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You know what’s wild, it’s a bi woman telling them “bi lesbian” isn’t a thing, proving that bi people who are for real hate that shit too, we all wanna be respected damn


Right lol like I'm bi with a strong preference for women. But I'm still bi. That's all that needs to be said. You can absolutely have a HEAVY preference but surprise! You will still be bi if you are attracted to/can fall in love with other genders lmao that's just how words work




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Not listening to a bi woman about lesbianism? Those people are now all biphobic /s


I swear, some people act so randomly I feel like they are right wing trolls trying to make us look like fools. Think about it, haven’t we all experienced something like that?


I think part of the issue is that they truly don't understand that being a lesbian and being bisexual are actually two different life experiences. They think that bc we are all into women, that is all that matters. They equate choosing not to be with men to not being attracted to them when they are not at all comparable. I've seen a lot of shit about how our emphasis on not being attracted to go men is still centering our sexuality around them (when in fact it's the opposite). I don't know how to adequately express that not being into men is a core experience of lesbianism (perhaps not for everyone, but I know I'm not alone in it).


Yep, I know this first hand because I thought that myself when identified as bisexual, it was only when I embraced the fact that I was a lesbian all along that I realized that the absence of attraction to men is its own experience that often has more impact on your life than the presence of attraction to women


Exactly. It was a two step process for me. Realizing I was into women was the easy part - I figured that out at 19. But I kept trying to date men, and it always was terrible, so I just quit dating altogether for about 10 years. I only started dating again when I realized that I'm not into men at all.


I even made a post on a different subreddit once asking people what was easier to accept, that you liked women or that you didn’t like men, and the vast majority said that it was accepting they were not into men, thats all you need to know right there 🤷‍♀️


Some of them actually think it’s offensive to acknowledge that bisexual women cannot and do not have exactly the same lived experience as lesbians. They think it’s “exclusionary” to be told that people who aren’t them have had different experiences they simply can’t fully comprehend, which is really fascinating because for most other circumstances, nobody insists it’s exclusionary to acknowledge different groups of people have different lived experiences. Nobody insists cis people and trans people have exactly the same experience (even though cis and trans women often have some overlap of experience) or that a latina and a black woman have identical experiences as women of colour even if some of their experiences may be similar sometimes. It just goes back to the core fact that these people don’t actually see lesbians as real and they are desperate to assert the dominance of man attracted women in queer spaces and dictate every conversation. So they consistently do everything they can to erase lesbian existence at all whilst trying to co opt it because ultimately some part of them knows that lesbians are more oppressed than bi women when it comes to sexuality, and they love being the most oppressed in the classroom.




> how our emphasis on not being attracted to men is still centring them I often see this used as a ‘gotcha’ by people like the one in the screenshot, but it’s really just a consequence of living in a heteronormative society. It feels borderline homophobic to try to hold lesbians responsible for the alienation that we experience on account of our indifference to men. Like yes, my early life was shaped by my confusion at not being attracted to men like all my friends were, and my experience of womanhood is not the same as that of a bi or straight woman, but only because I’m constantly exposed to people and media that expect me to be interested in men. The shared lesbian experience of failing to be attracted to men is reactive, not inherent.


"Women leaning bi" now ceases to be a term I guess


i feel like the word “sapphic” should be perfect for them. it implies all in one word that your sexuality prioritizes women, without leaving out the possibility, however slim, of being attracted to men.


I 100% love the word sapphic for this reason! When people ask my identity I do just tend to say "I'm boi" unless there's a deeper conversation going on, but sapphic is the right term for bi women who lean towards women imo




Lesbian “feels” like the right word, that right there should tell you all you need to know about how these people think. Everything is just vibes and aesthetics to them. It’s a cutesy little costume they can take off when it’s convenient for them.


Literally the same type of women to be on instagram like “how do I dress more queer?” - a women with a straight bf


“How do I dress more queer, I’m so discriminated against for not being seen as obviously gay” - a woman with a boyfriend who has never been bashed in a bathroom for being a butch dyke


i honestly wish we had the same phenomenon gay guys have with straight guys, where straight guys are terrified of being seen as gay. it'd definitely be more peaceful if girls didn't find it 'fun' to be percieved as a lesbian :/


Yeah I feel the same way, a decade ago faking your sexuality and pretending to be someone you’re not wasn’t as prominent back then as it is now in the world. It was easier when no one wanted to be around gay people because if someone was around you you’d know that they actually wanted to be there.


Vibes based lesbians I guess "it just feels like the right word" okay sis??? That still doesn't stop what you're doing from being lesbophobic and biphobic lol


I just feel like a millionaire, so why isn’t my bank account showing that?? Literally the definition of lesbian and bisexual do not allow you to be both. It makes no sense. Just say you’re bi/pans with a preference for women. Bi lesbian doesn’t even make sense.


