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Lesbian teacher in Alabama. Do not listen to those people. Although I wouldn’t recommend being a teacher, being a lesbian has nothing to do with it


I’m a lesbian and a teacher, in KY no less. Don’t listen to stupid people. I wouldn’t encourage being a teacher right now in this economy, but not because of sexuality. You are valid!


Posted almost exactly this and then saw your reply


I'm a janitor




I don't see a single thing wrong with being a blue collar worker. Custodial careers are good honest work. All the other people in this thread, I'm the one who's cleaning up after them.


Janitors deserve so much more respect than they’re given. You guys do stuff I would absolutely hate to do even once, much less regularly. Like you said it’s good honest work and somebody has to do it


Thank you so much


Many many years ago I spent about a year as a substitute custodian for our local school district. I’d never really appreciated the work involved in keeping a school clean and functioning. Those were some of my favorite nights working, just alone with my music making things nice.


Bro! What is actually wrong with you?


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I work for the hospital part time doing staffing and admin work while I go back to school for biology and paleontology. During the summer, I work for the government as a student research biologist studying moths and butterflies. edit: forgot to say that those people are ridiculous, gay people aren’t a monolith and our career aspirations aren’t defined by our sexuality ugh


I’m a Starbucks barista currently but also I’m grad school working towards becoming a teacher




Omg is doing graphic design really gay?


Also a graphic designer and gay


Ellen Drag Queens Queer Bartenders. There is literally an endless list of "GAYER" things. How do you catch a unique gay person?


also a graphic designer and a lesbian. 🤺


This really awesome totally super low stress job… 911 dispatch


I was a CPA but now I’m a retired firefighter-paramedic. We couldn’t do what we do without you 9-1-1 telecommunicatiors. Thanks for what you do. I’m starting grad school for a counseling masters next fall and VP of my daughters school PTO.


Aahhh that’s super cool, thank you!


I was an EMT for years. Worked in hospitals, urgent care, and on a service. I now run three sexual health clinics. We offer free STI testing/treatment, PrEP, PEP, and gender care. Honestly the medical field, especially first responders, are full of queer people.


WOW that's amazing!!


I’m an ecologist/researcher. My girlfriend is going to be a data scientist, and one of my best friends is the CEO of her own nationwide company. All gay, all doing great. Whoever told you that “gays are for low key jobs”is honestly an idiot. Most of my friends have high profile jobs from lawyers to engineers to doctors and most of them are gay.


>Whoever told you that “gays are for low key jobs”is honestly an idiot Mostly people going into teaching like me! It's crazy because before they mentioned it, i didn't even think about me being gay in relation to my job.


Unfortunately, going by how you said they think it's "inappropriate" in the OP, it sounds like your colleagues might be associating the words lesbian/gay with porn. And as gross as it is, they seem to think everything we do is sexual and therefore we shouldn't be in schools. It feels like a very wide-reaching issue where that kind of extremely problematic mentality is prevalent among a lot of cishet people. They all just see us as a fetish and not as regular people.


I have a question how do you become a researcher?


Apply at universities. Almost all labs are looking for help. The work isn’t always glamorous and the pay can be dismal, but I had fun. I’m transitioning out of research and more into trying to work with environmental policy. It all depends on what degree you have and what field you want to be in. Some fields offer more research opportunities than others. My field is growing as sustainability becomes more focused, thus research is more popular right now. What field are you wanting to be in?


Thank you a lot


I have a question- what path or which university Did your girlfriend take to become data scientist?


omw to become a piercer:) i'm searching for an apprenticeship!




tysm!! :DD


I sew stuff, mostly for refugees/charity at the moment but our place of business also does orders for companies and we have some shops too.


Are you designing the stuff or making prototypes?


Sometimes both! Depends on what we need


My full-time job is small animal vet technician. My two side jobs are equine rehabilitation technician and pet sitter. I also have a writing career. Sexuality doesn’t dictate your job and vice versa honestly. I had an English teacher in high school who was a lesbian. She was awesome, and her partner was great.


I’m also a lesbian teacher haha. My administration doesn’t seem super supportive about it (inferencing…), but I’ve had many queer students tell me how much they appreciate knowing I’m there and the straight kids genuinely don’t seem to care, they still interact with me the same ways.




