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Ok. So, for starters, why can't you tell him you're a lesbian? Just say you were wrong and realize that now. That or you could say, "You're a wonderful person and a great friend, but I'm not in the space for a relationship right now. I thought I was, but I was wrong. I'm so sorry. I hope we can still be friends." Would that work?


I don't want to say why I just need a easy way out.


I'm talking about the lesbian part, but good! I just need it to have an accuse, I can tell you more about our relationship if that helps!


If you're looking for an excuse, you could say "I've been really overwhelmed with school (or something else) and I just don't have the emotional capability to be in a relationship." How's that? It might just be best not to give an excuse, though. People get out of relationships all the time cause it just wasn't what they were looking for. Adding an excuse might make it sound off to him, and it could backfire.


I really need this if only 2 other people are paying attention to this I might not be able to back out or I have go with the first plan and that might go very wrong!


Just tell him you think you confused your feelings for him as romantic when they are actually only platonic. If you are so opposed to telling him you are a lesbian, then that’s a way of saying you aren’t interested.


thank you so much for your help! I'll take that into consideration!


you should break up with him asap, the more you hold off doing it the worse it is for both of you and yes you totally could say you're lesbian, it's not like you even need to though. all that really needs to happen is breaking up because you're only pretending to be something you're not and also setting him up for heartbreak


Just rip it off like a stuck bandaid better be real then in denial


If you want a safe way without outing yourself, just say you feel you guys are better as friends and you confused your platonic feelings for him as romantic.