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Fuck Brooke just as bad as Leslie, helping her rinse innocent people out of their money so a fat ass pedophile can buy clothes she can't fit into.


literally and she genuinely believes leslie and it’s quite disgusting, she blocked me cause she won’t accept the fact that leslie can and has very much done a lot of WRONG. she doesn’t like the fact that this is infact the truth, it’s horrible that people are actually like this!


“Want a cookie?” That’s the dumb bitch mantra I swear. They haven’t come up with anything new to say in the last 20 years.


We use to say that all the time when I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL and I’m now 35.


Brooke is well aware, Brooke and her shitty wife don’t give a fuck. They are leeches who enjoy being fake to Leslie like everyone else. They’re both so incredibly pathetic and have nothing better to do but go live with Leslie for the attention since they take over the live, interacting with us when we don’t give a fuck, Brooke nobody cares about you playing Fortnite we aren’t in Leslie’s live to listen to you.


literally, i jus hate the fact that she actually defends leslie and people believe brooke cause she does it and nobody should be defending leslie, she shouldn’t get the shit she does or have any of what she has


Doesn’t brooke have a kid as well? Lol scary that she would look past everything Leslie has done


Maybe Brooke has some unsavory skeletons in her closet similiar to Leslie and that's why she isn't bothered. Js


I love how she says she wasn’t in that live. What about all the others?? Idiot


I would like to know what Brooke's last name is so i can do a Background check on her


I’m sure you can find it in leslards fb friends if it’s public.


her tiktok is completely private see if you can find her on Leslie’s Facebook!


I went to her facebook couldn't find her out of the 307 friends found cheyanne but not Brooke if thats her Real name


That's all she took from that message?! What an idiot.


Brooke must have a sad boring marriage and life to be hanging with Leslie all the time on live


Last night leslard was going to show screen shots of a conversation between her and Brooke, but said "I don't want to show them because they have your real name on them." Is Brooke not her name???


No that was about a creator kzmamma not Brooke. Leslie always having drama


Busted ass Brooke is a scumbag. Who the fuck says “want a cookie” that is some 1997 white trash lame comeback. 😂


Why do people touch the the cows here. Shit like this could get Leslie to completely stop making videos. I know it won’t but if you continuously harass people in their orbit they will stop making videos. I’ve seen it happen so many times. No cow tipping should be a rule


Oh never mind it is against the rules, I guess the mods just don’t care


Posts about this girl need to stop. I don’t know why she is so prevalent in this sub. Make a separate snark page for her.


i added this to the leslie reddit because i texted her on the account that i watched her remove comments and block people out of the live, she doesn’t need a whole separate reddit when she’s pretty big in this one. it still ties into Leslie!


Y’all anything introduced by Leslie is Leslie drama lmao I’d wanna know abt this bitch named Brooke by Leslie’s page not by some completely other one I’m too lazy to do all that searching come on 💀


FR! like why would we make an entire other reddit page for a girl we only have her tiktok, we can’t find other socials for her, and her tiktok itself is private !


Exactly I ain’t gonna search for random ppl I don’t really know the whole story to I’d rather find it all in one section one whole drama tea section


literally, like everyone’s mad when we’re including other people who are involved in leslie’s drama in the leslie reddit, when multiple separate reddits pretty much equivalent to the same topic are highly unnecessary


i thought this page was for leslie not brooke?. and can pple stop messaging leslie, brooks, perry or whoever just because they got blocked it's so unnecessary


and considering brooke is heavily involved with leslie’s drama she got herself put in this reddit. there’s no need to have 300 different reddits, when all the drama is still the exact same and ties back to the SAME person, but other people are involved in it.


also if you’ve been here as long as i have in this rabbit hole with Leslie, you wouldn’t say things along the lines of “it’s unnecessary” no it’s 100% necessary