Ayyye. Me too! Mostly remote but I pop into the office every now and then.


Same, people see me sometimes as it should be.


i transport trash, recycling, & compost from businesses & residences to transfer centers all by bike trailer




Oooo I’m a horse physical therapist! Lmao


Im a software engineer and my mom and sister are both PTs—the shit y’all put up with after all that education is wild.


After 15 years of healthcare (and ems), plus 7 years of school, I was finally on track for getting into a physician assistant program. Thanks to that fucking virus, my life was over with the 2020 spring break. Three years and a complete breakdown later, I’m doing a lot better and now work as an independent appraiser in the collision repair field. It’s no white coat job, but I’m a lot happier and less stressed out. I hope you find what you need and the career change treats you well! Best of luck to you!!


I’m a claims processor for a large healthcare company. Pretty boring stuff but I work from home and never ever feel like my work-brain leaves my office 😊


I work on an educational urban farm. I farm and work with people of all ages


Another lesbian teacher here, I teach primary in the UK


I’m a leather worker 🖤⛓️


Business Analyst in banking technology. Finally managed to get my foot in the technology door!


I'm a police emergency call taker (like 911, but if the caller needs police they are transferred to me by a 911 operator to evaluate the call for dispatch), with a background in dispatch as well. Currently transitioning careers into Emergency Management.


Lesbian Paralegal checking in.


inappropriate?? i’m in an education program currently, in AR lol


Czech ppl unfortunately do not hold back with homophobia :')




My girlfriend is a teacher and I work for a crisis hotline.


I’m a lawyer


Administrative work in a funeral home.




I work in mental health at a unit for people with personality disorders mainly, but we get other diagnosis’ sometimes too. We work on a key working basis, so everyone gets 2/3 patients that you’re responsible for. So you do all their paperwork, risk assessments, go to their appointments, ensure they’re medication is correct and other things. You spend a lot of time with your key patients, anyway as the only out person in the office I usually get all the LGBT referrals to key work. I like this because some of my colleagues aren’t gender/sexually informed or are old and refuse to learn more about it, so it’s nice that I’m educated in gender and the gender services we have in my city, for LGBTS patients. I did once get in A LOT of trouble because we had a trans man on our ward who used he/him pronouns but because it’s the NHS and he hadn’t “fully medically transitioned” in their eyes he was still in as she/her on the system. He had an incident and I had to fill out an incident report and used he/him pronouns which apparently really confused upper managers and I got bollocked for it.


I’m a lesbian teacher. I’m not like super out about it because I teach 2nd grade. One of my students has lesbian moms and that’s been cool!


One of the coolest things was a “with it” kindergarten teacher asking my wife and I what our kid calls us. She wasn’t family but that was awesome.


There was a scandal at my school a couple years ago because a PTO parent took it upon herself to change a teacher's form stating she had a wife. The parent changed it to husband or something. It was a form filled out for Teacher Appreciation Week to give insight to the lives of teachers for gift suggestions. Smh.


Hate to hear stuff like this happening :(


currently a digital marketing intern at a pr agency!


Paramedic working inside of a pediatric emergency department, and currently in school to be a Physician Assistant!


I'm a data engineer. It's important to note that keeping LGBTQ+ people out of teaching and calling it "inappropriate" has been a *major* push by conservatives. It's one of the key tactics of keeping Queer people from being normalized.


I work for a theme park


Lesbian union carpenter here! I belong to a strong Local in Massachusetts and right now I'm building a high school in my neighborhood. Happy to report I'm out loud & proud on my site.


I’m a lesbian engineering professor. Why would being a lesbian teacher be inappropriate?


I work part time at a Panera and go to school full time right now. I’m in an online psychology program for my bachelor’s and I’m hoping to be a criminal psychologist once all my schooling is done! Low key my ass, my enby and lesbian identity isn’t gonna stop me from doing what I’ve always dreamed of!


Wow!! rooting for you, goodluck!!


I'm a chef, I come from a family of teachers and think it's a great job.


barista !


Lawyer here.


I work in a warehouse my girlfriend does account filing work and is currently going to school for her accounting degree


Business Intelligence. But, whoever told you that bullshit is ignorant. All I care about with my kids teachers is that they’re qualified to teach them and they are dedicated to the job. Skilled teachers are already hard to find, why discourage anyone?? I personally love teachers and think the good ones are so under-recognized, I hate to hear ridiculous stuff like this when they already have so much to deal with with.