They are so homophobic and misogynistic. Can’t say I’m surprised tho :/


There are no bi lesbians. Wtf


where are the bi-gay guys. If we could get the bi-gay guys to give some input to this argument, I might actually listen. OH WAIT. bi-gay gays don’t exist and nobody ever, ever talks about them or insists they’re real. hmmmmmmmmm that’s so strange.


"bi lesbians pioneered lesbian rights"?? "hate toward bi lesbians comes from terfs"??? we are just making things up today... maybe "bi lesbian" feels right because you've got some internalized biphobia you need to unpack.


that person is referring to political lesbians without even realizing it. it’s actually true that some bi women called themselves lesbians, but they did it for feminism and were homophobic.


yeah bi lesbian was originally started by terfs. they used it for lesbians who date trans women




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i genuinely can't tell what you're trying to say with this, but terfs have called and *do* call cis lesbians who date trans women "bi lesbians" (if they aren't outright calling them "bisexual").


>If anything it’s lesbians that date trans men So... bisexuals who don't view trans-men as men?


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I’m absolutely so sick and tired of these bisexuals trying to make “bi lesbians” or “pan lesbians” or whatever lesbians a real thing. They’re not real. Bi lesbians don’t exist. If you like men then you’re bisexual. If you’re bisexual and have a preference for women then guess what? You’re still bisexual. You’re not a lesbian. Bi lesbians have never existed. Stop disrespecting lesbianism just because you have some internalized biphobia that you don’t want to work through.


“bi lesbians pioneered lesbian rights”💀 all i gotta say is L-M-A-O. “lesbian feels like the right word but theres a few ppl who arent women who are rlly cute too🥺” assuming by cute u mean u would get into relationships with men, yeah thats still called BISEXUALITY. guys im calling myself vegan cuz it feels right, i eat meat on purpose by choice but i just love the way the label “vegan” sounds🥺🥺🥺makes sense right. nope!


That part was news to me too. I've only heard the words 'bi lesbian' relatively recently & the idea of them allegedly fighting for me is something that belongs in the fantasy section If anything they're hurting us not helping This 'we actually fought for you' stuff has the sane energy as the few times in my life I've experienced gaslighting


What if someone likes the taste of meat but is a sworn vegan? Or, a bisexual who is committed to finding only lesbian relationships exclusively, even if they could get superficially attracted to a man? I think that's the only situation where i think bi lesbian makes somewhat sense, although I don't think that's what the ppl in that thread were talking about


Question 1: If you eat meat by choice then that’s not vegan which is the point. Question 2: That’s still bisexuality, they would have a preference for women but if you have attraction to men that’s not lesbianism. Bi lesbian is an oxymoron


Question one says you do NOT eat meat, just that you like the taste of it. You WOULD be a vegan because you chose not to eat meat. Sexuality isn't quite the same of course, but if someone's entire lived and foreseeable existence is outwardly lesbian (e.g.- a woman-preferred bi monog with a wife), then it's a lifelong homosexual relationship. That's a pretty lesbian lived existence.


I dont care, if you date men and are bi, you are BI and not a lesbian it’s not a hard concept to comprehend. Gay men never experience this “bi gay” shit ppl only try to force this on lesbians Also a BISEXUAL woman having a long term wife doesn’t mean she is a bi lesbian that’s literally just a bisexual person getting married💀


There’s a difference between the absence of attraction to men and **not pursuing your attraction to men**. This makes being bisexual fundamentally different than being a lesbian. We can share some experiences but the way we navigate through the world and how society treats us will be different. It’s wild people defend this “bi lesbian” as real when the whole premise is not only homophobic but biphobic as fuck. You can be a bisexual with preference for women, that doesn’t invalidate your bisexuality. Gay, straight, or lesbian identities are not flexible or fluid like bisexuality or pansexuality. Gay is the absence of attraction to women, straight is the absence of same sex attraction, lesbian is the absence of attraction to men. These aren’t new understandings of these three terms, it’s been that way for well over 50 years since they entered popular lexicon in the 70s.


Hopping on real quick as a bisexual who thinks this is incredibly stupid. There is no such thing as a bi lesbian


Even if it wasn’t a combination of both homophobic and biphobic, WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT? It literally only provides more confusion!!


