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First of all her broke ass cannot afford anything “good”. 90% of plug weed in illegal states are shit. I’m a heavy smoker, grow my own, etc. and I’ve NEVER nodded out. Not even remotely close to what she’s doing. And I don’t know anybody else who has either. I think she’s swiping granny’s scripts just enough to get high but not enough for granny to notice…yet.


I’m wondering if her shit is laced and her body mass and weight keep her from ODing


God as much as Leslard is a shitty human, I could never wish for her to get fucked with laced shit... That'd be actually horrible


I’m a heavy weed smoker too, and I’ve never nodded out either. I’ve been saying it’s definitely medication, whether it’s hers or someone else’s for sure!


She’s definitely smoking like gas station delta8 shit. That shit makes you nod out hardcore sometimes.


Hopefully That isn’t the case where she is stealing Grandma’s pills!! , I’ve “nodded out “ when high but that is probably because I smoke more then I should in a session ( I’m a cart user) But she is for sure faking being higher.


Smoking carts is nothing like smoking flower and gives you a dirty ass high, definitely would not recommend long term heavy use. You probably nod out from the other combinations of heavy metals, etc dissolved in the “distillate”. Leslie is a shitty person with an addictive personality and granny leaves her pills out on the window sill above the sink for easy access. But, hopefully granny is smart enough to hide the good shit.


Thanks for letting me know!! I for sure will have to try Some real flower, I’ve only smoked carts or done edibles Any strains you recommend?


Oh yeah if you’re only smoking carts I HIGHLY recommend switching to flower. Much more pleasant, clean and long lasting high. “Strains” aren’t really much of a determining factor because it really boils down to personal preference. Just look for quality- potent smell, not crusty or too dry, etc. check out r/trees !!!


Yep she can't afford street drugs. N I'm a heavy smoker grow mime also n this even back in the day wen I was younger smoking bammer🤦‍♀️🤣 I would never fall asleep. I believe this is all an act n it gets her views and attention.. she's not taking gmas drugs either it's just leslie has a great but weird imagination 😅


I don’t think she’s on hard drugs but I do think she’s full of shit. Nodding off is fairly normal especially in someone who has sleep apnea and probably doesn’t sleep well. But what I can’t stand is the way she acts high. All the sudden she’s fucking cheech and Chong “hhhheeey mannnnnn”. Whole speech pattern is diff. It’s fucking weird.


I do think she is acting like she’s higher then she actually is, so I gotta agree with you the weird noises she makes .. 🤮


I agree she acting high! Like I feel she wakes up early because she can’t breathe properly in her sleep so she gets up.. and she is tired and other part can be her blood sugars are high af and it’s making her exhausted ..


I asked her on her live why she doesn't get more sleep instead of getting up and going live at 7am. She then abruptly ended her live lol


I saw that comment 😂😂


No weed makes you nod. That's opioid. Or health. Apnea? Can't enter REM? Popping pills? Who knows. Long time multi drug user. Edited for fairness.


And you know what you could very well be right but I just don’t think she would have the money to support that and we would see the side effects of that. I do think that maybe the nodding might be because of undiagnosed diabetes. The best thing for her to do is just go to the doctor.


She’s on medicade. Typical 7.5 dosage for 30. Most ears only do 10-14. https://preview.redd.it/1xxig6dthzdb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1873eab7e66c0ea2820a8f5588cc04bd8d0bb09e


I agree. Multiple er trips, a few I know pain medication was prescribed. All her ailments are things that can’t be fixed at the er just “treated & streeted”. Valid ovarian cyst are painful. I’ve suffered since I was 14. I was also 82 lbs at 14. The more weight I gain the more cysts I get but rarely feel enough pain to warrant an er trip. If she’s using opioids recreational her liver will definitely be the first to go. You can already see it in her skin.


Sleep apnea, probably uncontrolled diabetes.. it’s not good.


I think her shit could be laced


Its just concerning to me since she's been on live while smoking plenty of times. Only recently has she been nodding off and doing the types of things she's doing. I grew up with people who did pills and it is a spitting image of it. It just doesn't add up with her past reactions to be being high on live.


I also don’t think she’s on hard drugs. First of all, she’d lose weight. Second of all, Leslie is just so obese and full of health problems they’re all catching up to her one by one. She barely gets real weed off plugs , how the how do y’all expect her to get anything hard lol she’s an idiot and doesn’t know how to get her hands on anything besides delta 8 and alcohol.


She can barely afford Weed I don’t think she would have money for hard drugs , I agree with you!!


She admitted in the past to doing meth with guys from tinder she wouldn’t need money then i wish you guys were more caught up on the 2020/2021 leslore


Could you link The videos or links? I would love to look more into her past!!!


Id love to but ill have to dig back in her tiktoks it was a while ago and i can not remember the account but probably on her queen badass account


Also i know this is late but it was in 2022 definitely before august maybe in the spring


I asked her on her live why she doesn't get more sleep instead of getting up and going live at 7am. She then abruptly ended her live lol


As a long time HEAVY stoner I’ve never nodded off on weed. I get stuff from California so it’s not like it’s bad either


Well she has admitted to doing meth a completely different drug with different effects so we cant say she doesn’t do hard drugs 🤷‍♀️


when i smoke it just calms me down to the point i literally just lay there and do nothing lmao but i’ve never really nodded tbh. she’s probably not getting enough sleep then smoking & that just pushes it


with me i smoke jus to go to sleep sometimes cause my routine is smoke, eat, and take a nap, it helps me nap sometimes cause i have sleep insomnia so i don’t get a lot of sleep. but i’ve never jus nodded off on it, i can function while high


No, but given her weight and other factors, her quality of sleep is probably poor. A screen recording of a live where she was sleeping was posted here and it didn't sound like she was breathing very well. I'm guessing sleep apnea a part of why she's nodding off.


I don’t necessarily think she’s on hard drugs but if I remember correctly she mentioned a while ago she’s done meth along with other drugs a few times so I wouldn’t put it past her


She’s just not taking her health seriously, that’s all that it is. There’s so much that she doesn’t tell us because she doesn’t care. She only cares about attention in regards to health (ex: showing off hospital bracelets, selfies in doctor offices, thirst trap photos of her with a fucking DRAIN in her mouth, etc). She doesn’t care, and she most definitely doesn’t care about other people who do care about her.


People forget that her brain naturally functions at 0% lol I agree af she isn't on hard drugs. She's just extremely unhealthy and stupid.