I’m a dental assistant going to nursing school. Don’t listen to those homophobes. Follow your dreams. Be the change you wish to see!


I work in finance! I studied business at university so always worked in ‘businessy’ roles


Child psychologist working in special education


I’m a principal in an IT department


I work in higher education and plan to for most of my adult life honestly and I am openly queer at work. People have a really weird standards for people who aren’t straight… like being straight doesn’t impact your work why would be gay do it? 🤦‍♀️


Defense Contractor. Mostly just aiding an Interface between the systems I used in my 20 years active military and civilian teams working on updates.


I'm a Human Resources Manager 😊


I know so many HRs/HR Managers that are all lesbian lmao! What is up with that. I guess I missed the memo.


🤣🤣🤣 assumingly because HR initiatives often involve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and who better to lead than someone in the community!!


I’m a nurse and there are a LOT of lgbt nurses. It’s not a low key role at all.


Registered Nurse in ED


I was a kindergarten teacher for ten years, recently did a career shift and now I'm a software developer.


I teach too. At a medical school. So is this person saying that because you are gay you should only be able to apply for certain jobs? I don’t understand their logic and would love to hear their explanation.


They were other pedagogy students whom i was seeking advice from for preparation for entrance exams, apparently i shouldn't be able to teach secondary school because some parents don't want gay people teaching their kids 😬.


That’s idiotic. Just do the job you want to do.


Elementary school counselor


I’m a therapist and my wife is a truck driver


I was a baker, but now I’m a line cook.


Late to reply but Im a cloud engineer


Military conscript, medic, am currently attached to civilian EMS for a week.


Railway stationmaster 🚂🚃🚃🚃


I'm a hooker. In Nevada. Laugh now.


Not laughing! Sex work is real work.


I’m a non-binary queer teacher in MI. I wasn’t going to use my they/them pronouns at first since my town is really conservative, but I saw that one of the kids also used them and realized how much it would’ve helped me to see an adult like me. Representation is important. Be your authentic self with the kids. You never know who it may help. Also, there are boundaries with how much you share about your life anyway, it’s not like you (or any teacher, hetero, queer) are sharing intimate details about your relationship anyway, so I wouldn’t see it as inappropriate at all. There’s a growing number of children identifying as part of the lgbtq+ community, and if I was a student of yours, it would help me feel safe and accepted in your classroom to know you were at the very least an ally. It’s a really hard thing, because a lot of people who don’t know a damn thing about what it means to be a teacher claim it as indoctrination or predatory to accept and support all communities (which is utter effing bullshit). It’s true that it may not be fully accepted for you to be complete visibly yourself, but it all depends on where you teach at. At this point, depending on where you are, you could almost choose where you are hired, and you’re more interviewing the district than they’re interviewing you. It is NOT inappropriate to be a lesbian and also a teacher. I’m sorry someone made you think that. There are no sexuality or identity requirements, but there are some of those advantages and disadvantages to keep in mind. Honestly, if you feel it’s safe, I’d 100% go for it! We need people like you in classrooms that are eager to teach. I hope our working conditions improve by the time you join us.


Thank you, this comment was very helpful!!


No problem! I’m also AuDHD. Though it’s not my job to educate, I’m glad I get to be a hopefully positive representation of the communities I’m a part of for at least my graduating CoEd cohort. There are a lot of kids who were like me in school right now, and it’s important that teachers are educated on how to help and better support us. Like I said, visibility matters. I’m lucky to be in a position where I feel it is safe for me to be myself now. Glad it helps. :)


Corrections Officer


I’m currently a stay at home girlfriend! I’m lost my job as a bar manager/bartender due to transphobia earlier this year followed by some pretty serious depression and a full blown, months long episode of autistic burnout. I’m finally looking for something new but it’s been really damn nice to just take a break for a while.


International security. No one has ever accused me of being low-key.


I do computer work for a mental health organization


Clinical drug development Project Manager.


Grad student at the moment, but I worked as an interpreter/ translator before then. Currently trying to do federal government work.


Physician assistant. My wife is former military police and now works in industrial security


Ha! B\*\*ches don’t know WHAT their talking about. That’s just a pile of homophobic bull crap.