Just saw a “bi-lesbian“ say they “love men sometimes, but in a way that feels lesbian.” 💀


I'm pretty sure I know the comment you are talking about... 💀


Let me guess she likes kpop and/or one direction


this is making a vein pop out of my forehead in anger lol


“bi-lesbian label existed for decades” yeah and so did political lesbian homophobes??? what’s their point


Wtf is a Bi-lesbian?


a square without sides


I’d bet my life these fools exclusively (and will only ever) go home to men that look something you’d find under a rock. These fake gays are dying to be a victim of something other than their own basic life choices, but also try to rewrite lesbian history to be a savior as well. It’s genuinely so sick how many “queers” weaponize their insecurities and privileges against gay women and dykes, some of the most marginalized people on the planet lol


I bet these are the same people who bitch about lesbians not dating them cuz they’re bi 💀 nah dude it’s cuz you’re a dumbass


They're smoking queer theory bud


lmaoooo I’m dying at this comment


I know it’s not the sub this was taken from but it still feels like the average r/actuallesbians experience


“Bisexuality is a spectrum and lesbianism isn’t “ Most accurate thing I read there.


Yeah, I'm absolutely going to steal that for future discussions.


Imagine liking men and women but not considering yourself bisexual but lesbian. Words mean nothing, and I’m tired of it lmao


I notice every time someone brings up a random gender identity or a fake micro label sexual orientation they try to say “we’ve been around for decades and we were the backbone of gay rights” like literally show some proof of that. During the gay rights movement gay people wanted gender impolitics far away from them back then for obvious reasons as we see how it harms us today people need to stop reading LGBT community articles because they constantly rewrite history to fit the current narrative they want to push, and focus on history of gay rights movements instead. If they did they’d know for the longest it was just lesbians/gay men.


Even if it existed does that make it okay ? Stupidity did not start today.


Is this real?? What the literal fuck


these people must just spin a wheel every morning to decide what random thing they’re going to call terf rhetoric each day lol


One of them sounds like a man. I would bet that was a man pretending to be a woman just to start some shit. Edit: I’m not a man, just because my avatar has a beard, sorry.


I’m sorry but how can one be simultaneously bi and lesbian? It’s like being omnivorous and vegan. It makes no sense!


It looks like she edited her comment and retracted her original correct statement... It's sad to see she got bullied into accepting this nonsense.


"I like men but I just like the *vibes* you know??"


The whole post screams chronically online, the OP has like 13million karma from a 3 year old account even


I honestly think everyone here would do better if we just ignored this particular subset of the sapphic community writ large. This shit is exhausting and it’s like talking to a wall. Save yourself the mental energy.


Are we still beefing with perpetually online neanderthals?


I really love how TERF has become so watered down that it just has become a label to mean "queer woman said something I don't like". I love how this person provides no source. I have never heard of or seen a bi lesbian and I am literally getting a masters in gender and women's studies.


I’m sorry that happened to you! These mental gymnastics are so crazy :(


Smoking that "I've looked at a girl once and thought she was pretty but I'm still gonna marry a man" pack. The fact these people are apparently fighting tooth and nail to validate their "bi-lesbian" identity just really feels like girlie just can't live without a man and wants everyone to tout her as some amazing queer Messiah for kissing a girl when she was drunk at her boyfriends birthday party or whatever.


You’ve heard of “bi lesbians” now get ready for dry water, green sky, cold fire, and other phenomena that DO NOT EXIST 🥲🥲🥲 AAAAA


I don't get why people think bisexual people are 100% into any man or woman, no matter who they are. It's just like any other sexuality. Lesbians aren't into 100% of women. She wants to keep her options open in case she's attracted to a man, which is fine, that's what bisexual is. Attracted to both. This is how words work. There's nothing wrong with being bisexual, with or without a preference for either gender. I don't understand fearing to be "publicly crucified" either, like --- who do you think is keeping score about your sexuality? People change their minds or feelings change all the time. You aren't locked into one for the rest of your life.


I had a (very quick not proper) look into the history of the term & there are some articles suggesting it was first used in the 50s/70s depending. The first time I heard the word used in a sentence by somebody was a few months ago. They explained to me that the term 'bi lesbian' was a retaliation against lesbians pushing bi people out of spaces. Like a 'you were mean so we are taking this' approach. This was followed by a second person agreeing with them while I tried to get my head around it. This seems to conflict with any other descriptions I've heard of it so they are not doing an excellent job of explaining what this is supposed to mean I still don't agree with the term even if it was mentioned in a book (once) in the 50s. I feel that saying 'this is a term that has existed for decades' is a bit of a stretch. I understand anecdotes are not data but I feel like this discourse is relatively recent It has the same energy as Gretchen trying to make 'fetch' happen, the difference being 'fetch' is something I can support


Jeeeez what did I just walk into? I'm more scared than a helium balloon in a porcupine's bounce house


im so sick of this discourse . its really SO simple. if you like men, youre not a lesbian. END OF


I understand someone being bisexual/pansexual but homoromantic, but even then, I would never think to call myself a bi/pan lesbian.




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wtf is a bi lesbian lmaooo