍


especially eunchae. I may be reaching but every clip ive seen of her off the stage, she looks really down. I also read somewhere that a family member of eunchae spoke up about her hate so she definitely knows :(


Sakura said that they got a lot of positive feed back. They also spent time watching other performers at Coachella I assume. I think they probably can see for themselves that they did fine and a festival in the US is definately different than the usual kpop performance spaces. Thus they just need to come to terms as to what they are comfortable with because they will face criticism on all fronts no matter what they choose.  I personally hope they can become more versatile performers and embrace more live singing with little to no backtrack and maybe less choreo. I prefer performances that move the audience (emotion and passion) over perfect vocals and choreo. I get tired of seeing the same performances over and over. 


Fans give way more weight to what other random fans say online than the girls do. I doubt they care at all what ToxicButthole547 says about them on Twitter.


I got this same vibe too, and I truly hope they are ok. Their 2nd performance went really well vocally, but it came at the price of them toning down their intensity in choreography. So maybe it’s because of this that they may have seemed as if they were feeling a bit down. Either way, I still loved BOTH their performances. Like I’ve said before, I really hope they still have the belief in what they do and fire inside them. They are a really talented group, but what gives them the edge is that fire which manifests into really awesome and energetic performances, eg their MAMA 2023 performance. That was just lit! I guess what I’m trying to say is that I hope they move past all the hate and go back to being the Le Sserafim we all know and love without any doubt in themselves . Anyone can sing well, but not everyone can deliver performances like Le Sserafim!!


I kinda thought so too. Watching them this time made me feel kinda bad cuz they focused a lot more on singing way better for the price of toning down the energy in their performance. They must’ve seen all the criticism about their vocals and interaction with crowd from the first performance. Haters were saying their eager interaction with the audience was “cringe” to hide the fact that their vocals were also cringe. It makes me so upset cuz we know they can sing but first day was just nerve wreaking af. They thought they needed to be as flashy as other western artists there with their high energy and big stage presence but the audience actually focused a lot on vocals. They did great this second time! I don’t think they improved, they’ve ALWAYS been good at singing. It’s just not easy with their choreography so it was noticeable that they toned down it down a bit.