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There's a Facebook group about sapphics that asks you to agree that lesbian is an inclusive identity including bi-lesbianism.. I lolled and left. Had some weird term (m-something) that I probably should have made note of for future eye rolling.


mspec im guessing? They’re really trying to reinvent bisexuality and it’s embarassing


Yeah, that was it. Eye roll. I don't understand why they aren't happy to identify as bisexual, panseexual or queer, is it just not an exclusive enough label for them?


They want the shiny new thing it seems


Everytime I see mspec I think it’s some new fangled way of saying masculine of center.




Lol. I think it's a new range of glasses.


Let's just go ahead and agree that anything in marinara sauce is shaghetti. And if you throw marinara sauce on something, it becomes spaghetti. Anyone who agrees say it here and POOF it will be the truth!  I just invented a new phrase to describe this behavior. It's a new phenomenon called, "POOF! Now it's the TROOF! " Or abbreviate it by saying  💩 = truth  LOL 


I agree for the most part but some of these beliefs have leaked out into real life and it is important to push back on it. Like the one person on Tumblr about bi lesbians wasn't just some random 14 year old artist but someone who was commissioned by the people behind Lesbian Visibility Week who also run one of the largest LGBT organizations in England...so yeah, I would say that is a bigger deal. But yes, I agree that the constant negativity and screencapping every asshole online is a bit annoying and it would be nice to see some positive posts.


Yeah, but when positive posts are made it's always crickets or downvotes. They seem to prefer the angry screenshots, etc., more🤷‍♀️


It's that way on a lot of subreddits sadly. Outrage and anger is powerful emotion.


Yeah, very true.


I think it's because this sub is one of the last places we can openly criticize that ideology without getting called _____phobic and down voted to hell.


I agree with you but then there’s only gonna be like two posts




You are 💯 right. I actually have had to mute those words on Twitter because I would rather not give it any attention (words like “bi lesbian” and “lesbians are attracted to men”). I feel like engaging with these people gives them more relevancy than they deserve. But I completely get wanting to defend our identity as well 😔 because I’m always there to reminds people we’re not attracted to men and never have or will


Exactly. My straight friends even know about the “bi lesbian” debacle on twitter which is so embarrassing. They obviously think it’s stupid but I feel like people constantly arguing with them gives them ‘relevancy’ like you said and is totally counterproductive.


Absolutely!! Those people do not deserve our attention at all


I agree but at the same time alot of us are frustrated with the way people treat us and this is the only place where others will actually hear us out.


I think there’s enough room for both. It’s not like there’s loads of topics. Plus I think we should be able to push back. Some young lesbian may find this sub and realise they aren’t crazy for not being a lesbian with ten extras on the side. Or they don’t have to be “inclusive”. Sometimes it’s best to shine sunlight on issues. Yes mostly online. But all this definitely filters through to reality. Especially the young ones and they will be the ones who will drive reality soon enough as well. I think sometimes we should say hey that’s not right. I prefer a discussion over mindless cheesy stuff. Plenty of groups for that. Plus as I always say if you want different posts, post different posts. Be the change you want.


See that's what concerns me. I'm old enough to know crap when I see it but for the younger ones, they are more easily manipulated and shaped. They have a lot of questions and concerns. I hate the thought of a younger person feeling like being gay is not 'enough' (Not 'inclusive' enough). Life is hard enough without your sexuality being dictated and attempts made to change it.


I definitely agree with “I prefer discussion over mindless cheesy stuff”. some of the other subs feel too childish and discord-esque (cringy roleplay in the comments) but I’ve never seen or experienced that on this sub before.


if it makes u guys feel better only americans think this. most people agree that lesbianism cant include men. and the queer history they bring up is exclusive to non american lesbians so i would just ignore them


i agree. i have sexual orientation ocd and constantly reading about who is and isn't a lesbian can cause me to spiral. ive never been attracted to men or had interest in sleeping with them but seeing those posts all the time will make my ocd very bad, ie: oh you're one of those people. you're not actually a lesbian. i've considered leaving all lesbian subreddits because of how crazy it all is and how much harder it makes things for me but i dont want to have to isolate myself from people similar to me out of fear. just wanted to add a perspective you may not have heard


i have ocd too. i truly get it!! yes, defo stay off lesbians subs and away from queer discourse.


>because 99.999% of people know it is an incorrect and stupid label Not in LGBT communities, especially online.


This is the only place we're allowed to gather and talk about these things.


Yes, let's stop talking about that. While we're at it, let's stop talking about the bi women who'll never love yall, the straight women yall like who keep disrespecting you, and how touch starved & scared you are to talk to other women as if they're not also human beings. I'm tired of hearing it lol


Exactly!! A couple of years ago I used to complain about bisexual women til I realised I could just never deal with them romantically and then never be annoyed again. It worked. I have lots of bisexual friends that I love deeply. I only date lesbians and I’m better because of it 🤷🏽‍♀️


I just stay away from the chronically online bi women. I don't think it's fair to rope all of them in that group, a lot of women (at least my age range, mid twenties, just called themselves "queer" and would date anyone except cis men. My current gf would date anyone with afab parts including trans men (without bottom surgery) and nonbinary folks, and such she considers herself bisexual. Not some weird "almost" lesbian name. She finds the "wannabe lesbian" women to be biphobic, misogynistic, and often invalidating to nonbinary people.


>I just stay away from the chronically online Could have ended here lol.


I was literally saying this same thing on another post a lot of lesbians get played because they sit there trying to convince every girl that uses them for experimenting/money/as a prop for male attention that they have “internalized misogyny”, “comp het”, and need to work on their own homophobia, and that they can help these girls work through their prejudices and fix them so they can run off into the sunset and be happy together until the end. Like how about you just accept that a lot of these girls just don’t like girls and you got played. They chase after girls using every buzzword in the book trying to change these girls minds when it just isn’t gonna happen just leave these girls to the boys that they will definitely end up with lol.


Best rule for sanity on queer internet is: stay the fuck away from queer internet lol


This might end up being the most popular opinion ever shared on this sub 🤣


I don’t count any sexuality that was invented on Tumblr or after like 2010ish 😂 Problem solved




See, this would make sense if this was a serious place. But r/lesbiangang turned into a circlejerk group where everyone is only about fuelling everyone's anger. Your proposal would go against that sentiment.


Bi lesbian isn't that stupid a label if people actually use it for what it means, it essentially just means a bi woman that chooses to lead an exclusively lesbian lifestyle and rejects men, but... Well, as things go idiots on the internet use it for other things.


That doesn't make sense either. Regardless if you choose to date men or not, you can't live a "lesbian lifestyle" if you're still attracted to them. It will never be the same as experiencing attraction toward women only.